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A comprehensive treatment to the fragment identification and statistics for the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of hypervelocity impact is presented. Based on SPH method, combined with finite element method (FEM), the computation is performed. The fragments are identified by a new pre- and post-processing algorithm and then converted into a binary graph. The number of fragments and the attached SPH particles are determined by counting the quantity of connected domains on the binary graph. The size, velocity vector and mass of each fragment are calculated by the particles’ summation and weighted average. The dependence of this method on finite element edge length and simulation terminal time is discussed. An example of tungsten rods impacting steel plates is given for calibration. The computation results match experiments well and demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   
Measurements below several MeV/nucleon from Wind/LEMT and ACE/ULEIS show that elements heavier than Zn (Z=30) can be enhanced by factors of ∼100 to 1000, depending on species, in 3He-rich solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Using the Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) on ACE we find that even large SEP (LSEP) shock-accelerated events at energies from ∼10 to >100 MeV/nucleon are often very iron rich and might contain admixtures of flare seed material. Studies of ultra-heavy (UH) SEPs (with Z>30) above 10 MeV/nucleon can be used to test models of acceleration and abundance enhancements in both LSEP and 3He-rich events. We find that the long-term average composition for elements from Z=30 to 40 is similar to standard solar system values, but there is considerable event-to-event variability. Although most of the UH fluence arrives during LSEP events, UH abundances are relatively more enhanced in 3He-rich events, with the (34<Z<40)/O ratio on average more than 50 times higher in 3He-rich events than in LSEP events. At energies >10 MeV/nucleon, the most extreme event in terms of UH composition detected so far took place on 23 July 2004 and had a (34<Z<40)/O enhancement of ∼250–300 times the standard solar value.  相似文献   
在受限空间预混钝体燃烧器中,利用OH-PLIF(平面激光诱导荧光)、PIV(粒子图像测速)和瑞利散射测温技术实验研究了火焰结构、流场和温度场之间的相互影响关系.对比分析了贫燃稳定与富燃抬升状态下甲烷/空气预混火焰的燃烧场特性.实验结果表明:火焰结构、流场和温度场分布之间均存在直接联系.贫燃(当量比为0.8)火焰钝体上方...  相似文献   
采用粒子图像测速仪(PIV)对5mm直径翘边孔横向耦合射流流场进行了研究,实验结果表明:射流入射角与翘边孔角度有较大的偏差,但是随着翘边孔角度的增加,射流入射角增大;引入翘边孔射流有效直径,由试验数据得到了有效直径的数值。对射流轨迹曲线进行了拟合,考虑了两种主通道气流速度、四种不同角度的翘边孔和三种不同深度的主通道,方程式能较好地反映小尺寸通道翘边孔射流的流动结构,为今后的流场设计提供依据。   相似文献   
多自主翼伞系统建模及其集结控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈奇  赵敏  赵志豪  马敏毓  黄荣发 《航空学报》2016,37(10):3121-3130
当前对翼伞系统的研究主要集中在单个翼伞,但实际空投中一般需要使用多个翼伞,才能完成大量物资、装备的空投补给任务,而多个翼伞同时空投时,将会出现翼伞需要集结、相互间需要避免碰撞等在单翼伞空投时不存在的问题。现有的单翼伞系统已能通过GPS/惯导系统及其他板载传感器实现自主飞行,针对多个自主翼伞的空投任务设计算法,以控制下降翼伞之间的相互运动,实现多翼伞系统的集结和避碰。首先以质点模型为起点,通过引入新的独立变量,并将翼伞运动转换至风固定坐标系,使得单个翼伞质点模型降维为非线性降阶模型,进而得到多自主翼伞模型,在此基础上提出了一种集结控制算法,利用每个翼伞自身的状态信息和相邻翼伞的状态信息,采用势场法使得多翼伞实现集结并避免碰撞,最后一致地降落至地面。仿真结果表明多个自主翼伞实现了集结,减小了翼伞的着陆散布,降低了翼伞之间的碰撞风险,验证了该方法的有效性,可以为进一步研究多自主翼伞协同控制提供理论参考。  相似文献   
通过稳态能量流法推导了半主动颗粒阻尼损耗因子与响应的关系,采用实验方法识别了半主动颗粒阻尼的损耗因子。分别研究了颗粒填充率和通电电压对半主动颗粒阻尼损耗因子的影响规律。研究结果表明:增大通电电压能提高半主动颗粒阻尼的损耗因子,损耗因子在到达一定电压后逐渐趋于稳定;半主动颗粒阻尼的损耗因子随着颗粒填充率的增加而增大,但颗粒填充率在达到70%以后,半主动颗粒阻尼的损耗因子增幅变缓并逐渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   
在飞行器燃油供给方式的选择和飞行姿态控制调整中,必须充分考虑贮箱内燃油的晃动情况及其对贮箱冲击力的影响。然而液体晃动问题的高度非线性使得其研究极具挑战性。采用光滑质点流体动力学方法对圆柱形贮箱内液体的晃动进行建模仿真,将晃动液体的控制微分方程组离散到一系列流体粒子上,从而将不同物理量函数的连续积分转换成支持域内粒子的离散化求和形式,通过求解线性方程组得到数值解。在固壁边界上布置一组虚粒子,以对内部粒子产生排斥力来模拟固壁边界条件,同时采用狄利克雷边界条件方法模拟自由液面,实现对自由液面的追踪。将仿真的液面变化与试验结果作了对比,吻合较好。得到了贮箱壁面上不同监测点的压强变化以及贮箱与液体之间的相互作用力,并说明了结果的准确性。数值计算方法对液体晃动问题的研究提供一定参考价值。  相似文献   
在某典型运输机翼身组合体的构型上,进行了考虑机翼尾流影响的机身后体气动外形优化设计研究。基于翼身组合体构型建立了考虑尾流影响和部分工程约束的优化设计系统,并对后体构型在巡航状态下进行了优化设计。以比较适合描述后体变形的NURBS样条基函数为空间控制体属性引入FFD自由变形技术,通过在FFD控制框架对该运输机后体进行了空间属性构建。采用无限差值动网格技术提高空间网格的更新效率并保证网格质量。利用改进Kriging代理模型、量子粒子群优化算法提高优化效率和全局寻优能力。为减小巡航阻力,对某运输机后体的上翘角、截面形状等参数进行了优化设计,优化结果显示,设计后的机身气动特性明显提高。  相似文献   
在众多的蒙特卡罗模拟程序中,介绍了其中的一种程序--GEANT程序.首先对蒙特卡罗方法的产生和基本思想作了解释,对GEANT程序的主要模块和基本结构以及粒子在程序中的传输过程作了描述.在程序中,GEANT程序应用了先进的ZEBRA存储管理器,使各个模块之间的联系更为方便.在空间粒子探测中,利用GEANT程序,可以计算空间粒子在探测器中的能量损失,在不同材料中的射程以及产生的次级粒子的数量,最后利用GEANT程序可以模拟出各种粒子在不同材料中的LET值,本文还进一步表明了蒙特卡罗方法对空间粒子探测的重要意义.  相似文献   
The selection pressure of genetic algorithm reveals the degree of balance between the global exploration and local optimization.A novel algorithm called the hybrid multi-population cellular genetic algorithm(HCGA)is proposed,which combines population segmentation with particle swarm optimization(PSO).The control parameters are the number of individuals in the population and the number of subpopulations.By varying these control parameters,changes in selection pressure can be investigated.Population division is found to reduce the selection pressure.In particular,low selection pressure emerges in small and highly divided populations.Besides,slight or mild selection pressure reduces the convergence speed,and thus a new mutation operator accelerates the system.HPCGA is tested in the optimization of four typical functions and the results are compared with those of the conventional cellular genetic algorithm.HPCGA is found to significantly improve global convergence rate,convergence speed and stability.Population diversity is also investigated by HPCGA.Appropriate numbers of subpopulations not only achieve a better tradeoff between global exploration and local exploitation,but also greatly improve the optimization performance of HPCGA.It is concluded that HPCGA can elucidate the scientific basis for selecting the efficient numbers of subpopulations.  相似文献   
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