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基于DSP的全数字闭环光纤陀螺   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
介绍了一种采用DSP(Digital Signal Processor)技术实现的全数字闭环光纤陀螺.该闭环光纤陀螺采用以多功能集成光学器件为核心的全保偏结构,以方波为偏置调制,数字阶梯波反馈.文中对该闭环光纤陀螺的前置放大、信号检测、数字解调、数字滤波等部分进行了设计和实现,对采用DSP技术解决系统精度和实时性矛盾的方案进行了讨论,并对闭环光纤陀螺的性能和参数进行了理论分析和实验测试.测试结果表明系统达到了小于0.3/h的零漂和100×10-6的非线性度指标.  相似文献   
民用飞机系统需求确认研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从系统工程的角度和民机设计的要求出发,主要讨论了民用飞机系统开发过程中需求的确认工作.需求相关工作是系统设计的一个起点,对于后续的工作将会产生巨大的影响.为了降低风险和研发成本,在设计之初首先需要做好系统的需求确认工作,保证需求的正确性和完备性,这样才能保证设计实现的正确性,最终实现项目的成功.本文从适航性的角度出发,着重描述了系统需求确认工作的流程和相关的确认方法.希望通过这篇文章能够为高度综合、复杂的飞机系统设计研制提供必要的支持  相似文献   
The ZDPS-1A pico-satellites are the first satellites in China within the 1-10 kg mass range that are successfully operated on orbit. Unlike common pico-satellites, they are designed to be "larger but stronger" with more powerful platforms and unique payloads so as to bear a better promise for real applications. Through their space flight mission, the functionality and performance of the two flight models are tested on orbit and validated to be mostly normal and in consistency with design and ground tests with only several inconforming occasions. Moreover, they have worked properly on orbit for one year so far, well exceeding their life expectancy of three months. Therefore, the space flight mission has reached all its goals, and verified that the design concept and the engineering process of the picosatellites are sufficient in allowing them the desired functionality and performance in, and the adaption to the launch procedure and the low-Earth orbit space environment. In the foreseeable future, the platform together with the design concept and the engineering process of the pico-satellites are expected to be applied to more complicated real space applications.  相似文献   
The increasing amount of space debris threatens to seriously deteriorate and damage space-based instruments in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environments. Therefore, LEO space debris surveillance systems must be developed to provide situational awareness in space and issue warnings of collisions with LEO space debris. In this paper, a double fence radar system is proposed as an emerging paradigm for LEO space debris surveillance. This system exhibits several unique and promising characteristics compared with existing surveillance systems. In this paper, we also investigate the data association scheme for LEO space debris surveillance based on a double fence radar system. We also perform a theoretical analysis of the performance of our proposed scheme. The superiority and the effectiveness of our novel data association scheme is demonstrated by experimental results. The data used in our experiments is the LEO space debris catalog produced by the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) up to 2009, especially for scenarios with high densities of LEO space debris, which were primarily produced by the collisions between Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251. We hope that our work will stimulate and benefit future work on LEO space debris surveillance approaches and enable construction of the double fence radar system.  相似文献   
为改善基于Unscented Kalman滤波建议分布函数的粒子滤波状态估计的性能,将Unscented Kalman滤波与RTS(Rauch-Tung-Striebel)固定区间平滑算法融合,产生了一种新的建议分布函数--Unscented RTS平滑建议分布函数。该函数首先实施Unscented Kalman滤波,之后对此滤波结果进行RTS固定区间平滑,以此产生预测样本。以此新建议分布函数得到的预测粒子的精度较通常的以Unscented Kalman滤波方法作为建议分布函数时得到的预测粒子的精度将大为提高,进而提高相应的粒子滤波算法--PF URTS的状态估计精度。新算法的可行性和有效性在GPS/DR组合导航数据处理中得到了应用验证。  相似文献   
A Newton-type method is proposed to improve the accuracy of control for relative motion of two satellites in close formation. We assume that the deputy satellite is equipped with a passive attitude control system that provides one-axis stabilization, and one or two orbit control thrusters are installed along the stabilized axis. Previous studies show that it is possible to construct periodic relative trajectories both in case of passive magnetic and spin stabilization. However, the accuracy of the numerically obtained control is quite low due to modeling errors caused by linearization of the equations of relative motion. Therefore, a correction procedure is required to compensate for nonlinear effects. To this end we suggest a recently developed algorithm based on the Newton method for solving nonlinear systems with geometric constraints. Being implemented, this algorithm allows decreasing the modeling error by up to ten times. The previously found control and trajectory of the linearized system are used as initial approximations.  相似文献   
主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)是高光谱遥感图像特征提取的重要方法。为了在保证精度的同时,提高高光谱遥感PCA算法的计算效率,文章提出一种基于图形处理器(graphic processing unit,GPU)+中央处理器(central processing unit,CPU)异构系统的PCA并行优化方法。该方法利用GPU的并行计算能力实现PCA中复杂的协方差矩阵计算与维数缩减过程,优化了像元去均值的计算流程;解决了GPU内核计算像元累加和非合并访问问题;利用共享内存机制,提高了访存效率。此外,该方法采用改进的Jacobi快速迭代法在CPU中进行特征分解,保证了算法的精度。实验结果表明,该方法在保证精度的同时能够有效提高计算效率,在Quadro600平台上的加速比达到141倍,满足了高光谱遥感图像实时应用的需求。  相似文献   
In this paper, the event-triggered consensus control problem for nonlinear uncertain multi-agent systems subject to unknown parameters and external disturbances is considered. The dynamics of subsystems are second-order with similar structures, and the nodes are connected by undirected graphs. The event-triggered mechanisms are not only utilized in the transmission of information from the controllers to the actuators, and from the sensors to the controllers within each agent, but also in the communication between agents. Based on the adaptive backstepping method, extra estimators are introduced to handle the unknown parameters, and the measurement errors that occur during the event-triggered communication are well handled by designing compensating terms for the control signals. The presented distributed event-triggered adaptive control laws can guarantee the boundness of the consensus tracking errors and the Zeno behavior is avoided. Meanwhile, the update frequency of the controllers and the load of communication burden are vastly reduced. The obtained control protocol is further applied to a multi-input multi-output second-order nonlinear multi-agent system, and the simulation results show the effectiveness and advantages of our proposed method.  相似文献   
This paper presents a practical and efficient design method for aircraft Mission Success Space (MSS) based on the entropy measurement (EM). First, fundamentals regarding MSS, Inverse Design (ID) and entropy are discussed. Then, two EM schemes of entropy-based ID and the whole MSS ID procedure are given to demonstrate alternative ways of entropy quantification and MSS design. After that, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is utilized as a search algorithm to find the optimal MSS design with the minimum objective, entropy, in each EM scheme. A simulation case of aircraft penetration mission is given for the method validation where the best aircraft MSS design is obtained by GA according to the minimum entropy. Results from two schemes are compared at the end.  相似文献   
李宇辉  赵敏  陈奇  姚敏  何紫阳 《航空学报》2021,42(6):324566-324566
传统翼伞系统的航迹规划主要考虑落点精度及逆风着陆等指标,而当空投区域环境较为复杂,在翼伞系统归航路径上存在障碍时,如何规避这些障碍也成为翼伞系统航迹规划所必须要考虑的因素。针对翼伞空投过程有可能遇到高山或者高大建筑物阻碍的问题,提出了一种复杂环境下翼伞系统的组合式航迹规划策略。该方法将翼伞空投的区域分为障碍区和着陆区,在障碍区中采用快速搜索随机树(RRT)算法进行可行路径搜索,考虑到RRT算法生成的轨迹包含棱角,导致路径不够平滑的问题,结合翼伞系统质点模型的运动特性,对其进行了适用性改进,以使规划的航迹满足实际翼伞空投需求。为了解决RRT算法搜索方向随机,难以满足逆风着陆的问题,当翼伞系统进入着陆区后采用分段归航的方式设计航迹,并借助遗传算法(GA)求解目标参数,实现翼伞系统能量控制及逆风着陆。提出的复杂环境下翼伞系统的组合式航迹规划策略求解速度较快,能够同时满足翼伞系统避障、能量控制及逆风着陆要求,得到的参考航迹较为平滑。  相似文献   
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