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There are four bi-impulsive distinct configurations for the generalized Hohmann orbit transfer. In this case the terminal orbits as well as the transfer orbit are elliptic and coplanar. The elements of the initial orbit a1, e1 and the semi-major axis a2 of the terminal orbit are uniquely given quantities. For optimization procedure, minimization is relevant to the independent parameter eT, the eccentricity of the transfer orbit. We are capable of the assignment of minimum rocket fuel expenditure by using ordinary calculus condition of minimization for |ΔVA|+|ΔVB|=S.We exposed in detail the multi-steps of the optimization procedure. We constructed the variation table of S(eT) which proved that S(eT) is a decreasing function of eT in the admissible interval [eTmin,eTmax]. Our analysis leads to the fact that e2=1 for eT=eTmax, i.e. the final orbit is a parabolic trajectory.  相似文献   
Orbital debris environment models are essential in predicting the characteristics of the entire debris environment, especially for altitude and size regimes where measurement data is sparse. Most models are also used to assess mission collision risk. The IDES (Integrated Debris Evolution Suite) simulation model has recently been upgraded by including a new sodium–potassium liquid coolant droplet source model and a new historical launch database. These and other features of IDES are described in detail. The accuracy of the IDES model is evaluated over a wide range of debris sizes by comparing model predictions to three major types of debris measurement data in low Earth orbit. For the large-size debris population, the model is compared with the spatial density distribution of the United States (US) Space Command Catalog. A radar simulation model is employed to predict the detection rates of mid-size debris in the field of view of the US Haystack radar. Finally, the small-size impact flux relative to a surface of the retrieved Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) spacecraft is predicted. At sub-millimetre sizes, the model currently under-predicts the debris environment encountered at low altitudes by approximately an order of magnitude. This is because other small-size debris sources, such as paint flakes have not yet been characterised. Due to the model enhancements, IDES exhibits good accuracy when predicting the debris environment at decimetre and centimetre sizes. Therefore, the validated initial conditions and the high fidelity future traffic model enables IDES to make long-term debris environment projections with more confidence.  相似文献   
利用空间碎片环境演化模型的建模思想,对碎片环境建模的过程进行了分析与研究,通过分析1999年以前空间环境中碎片产生,衰减及在未来时间中的演化因素,建立了质量分布模型,并利用可得到的碎片数据进行了仿真研究,所得结果可供有关研究人员参考。  相似文献   
航天器异面气动力辅助变轨大气飞行段的最优轨迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究航天器利用气动力辅助变轨实现由远地轨道向近地轨道异面转移问题,就航天器利用大气飞行实现减速及轨道平面机动提出了一种考虑过程约束存在时的优化设计方法。通过方案设计将函数优化问题转换成参数优化问题,并利用美国航天飞机数据进行了模拟计算,得到满意结果。  相似文献   
停靠阶段轨道姿态耦合动力学与控制研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对停靠阶段追踪飞行器轨道与姿态动力学和控制耦合问题,在两种控制律作用下进行了研究,给出了轨道动力学和姿态动力学模型以及四元素表示的资态运动学模型,所给出的一个仿真算例表明,所设计的控制律是有效的。  相似文献   
面内轨道转移过程中的绳系系统摆振特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙亮  赵国伟  黄海  朱鸥宁 《航空学报》2012,33(7):1245-1254
轨道转移过程中的绳系系统处于非开普勒轨道,导致系统呈现复杂的动力学行为并影响着星体的飞行安全,因此研究系统摆振特性具有重要的理论和实际意义。针对复杂的非线性和强耦合问题,利用动量矩定理建立绳系系统姿态动力学方程,以切向常值加速度轨道转移为任务背景,给出了系统质心运动轨迹;通过分析面内摆角的静态分岔现象,推导了面内、面外摆角的一阶摆动解析解;引入经典的珠点模型,研究系绳纵向和横向的振动特性,并分析了系绳摆动与系绳振动之间的耦合关系。仿真结果表明:面内轨道转移过程中,面内、面外摆角以固定的频率绕平衡位置做往返摆动,摆动频率大小以及平衡位置的变化均与系绳长度、推力加速度和所处轨道密切相关,面内摆角摆动频率接近轨道角频率时会引起共振现象,系绳在轨道转移过程中会出现大幅度横向振动等现象。  相似文献   
对地观测卫星固定波束数据传输天线覆盖特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从卫星系统设计入手,利用J2轨道模型及星地空间几何关系研究了太阳同步、近极圆轨道、三轴稳定对地观测卫星的星地数传无线链路,得到了在地面站作用范围内均衡接收的波束分布特性。研究结果表明卫星进、出地面站的周向分布是不均匀的,沿卫星飞行方向进、出地面站概率最大,而垂直于卫星速度方向,卫星进、出地面站概率最低;并分析了波导十字缝阵组合天线的覆盖特性。  相似文献   
静态存储器单粒子翻转率预示的在轨验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SRAM型FPGA配置区的单粒子翻转可能对系统的功能产生严重的影响,因此必须进行针对性的加固措施,而加固的重要依据之一是在轨翻转率结果。文章将地面获得的Hitachi 4Mb SRAM HI628512单粒子翻转率预示结果与搭载在极轨卫星SAC-C等上的飞行试验的结果进行了比较。分析表明基于国内地面试验数据和FOM方法预示的在轨翻转率与国外的在轨监测数据接近,多位翻转的试验结果也得到了在轨试验数据的验证。这些结果表明我国在单粒子翻转的模拟试验技术和在轨翻转率预示方面取得了相当的进展,可以为卫星电子系统抗辐射加固设计提供有力的保障。  相似文献   
绳系卫星轨道转移的最优控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
考虑系绳的弹性以及复杂状态和控制约束的作用,研究了绳系卫星面内轨道转移的最优控制问题。借助Gauss伪谱算法,将绳系卫星轨道转移的连续时间最优控制问题离散为大规模动态规划问题,进而利用非线性规划方法进行求解。通过数值模拟计算了子星最优转移轨道及最优控制力。结果表明:在满足相关约束的条件下,通过调节系绳张力可将子星从主星下方转移到上方的平衡位置,精确地实现子星轨道转移,并使得轨道转移过程呈现出良好的光滑性和对称性。最后基于协态映射定理对解的最优性进行了验证。  相似文献   
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