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为了跟踪地面运动目标,本文提出在变结构交互多模型基础上使用均值漂移无味粒子滤波的算法。模型滤波中,通过均值漂移将无味粒子滤波产生的采样粒子向目标状态最大后验密度估计方向移动。"停止"模型基础上,提出了"遮蔽"模型:出现地形遮蔽时,使用上一时刻的预测代替下一时刻的测量,且保持道路模型与遮蔽前一致。仿真实验采用地面运动目标指示雷达,考虑地面运动目标的三种常见场景:进入或离开道路、经过道路交叉点以及无测量值。使用了RMSE和ANEES两种评价指标,实验结果表明本文算法有效地提高了目标改变行驶道路时的跟踪精度;且目标速度过低或被遮蔽时,可以避免轨迹中断。  相似文献   
一种基于感知的大规模场景粒子系统绘制方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在分析已有的大规模场景下使用粒子系统对自然现象等模拟方法的基础上,提出了一种绘制大规模粒子系统的方法.在大规模粒子系统的绘制过程中引入基于视截体模型的感知算法对粒子进行细化并引入双重缓冲技术以及粒子动态纹理.将粒子按所属不同区域进行分层次绘制,提高了真实性和灵活性,最终解决了传统绘制方法不适用大规模粒子系统的问题.实验表明,系统的模拟效果真实,满足系统对实时性的要求,适合大规模粒子系统的绘制.  相似文献   
This chapter reviews the current understanding of ring current dynamics. The terrestrial ring current is an electric current flowing toroidally around the Earth, centered at the equatorial plane and at altitudes of ∼10,000 to 60,000 km. Enhancements in this current are responsible for global decreases in the Earth’s surface magnetic field, which have been used to define geomagnetic storms. Intense geospace magnetic storms have severe effects on technological systems, such as disturbances or even permanent damage of telecommunication and navigation satellites, telecommunication cables, and power grids. The main carriers of the ring current are positive ions, with energies from ∼1 keV to a few hundred keV, which are trapped by the geomagnetic field and undergo an azimuthal drift. The ring current is formed by the injection of ions originating in the solar wind and the terrestrial ionosphere into the inner magnetosphere. The injection process involves electric fields, associated with enhanced magnetospheric convection and/or magnetospheric substorms. The quiescent ring current is carried mainly by protons of predominantly solar wind origin, while active processes in geospace tend to increase the abundance (both absolute and relative) of O+ ions, which are of ionospheric origin. During intense geospace magnetic storms, the O+ abundance increases dramatically. This increase has been observed to occur concurrently with the rapid intensification of the ring current in the storm main phase and to result in O+ dominance around storm maximum. This compositional change can affect several dynamic processes, such as species-and energy-dependent charge-exchange and wave-particle scattering loss.  相似文献   
We propose a new phase-mixing sweep model of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration based on dissipative properties of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs). The energy reservoir is provided by the intermittent ∼1 Hz MHD Alfvén waves excited at the coronal base by magnetic restructuring. These waves propagate upward along open magnetic field lines, phase-mix, and gradually develop short wavelengths across the magnetic field. Eventually, at 1.5–4 solar radii they are transformed into KAWs. We analyze several basic mechanisms for anisotropic energization of plasma species by KAWs and find them compatible with observations. In particular, UVCS (onboard SOHO) observations of intense cross-field ion energization at 1.5–4 solar radii can be naturally explained by non-adiabatic ion acceleration in the vicinity of demagnetizing KAW phases. The ion cyclotron motion is destroyed there by electric and magnetic fields of KAWs.  相似文献   
马智博  石磊  于明  郑欢 《航空动力学报》2019,34(6):1253-1272
为了评估无网格物理质团法(PECM)对可压流计算的可信性,结合物理认识对该方法的设计思想和数值格式进行了先验分析,基于9个一维模型数值解与参照解的对比信息,通过后验分析方法对PECM进行了程序验证,参照解包括无网格再生核粒子法(RKPM)的数值解以及精确解。验证结果表明:各种物理参数以及状态方程的强烈间断会导致RKPM严重的失稳或失真,而PECM在包括极大密度比在内的各种强间断条件下仍保持稳定和收敛并具有较高的准确度。   相似文献   
使用高时间分辨率粒子图像测速技术在水槽内精细测量平板湍流边界层内不同流向、法向位置的瞬时速度矢量空间场的时间序列信号。利用实验数据对湍流各向异性的涡黏张量模式进行了实验研究,给出了湍流边界层不可压缩槽道湍流中各向异性的涡黏张量各分量的空间分布规律。各向异性的涡黏张量分量的空间分布揭示了流向平均速度的法向梯度对雷诺应力三个分量的不同贡献。涡黏张量三个分量空间上的不同规律说明对涡黏张量的各向异性的考虑是合理的,而各向同性的涡黏模型不适宜描述剪切湍流雷诺应力的物理本质。  相似文献   
在航空发动机零部件的加工、装配及发动机工厂试车和检验试车过程中,运用先进的技术手段,开展以发动机零部件清洁度控制、装配清洁度控制及试车阶段滑油磨粒的监测试验,探索滑油中污染物的来源、污染程度及其对发动机使用的影响,确定磨粒来源、产生原因及典型故障模式,提出减少、控制污染物及磨粒的改进意见,进而制定出发动机滑油颗粒监测与控制标准,并应用于发动机生产及零部件的质量控制,对改进产品质量,降低生产成本,缩短生产周期等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
史志伟  范本根 《航空学报》2011,32(9):1583-1589
采用粒子成像测速(PIV)技术,在静止空气中测量了H型、O型和L型3种结构的介质阻挡等离子体激励器的诱导速度场,分析了流场结构,并研究了激励器设计参数对诱导速度的影响.研究结果表明,3种结构的激励器都产生了离开激励器表面向上的射流.其中O型和L型结构的激励器受电极电压的影响比较明显,随着电极电压的增加,射流速度的最大值...  相似文献   
This work analyses basic issues of conformity of the most well-known models of solar energetic particles (SEP) fluxes to the experimental data. It is shown, that the postulates on neglecting SEP fluxes in quiet Sun years and on invariability SEP fluxes in active Sun years, underlying some models, contradict the experimental data.  相似文献   
This paper is based on the observations of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) with the EISCAT VHF 224?MHz radar during the summer month 08–12 July 2013. The effect of high energy particle precipitation on PMSE intensity, particularly during their simultaneous occurrence for longer time interval (longer than or equal to 3-h) has been investigated. The correlation between the two phenomena has been computed using the Spearman rank and Pearson linear correlation coefficient. The variations in high energy particle precipitation reaching down to altitude of 91?km and PMSE intensity in the altitude range of 80–90?km are positively correlated. The electron density irregularity due to ionization caused by precipitating particles might be one of the possible reasons for this positive correlation. Moreover, some other background parameters i.e. K-indices (proxy of high energy particle precipitation) and electron fluxes during the simultaneous occurrence of the two phenomena also support one of the possible reasons given for explanation of the observed positive correlation. The X-rays and proton fluxes have no noticeable effect on PMSE echoes in this study.  相似文献   
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