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采用一种既保证计算的高效率,又有较高的计算精度的龙格库塔指数时程差分时域有限差分法(RKETD-FDTD)研究了等离子体的散射特性.该算法解决了电磁波在色散介质中传播的计算问题,导出了在等离子体介质中RKETD-FDTD迭代公式.文中分别计算了等离子体平板的反射系数和非均匀等离子体覆盖导体柱的散射特性,所得结果与解析结果相符合,并且表明等离子体涂层选择合适的碰撞频率,能有效地减小目标的雷达散射截面(RCS).  相似文献   
随着激光技术的发展和应用的复杂化,人们把注意力深入集中到激光束剖面特性的质量。过去那些用烧蚀斑和目视分析散射光斑等方法已经远远不能适应现代激光工艺和应用对激光束质量评定的要求。本文介绍应用电子图像方法诊断激光束的新技术。并将其应用于激光测速的光束诊断和监控。为改善激光流动测量的性能提供了有效的手段。  相似文献   
飞机摩擦阻力可占巡航总阻力的一半以上,减小飞机湍流条件下的摩擦阻力对于提升飞机巡航性能、降低燃油消耗具有重要意义。等离子体激励是等离子体在电磁场力作用下运动或气体放电产生的压力、温度、物性变化等对气流施加的一种可控扰动。采用等离子体激励减小飞机湍流摩擦阻力具有结构重量代价小、易于智能控制等诸多优势,受到国内外广泛关注。鉴于此,按照等离子体激励特性及其与湍流边界层的相互关系,将等离子体湍流减阻方法分为非定常激励、定常激励等类型,并梳理了其研究历程与进展。在平板湍流边界层中,等离子体激励能够诱导大尺度流向涡,产生输运作用,使摩擦阻力减小40%以上;在巡航迎角工况下的翼型上,激励同样能在20 m/s的来流速度下使翼型总阻力减小13.7%。发展新型高效能、高强度等离子体激励方法,实现高雷诺数、强逆压梯度气流环境下的湍流减阻,融入机器学习,推动开环控制向智能自适应发展,是等离子体湍流减阻技术未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
建立了面向复杂光学表面的大气等离子抛光系统,并用该系统进行硅片表面加工的实验研究.研究了CF_4、SF_6两种气体的放电特性以及加工效果,得到了加工速率与功率,流量间的关系,并通过原子力显微镜观察了加工后的表面质量.  相似文献   
Until the ULYSSES spacecraft reached the polar regions of the solar wind, the only high-latitude measurements available were from indirect techniques. The most productive observations in regions of the solar wind between 5R and 200R have been the family of radio scattering techniques loosely referred to as Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) (Coles, 1978). Useful observations can be obtained using a variety of radio sources, for example spacecraft beacons, planetary radar echoes and compact cosmic sources (quasars, active galactic nuclei, pulsars, galactic masers, etc.). However for measurement of the high-latitude solar wind cosmic sources provide the widest coverage and this review will be confined to such observations. IPS observations played a very important role in establishing that polar coronal holes (first observed in soft x-ray emission) were sources of fast solar wind streams which occasionally extend down to the equatorial region and are observed by spacecraft. Here I will review the IPS technique and show the variation of both the velocity and the turbulence level with latitude over the last solar cycle. I will also outline recent work and discuss comparisons that we hope to make between IPS and ULYSSES observations.  相似文献   
为了研究毛细管放电型脉冲等离子体推力器输出特性,借助电学诊断手段展开实验研究,获得了推力器典型放电波形,系统研究了不同毛细管内径和施加电压对等离子体等效阻抗、沉积能量效率的影响规律。利用微冲量测量台架,测试了不同参数下毛细管推力器输出元冲量,并通过计算获得了推力器比冲、总体效率的变化规律。实验结果表明,当毛细管内径不断增大时,能量沉积效率不断下降,元冲量下降,比冲降低。主电容电压增大时,放电能量不断增大,能量沉积效率降低,元冲量和单次等效烧蚀质量不断增大,但推力器比冲和总体效率均先增加并趋于稳定。当毛细管腔体长度为16mm,内径3mm,主电容2.5μF,充电电压为2kV时,输出元冲量350.79±7.50μN?s,比冲531s,总体效率可达18.3%。  相似文献   
针对高速飞行器高超声速飞行环境,建立了热化学非平衡流动数值模拟技术,并对计算方法的可靠性进行了验证,接着开展了真实气体效应对飞行器等离子体鞘套及其电磁参数的影响规律分析。结果表明:飞行器物面中心线等离子体密度峰值与飞行试验符合良好;对于碰撞频率,沿滞止流线,双温模型以及Park反应模型对等离子体碰撞频率的影响趋势是一致的;对于相对介电常数,除激波附近,流场其他区域的实部接近1,激波附近小于1,虚部沿滞止流线逐渐升高;双温模型以及Park反应模型对相对介电常数实部和虚部的影响趋势是一致的。   相似文献   
介绍了在CARDC等离子体风洞中开展的非烧蚀型防热材料超高温陶瓷(UHTC)的试验研究结果。对Ф20mm平头圆柱体试验模型,采用亚声速驻点试验技术,在驻点热流478W/cm2,气流焓值27.9MJ/kg,环境压力18kPa条件下,分别对代号C(15、10)型、Y型、S(30、15、10)型3种材料模型进行了试验研究,并对模型试验前后的长度变化、质量变化以及模型表面温度进行了测量,初步分析了模型的表观变化、抗氧化特性和表面辐射特性。结果表明:Y型模型试验前后表观变化不大,表面温度达到1930℃;S型模型表面生成一层薄氧化层,稳定情形下模型表面温度达到1964℃;C型模型表面烧蚀严重,模型表面温度达到2462℃,防热性能最差。  相似文献   
We analyzed UVCS/SOHO data and compared the H I Lyα (121.6 nm) and O VI (103.2 nm, 103.7 nm) emission in the polar and equatorial coronal holes. We found that the emission lines have similar characteristics in these two types of coronal holes. Both types show evidence for superradially diverging boundaries. The latitudinal distribution of the O VI line ratio may indicate that the equatorial coronal hole has O+5 outflow velocities lower than in the polar coronal holes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The dynamics of the current sheet is one of the most essential elements in magnetotail physics. Particularly, thin current sheets, which we define here as those with a thickness of less than several ion inertia lengths, are known to play an important role in the energy conversion process in the magnetotail. With its capability of multi-point observation, Cluster succeeded to obtain the current density continuously and therefore identify structures of thin current sheets. We discuss characteristics of the thin current sheets by showing their temporal evolution and the spatial structures based on several Cluster observations.  相似文献   
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