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旋转高频信号注入法注入信号较为稳定,且位置估计过程不依赖电机参数,因而十分适用于内置式永磁同步电机(IPMSM)的零、低速转子位置检测。针对传统高频信号注入法无法辨别磁极的问题,用电压方波注入法检测磁极,结合有限元软件仿真,来合理选取方波电压幅值和时长,有效缩短了磁极判断耗时。分析了滤波器和信号离散化对位置估计精度的影响,提出在低速段可用线段拟合带通滤波器中心频率处的相频特性曲线,推导所需补偿角度与电机转速的关系。在理论分析的基础上,采用基于DSP28335的样机平台进行试验,结果表明磁极判断过程稳定,耗时较短,补偿后的位置估计值相比补偿前有明显改善,调速过程中系统动态性能良好。  相似文献   
设计了一种新型结构的磁悬浮式低频振动传感器,用于航空航天微振动的多轴测量。该传感器采用电磁、永磁混合结构以及微弹簧作为支承元件,通过轴向位移检测电路和光电位移传感器对磁悬浮质量块与壳体间的相对位移进行检测,实现低频振动信号的多轴测量。动态测量时,磁悬浮质量块在电磁力、重力和弹力的共同作用下可回到平衡位置并实现稳定悬浮,通过调整传感器的控制电流,可主动控制系统等效刚度和等效阻尼,从而有效地降低了系统的固有频率,扩展了传感器的频率响应范围。理论分析得到该传感器的下限截止频率为0.6 Hz,实验结果表明该传感器具有良好的低频响应,本文方法为多轴低频振动传感器设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   
针对传统低通滤波器在脉冲宽度调制(PWM, Pulse Width Modulation)开关功放电流降噪过程中存在去噪效果与系统带宽难以兼顾的问题,提出了一种基于提升小波变换的功放电流实时降噪法.首先基于dB4提升小波算法,采用滑动数据窗、对称边界拓展和阈值法强制降噪等相结合的方案实现对功放电流的实时降噪.然后根据不同小波分解层数对系统截止频率的影响,确定合适的小波分解层数.实验证明,提升小波实时降噪算法既可以有效地滤除功放电流噪声,又对系统带宽和相角滞后影响较小,非常适用于对实时性和信噪比都有较高要求的磁悬浮高速转子系统.   相似文献   
The paper deals with the relation of the southern orientation of the north–south component BzBz of the interplanetary magnetic field to geomagnetic activity (GA) and subsequently a method is suggested of using the found facts to forecast potentially dangerous high GA. We have found that on a day with very high GA hourly averages of BzBz with a negative sign occur at least 16 times in typical cases. Since it is very difficult to estimate the orientation of BzBz in the immediate vicinity of the Earth one day or even a few days in advance, we have suggested using a neural-network model, which assumes the worse of the possibilities to forecast the danger of high GA – the dominant southern orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field. The input quantities of the proposed model were information about X-ray flares, type II and IV radio bursts as well as information about coronal mass ejections (CME). In comparing the GA forecasts with observations, we obtain values of the Hanssen–Kuiper skill score ranging from 0.463 to 0.727, which are usual values for similar forecasts of space weather. The proposed model provides forecasts of potentially dangerous high geomagnetic activity should the interplanetary CME (ICME), the originator of geomagnetic storms, hit the Earth under the most unfavorable configuration of cosmic magnetic fields. We cannot know in advance whether the unfavorable configuration is going to occur or not; we just know that it will occur with the probability of 31%.  相似文献   
基于磁通感应的动目标探测原理及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究利用磁通感应技术对运动目标进行探测的方法。通过分析运动目标的磁特性,建立等效磁性模型。根据模型设计了探测感应线圈的结构,并从理论上推导出线圈内磁通量和感生电动势的求解公式。利用数值仿真获得了探测信号与运动目标特征及线圈参数的关系。计算结果表明,探测信号对运动目标参数及探测感应线圈的结构变化响应明显,初步验证了该探测技术的可行性。  相似文献   
提出了采用多根对称分布载流导线构成原子分束器的方法,包括三导线和四导线磁导引。阐述了原子分束器的分束机制,用Ansoft Maxwell 2D软件计算给出了部分载流导线移动到不同位置时的磁场分布图。通过分析了导引中心的变化,发现只要通过改变载流导线之间的相对位置就可以来实现从单路到双路导引和三路导引的转换。由此分别设计由3根对称分布载流导线构成的原子双路分束器和4根对称分布载流导线构成三路分束器,然后运用Monte Carlo方法模拟验证其原子分束功能。最后以三线对称分布分束器为基础构成Mach-Zehnder原子磁干涉仪。  相似文献   
本文分析了激光陀螺磁敏感原理,研究了腔内激光束椭偏度的产生机理,设计了高消光比激光束椭偏度测量系统。实验结果表明,激光陀螺磁灵敏度大小与磁场方向有关,输出激光束的椭偏度越大,磁灵敏度越大。研究表明,通过减小输出激光束的椭偏度,可减小激光陀螺磁灵敏度,从而增强激光陀螺环境适应性,提高激光陀螺的成品率。  相似文献   
This review focuses on the processes that energize and trigger M- and X-class solar flares and associated flux-rope destabilizations. Numerical modeling of specific solar regions is hampered by uncertain coronal-field reconstructions and by poorly understood magnetic reconnection; these limitations result in uncertain estimates of field topology, energy, and helicity. The primary advances in understanding field destabilizations therefore come from the combination of generic numerical experiments with interpretation of sets of observations. These suggest a critical role for the emergence of twisted flux ropes into pre-existing strong field for many, if not all, of the active regions that produce M- or X-class flares. The flux and internal twist of the emerging ropes appear to play as important a role in determining whether an eruption will develop predominantly as flare, confined eruption, or CME, as do the properties of the embedding field. Based on reviewed literature, I outline a scenario for major flares and eruptions that combines flux-rope emergence, mass draining, near-surface reconnection, and the interaction with the surrounding field. Whether deterministic forecasting is in principle possible remains to be seen: to date no reliable such forecasts can be made. Large-sample studies based on long-duration, comprehensive observations of active regions from their emergence through their flaring phase are needed to help us better understand these complex phenomena.  相似文献   
为了进一步减小磁悬浮飞轮的振动力和力矩,建立并分析了一种特殊结构的磁悬浮飞轮的微振动模型,并利用微振动测量平台、数据采集分析硬件和软件,通过试验测量了磁悬浮飞轮6个自由度的振动力和力矩.分析其时域特性和频域特性,其振动特性图(瀑布图)显示了径向两个平动方向X和Y的振动力主要是同频分量、倍频分量以及模态量,其中同频分量较为明显.利用开闭环自适应陷波,分别对X、Y两个方向的振动力进行主动振动控制,取得了较好的控制效果,使得两个方向的振动力的同频量显著下降.  相似文献   
彭超  高扬 《深空探测学报》2015,2(3):246-255
提出了一种新的利用星间洛仑兹力控制卫星相对运动的方法:使主星产生自旋磁场,副星带电,通过控制副星所受的星间洛仑兹力进行编队。假设主星产生的人造磁场表现为偶极子并且运动在一条开普勒圆形轨道上,副星恒定带电并在主星附近运动,同时假设星间洛仑兹力只影响副星的运动而不影响主星的运动。推导了副星在主星HCW(当地垂直当地地平坐标系)坐标系下的相对运动动力学方程。针对偶极子与HCW坐标轴X轴重合的情况下,推导了动力系统下的平衡点(并采用稳定性分析方法分析其线性化意义下的稳定性)、积分常数和零速度曲面,证明了有界相对运动的存在。最后用数值仿真验证了上述结论。  相似文献   
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