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网络对大学生心理健康影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在信息社会的今天,网络已经成为与大学生成长息息相关的新空间,对大学生的身心健康和生活方式产生了巨大影响。依据唯物辩证法的理论,针对网络的双刃剑作用,阐述了其对大学生心理健康产生的激发好奇心与探索欲、张扬个性、扩大交际范围等有利影响,以及认识能力发展失衡、情感世界趋于冷漠、产生畸形的人际关系、网络成瘾症等不利影响。并提出了解决不良影响的五种可行方法。  相似文献   
Spatial perspective taking is the ability to reason about spatial relations relative to another’s viewpoint. Here, we propose a mechanistic hypothesis that relates mental representations of one’s viewpoint to the transformations used for spatial perspective taking. We test this hypothesis using a novel behavioral paradigm that assays patterns of response time and variation in those patterns across people. The results support the hypothesis that people maintain a schematic representation of the space around their body, update that representation to take another’s perspective, and thereby to reason about the space around their body. This is a powerful computational mechanism that can support imitation, coordination of behavior, and observational learning.  相似文献   

We propose a mathematical model of the Path Integration (PI) process. Its core assumption is that orientations of a path are summarized by circular probability distributions. We compare our model with classical, deterministic models of PI and find that, although they are indistinguishable in terms of information encoded, the probabilistic model is more parsimonious when considering navigation strategies. We show how sensory events can enrich the probability distributions memorized, resulting in a continuum of navigation strategies, from PI to stimulus-triggered response. We analyze the combination of circular probability distributions (e.g., multicue fusion), and demonstrate that, contrary to the linear case, adding orientation cues does not always increase reliability of estimates. We discuss experimental predictions entailed by our model.  相似文献   

Many neuro-imaging studies have provided evidence that the parietal cortex plays a key role in reasoning based on mental models, which are supposed to be of abstract spatial nature. However, these studies have also shown concurrent activation in vision-related cortical areas which have often been interpreted as evidence for the role of visual mental imagery in reasoning. The aim of the paper is to resolve the inconsistencies in the previous literature on reasoning and imagery and to develop a neurally and cognitively plausible theory of human relational reasoning. The main assumption is that visual brain areas are only involved if the problem information is easy to visualize and when this information must be processed and maintained in visual working memory. A regular reasoning process, however, does not involve visual images but more abstract spatial representations—spatial mental models—held in parietal cortices. Only these spatial representations are crucial for the genuine reasoning processes.  相似文献   
This study sought evidence for the independenceof two classes of mental spatialtransformation: object-based spatialtransformations and egocentric perspectivetransformations. Two tasks were designed toselectively elicit these two transformationsusing the same materials, participants, andtask parameters: one required same-differentjudgments about pairs of pictures, while theother required left-right judgments aboutsingle pictures. For pictures of human bodies,the two tasks showed strikingly differentpatterns of response time as a function ofstimulus orientation. Moreover, acrossindividuals, the two tasks had differentrelationships to psychometric tests of spatialability. The chronometric and individualdifference data converge withneuropsychological and neuroimaging data insuggesting that different mental spatialtransformations are performed by dissociableneural systems.  相似文献   
劳动计量原理的理论基础与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从劳动过程的三要素出发,分析劳动过程和复杂性和劳动形态;基于劳动计量的三个尺度,提出并详细论证了劳动计量的三个原理及其本质特征与适用范围,对劳动计量原理的实现方法进行了综述和比较。  相似文献   
基于管制员工作负荷的终端区容量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现有的基于管制员工作负荷的空域容量评估方法进行分析,并比较各自的特点。提出了改进的基于管制员工作负荷的容量评估模型,模型的建立不仅考虑了管制员工作负荷的不同类别,即通信负荷、非通信负荷和思考负荷,还考虑了空域内航路结构的复杂性,即区分空域内不同航路走向上运行的航空器数量。描述了基于新建模型的容量评估方法。以哈尔滨机场终端区为背景,在雷达管制的基础上,使用新建立的模型,采用回归分析方法,计算了终端区容量,验证了所提模型和方法的可行性与适用性。  相似文献   
This paper presents a method to predict the pilot workload in helicopter landing after one engine failure. The landing procedure is simulated numerically via applying nonlinear optimal control method in the form of performance index, path constraints and boundary conditions based on an augmented six-degree-of-freedom rigid-body flight dynamics model, solved by collocation and numerical optimization method. UH-60 A helicopter is taken as the sample for the demonstration of landing after one engin...  相似文献   
Within psycholinguistics, the dimensional conception of space is described through a variety of theoretical constructs, e.g., frames of reference, perspectives, strategies, and patterns. The objective of this paper is to introduce a uniform classification of the alternatives of dimensionally conceiving of object relations, derived from the functional and morphological asymmetries of the human body which define an anthropomorphous Origo, and from our ability to mentally project the Origo into positions and orientations other than we actually occupy. Particularly, the conception of dimensional relations on the first horizontal line is explained through the principle of perceptual accessibility of objects; this allows for the uniform treatment of (almost) all conceptual alternatives from basic psychological principles. Finally, some implications of this anthropomorphological view for the human cognition of dimensional relations are discussed and underpinned with empirical results.  相似文献   
飞机驾驶舱显示界面脑力负荷判别预测生理模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对飞机驾驶舱显示界面脑力负荷的客观判别预测问题,综合采用事件相关电位(ERP)、心电图(ECG)和眼电图(EOG)3类生理测量技术,结合主观测评法和绩效测评法,在同一飞行实验任务中开展脑力负荷的实验测量与数学建模研究。实验结果表明:随着脑力负荷的增加,ERP测量技术中的失匹配负波(MMN)成分的峰值幅度(在Fz电极处)显著增加,P3a成分的峰值(在Fz电极处)显著降低;ECG测量技术中的心率变异性指标全部窦性心搏RR间期(简称RR间期)的标准差(SDNN)的数值显著降低;EOG测量技术中的眨眼次数显著降低。在此基础上,基于Bayes判别方法构建了脑力负荷判别预测生理综合评估模型,并将生理综合评估模型判别结果与NASA任务负荷指数(NASA_TLX)量表判别结果进行了比较,生理综合评估模型判别结果略高于NASA_TLX判别结果。该模型为飞机驾驶舱显示界面脑力负荷状态的客观、实时判定和预测提供了一种新的方法,同时也为中国正在研发的新型战斗机和大型客机驾驶舱显示界面中的人为因素适航审定工作提供了新的符合性验证工具。   相似文献   
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