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分子标记速度测量技术及应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分子标记示踪技术是用于流场显示和速度测量的一类激光诊断技术。通过分析目前常用的分子标记方法、分子标记显示方法以及数据处理方法及其研究进展,对分子标记示踪测量技术进行了较为全面的介绍;列举了OH 和NO 分子标记示踪技术在超声速流动、边界层流动及发动机尾流的测量应用实例,并对实际应用中反应流场背景干扰、测量环境的强振动和内流场测量中光学窗口的影响进行了讨论和分析。  相似文献   
霍尔推力器等离子体羽流粒子模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了霍尔推力器羽流仿真模型,用单元粒子-直接模拟蒙特卡罗(PIC-DSMC)混合方法对SPT-7推力器的流场进行数值模拟,分析背压、扩张角和电子温度对流场的影响。结果表明:背压粒子增加了回流区内离子和高速粒子,加重羽流污染。SPT-70推力器羽流出口处扩张角约为30°。实验数据验证了仿真模型的正确和方法的可行,对电推力器及其羽流污染等的研究有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
MPT可靠启动与稳定工作影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1引言MPT属于电热型电推进,基本原理是利用微波发生器将来自电源系统的电能转化为电磁能,然后电磁波在谐振腔中产生谐振并与工质(可选用N2,H2,He,Ar,NH3,N2O或水蒸气等)耦合,使工质离解、电离,形成等离子体,最后高温高压等离子体从喷管高速喷出而产生推力。MPT的最大优点是没有  相似文献   
The bimodal grain size metals show improved strength and ductility compared to traditional metals; however, their corrosion properties are unknown. In order to evaluate the corrosion properties of these metals, the bimodal grain size 7075 aviation aluminum alloys containing different ratios of coarse(100 μm in diameter) and fine(10 μm in diameter) grains were prepared by spark plasma sintering(SPS). The effects of grain size as well as the mixture degree of coarse and fine grains on general corrosion were estimated by immersion tests, electrochemical measurements and complementary techniques such as scanning electron microscope(SEM) and transmission electron microscope-energy disperse spectroscopy(TEM-EDS). The results show that, compared to fine grains, the coarse grains have a faster dissolution rate in acidic NaCl solution due to the bigger size,higher alloying elements content and larger area fraction of second phases in them. In coarse grains,the hydrogen ions have a faster reduction rate on cathodic second phases, therefore promoting the corrosion propagation. The mixture of coarse and fine grains also increases the electrochemical heterogeneity of alloys in micro-scale, and thus the increased mixture degree of these grains in metal matrix accelerates the corrosion rate of alloys in acidic NaCl solution.  相似文献   
射频电子源以其结构简单、不易受污染、寿命长、瞬时启动等优点,可以作为离子和霍尔电推进的中和器,显著提升其寿命和性能。为了研究射频电子源的优化设计方法,基于放电室等离子体整体模型和非双极流动模型开展了射频电子源性能的仿真评估,并对研制的1A级电子源样机开展了实验测试。研究结果显示:仿真与实验结果一致性较好,引出电子电流与收集电压、小孔直径、工质流率、射频功率相关,各参数相互耦合且存在最优组合,样机额定工作点下,电子源放电损耗为99W/A,工质利用率系数为11。  相似文献   
Jupiter’s icy moon Europa is one of most promising places in our Solar System where possible extraterrestrial life forms could exist either in the past or even presently. The Europa Lander mission, an exciting part of the international Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM/Laplace), considers in situ planetary exploration of the moon. The distance of Europa from the Earth and the Sun asks for autonomous analytical tools that maximize the scientific return at minimal resources, demanding new experimental concepts. We propose a novel instrument, based on the atomic spectroscopy of laser generated plasmas for the elemental analysis of Europa’s surface materials as far as it is in reach of the lander for example by a robotic arm or a mole, or just onboard the lander. The technique of laser-induced plasma spectrometry provides quantitative elemental analysis of all major and many trace elements. It is a fast technique, i.e. an analysis can be performed in a few seconds, which can be applied to many different types of material such as ice, dust or rocks and it does not require any sample preparation. The sensitivity is in the range of tens of ppm and high lateral resolution, down to 50 μm, is feasible. In addition, it provides the potential of depth profiling, up to 2 mm in rock material and up to a few cm in more transparent icy matrices. Key components of the instrument are presently developed in Germany for planetary in situ missions. This development program is accompanied by an in-depth methodical investigation of this technique under planetary environmental conditions.  相似文献   
空间等离子体和航天器表面的相互作用常会导致航天器带电,造成危害.近年来,有人提出或试验了一些缓解的办法.文章对现有的缓解方法进行评论,讨论每一种方法的优缺点,并举SCATHA 和DSCS卫星的例子对取得的结果加以说明.  相似文献   
脉冲等离子体推力器(PPT)的性能受多方面因素的影响,包括放电参数以及推力器本体结构等。通过对脉冲等离子体推力器的工作原理和物理学模型的分析,研究了PPT的效率、比冲、推力、元冲量、推功比等性能参数与电极结构、电气参数的关系,并设计了实验,对效率、比冲、元冲量等与放电能量、电极间距的关系进行了验证。结果表明,效率、比冲、元冲量均随放电能量的提高而增大,元冲量在电极间距为50 mm时大于间距为30 mm、40 mm时的值。根据实验结果,提出了设计高性能PPT的一些优化条件,对PPT的设计有参考意义。  相似文献   
等离子体合成射流的理论模型与重频激励特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
等离子体合成射流(PSJ)具有激励强度大、响应速度快等优点,在超声速流动控制领域应用前景广阔。鉴于此,基于传热学和气体动力学的相关理论,建立了考虑喉道内部气流惯性、腔体内外热交换以及吸气恢复阶段的PSJ全周期理论模型,实现了射流速度峰值时刻、吸气过程和振荡过程等关键特性的预测。基于该模型,分析了等离子体合成射流激励器的重复频率工作特点,研究了能量沉积、激励频率和射流孔径对于重频激励特性的影响。重频条件下,激励器存在过渡和稳定两种典型状态。过渡状态下,腔内平均温度不断升高、射流速度峰值逐渐增大。稳定状态下,腔内气体参数呈周期性变化。随着能量沉积和激励频率的增加,激励器腔体内壁温度、射流速度峰值和时均冲力均增加。受腔体材料耐温极限的制约,激励器存在安全工作的参数区间(SOA)。随着孔径的增加,SOA增大,但稳定工作状态下的射流速度峰值和射流持续时间减小。  相似文献   
TC11钛合金微动磨损及疲劳防护工艺的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对 TC1 1钛合金抗微动磨损及抗微动疲劳的表面强化工艺进行了研究。试验结果表明,渗氮、等离子喷涂 1 2 % Co包 WC及 α-Al2 O3、离子镀 Ti N及 ( Ti+ B) N、离子注入 N+等对TC1 1钛合金的抗微动磨损能力均有所改善。其中,离子镀 Ti N及 ( Ti+ B) N防护效果较好,形成的表面强化层自身强度高且具有一定厚度,与基体结合性好,降低摩擦系数,使材料的抗微动磨损能力有较大的提高  相似文献   
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