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In this paper, we consider an amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative communication system when the channel state information (CSI) used in relay selection differs from that during data transmission, i.e., the CSI used in relay selection is outdated. The selected relay may not be actually the best for data transmission and the outage performance of the cooperative system will deteriorate. To improve its performance, we propose a relay selection strategy based on maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation, where relay is selected based on predicted signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). To reduce the computation complexity, we approximate the a posteriori probability density of SNR and obtain a closed-form predicted SNR, and a relay selection strategy based on the approximate MAP estimation (RS-AMAP) is proposed. The simulation results show that this approximation leads to trivial performance loss from the perspective of outage probability. Compared with relay selection strategies given in the literature, the outage probability is reduced largely through RS-AMAP for medium-to-large transmitting powers and medium-to-high channel correlation coefficients.  相似文献   
认知无线电Ad Hoc网络中,吞吐量最大化是一个关键的挑战.为了实现这一目标,协同传输是前景看好的技术,利用在每个空间节点的多样性中继链路以增加性能,特别是在无线环境中由于不同的信道质量、有限的能源和带宽资源,这种想法是有吸引力的.文章在分布式动态环境下,研究了联合动态路由.中继分配和频谱分配分布式和本地算法,提出了一...  相似文献   
对于复杂的非线性导弹制导系统 ,很难求得其解析的最优制导律 ,只能求得开环的数字解 ,不能适用于具有时变不确定性的导弹制导系统。利用神经网络的学习和推广能力 ,对开环的数字最优制导律进行离线的学习 ,作为闭环的神经最优制导律在线应用。研究分别选择系统状态变量和视线角速率等不同的神经网络输入对制导系统性能的影响 ,以及各种制导律的鲁棒性问题 ,并采用模块化神经网络结构提高神经网络的学习和推广能力 ,仿真结果得到一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
基于RBF神经网络提出了一种H∞自适应控制方法。控制器由等效控制器和H∞控制器两部分组成。用RBF神经网络逼近非线性函数,并把逼近误差引入到网络权值的自适应律中用以改善系统的动态性能。H^∞控制器用于减弱外部及神经网络的逼近误差对跟踪的影响。所设计的控制器不仅保证了闭环系统的稳定性,而且使外部干扰及神经网络的逼近误差对跟踪的影响减小到给定的性能指标。最后给出的算例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
一种小波神经网络与遗传算法结合的优化方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
提出一种基于小波神经网络(简称WNN)与Pareto遗传算法相结合的优化方法,并用于内流的数值流场优化计算.小波神经网络由输入层、隐含层和输出层组成.在隐含层用Morlet小波母函数取代了误差反向传播(BP)神经网络中常用的Sigmoid激励函数.Pareto遗传算法具有很好的全局寻优能力和良好的优化效率,在通常情况下它总可以得到均匀分布的Pareto最优解集.典型算例表明:该算法快速、高效,能高精度的完成非线性函数的逼近与映射,其泛化能力很强.   相似文献   
Taking into chief consideration the features of aviation nodes in satellite networks, such as high moving speed, long communication distance, and high connection frequency, this article proposes an aviation-oriented mobility management method for IP/low earth orbit (LEO) satellite networks. By introducing the concept of ground station real-time coverage area, the proposed method uses ground-station-based IP addressing method and cell paging scheme to decrease the frequency of IP binding update requests as well as the paging cost. In comparison with the paging mobile IP (P-MIP) method and the handover-independent IP mobility management method, as is verified by the mathematical analysis and simulation, the proposed method could decrease the management cost. It also possesses better ability to support the aviation nodes because it is subjected to fewer influences from increased node speeds and newly coming connection rates.  相似文献   
认知无线网络通过不同种类的无线网络体系结构之间的并存和动态频谱接入技术可以为移动用户提供高带宽的服务。高效的频谱管理技术是这一新型网络面临的主要挑战之一。为了更好的理解认知无线网络,文章简单回顾了认知无线电技术,对认知无线网络的结构及特点进行了深入研究,明确了认知无线网络频谱管理的主要任务,并结合认知无线电当前的发展状况对认知无线网络频谱管理技术进行了总结分析。  相似文献   
In this work a methodology for inferring water cloud macro and microphysical properties from nighttime MODIS imagery is developed. This method is based on the inversion of a theoretical radiative transfer model that simulates the radiances detected in each of the sensor infrared bands. To accomplish this inversion, an operational technique based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is proposed, whose main characteristic is the ability to retrieve cloud properties much faster than conventional methods. Furthermore, a detailed study of input data is performed to avoid different sources of errors that appear in several MODIS infrared channels. Finally, results of applying the proposed method are compared with in-situ measurements carried out during the DYCOMS-II field experiment.  相似文献   
基于模糊基函数网络的系统故障检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了基于T-S模型的模糊基函数网络(FBFN),并提出了一种基于FBFN的未知系统故障信息检测通用方法.将未知系统分为已知部分和未知部分.系统的实际输出包括已知部分输出、未知部分输出和故障信息等三部分.已知部分用数学模型描述.未知部分包括系统的建模误差、噪声干扰等不确定性,用FBFN逼近.因此,根据系统的实际输出、数学模型输出和FBFN输出可估计出故障信息.最后给出了某飞机的微波着陆系统故障信息检测仿真实例.   相似文献   
提出了一种新的时变系统健康监控的损伤分类方法。将函数级数时变自回归平滑时序模型应用于时变系统的振动信号,以估计TAR/TMA参数和革新方差。这些参数是时间的函数,将它们在以特定的基函数构成的某种函数子空间上展开得到相应的投影系数组。所估计得到的TAR/TMA参数和革新方差可进一步用来计算潜在成分(LCs),将LCs用于健康评估比原来的参数更具信息。并将LCs联合并归化为数值得到特征集,输入概率神经网络(PNN)进行损伤分类。为了评价该方法,对一个时变系统进行了仿真,以各种不同的质量和刚度减少来模拟不同的损伤类别。算例表明:该方法能够在时变系统的背景下对损伤进行归类。  相似文献   
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