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The reasons of the static strength dispersion and the fatigue life dispersion of composite laminates are analyzed in this article. It is concluded that the inner original defects, which derived from the manufacturing process of composite laminates, are the common and major reason of causing the random distributions of the static strength and the fatigue life. And there is a correlative relation between the two distributions. With the study of statistical relationship between the fatigue loading and the fatigue life in the uniform confidence level and the same survival rate S-N curves of material, the relationship between the static strength distribution and the fatigue life distribution through a material S-N curve model has been obtained. And then the model which is used to describe the distributions of fatigue life of composites, based on their distributions of static strength, is set up. This model reasonably reflects the effects of the inner original defects on the static strength dispersion and on the fatigue life dispersion of composite laminates. The experimental data of three kinds of composite laminates are employed to verify this model, and the results show that this model can predict the random distributions of fatigue life for composites under any fatigue loads fairly well.  相似文献   
Tear Resistance of Orthogonal Kevlar-PWF-reinforced TPU Film   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work seeks to investigate the notch sensitivity and fracture behaviour of orthogonal Kevlar-plain woven fabric (PWF)-reinforced thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) film applied to high altitude balloon. Four types of specimens are implemented to measure notched strength and fracture toughness by conducting static tension and tear tests on an MTS system respectively. The damage and failure mechanisms are discussed and the results for notched strength and tear resistance are evaluated and compared with each other. From the experiments, it is found that the notch sensitivity of the film increases with the increase in the size of the hole, but the notch sensitivity and the stress concentration of the notch are insignificant and there is a decrease of only about 4%-10% in tensile strength for the notched specimens with different hole sizes in diameter compared with the unnotched specimen. In contrast, the tear resistance containing a central slit with only 1 mm length is about half of tensile strength of the unnotched film, which implies that the tear resistance exists an significant notch sensitivity. The results of this study provide an insight into notch sensitivity and fracture behaviour of the Kevlar-PWF-reinforced TPU film and constitute a fundamental basis for the design of high altitude balloon.  相似文献   
根据金属疲劳断口具有几何分形特征,将Chaboche高周疲劳损伤模型推广到分数维空间,建立了综合考虑断口细观特征的高周疲劳分形损伤演化模型.针对TC11钛合金电子束焊接接头,以载荷控制的疲劳试验为基础研究其高周疲劳性能;采用扫描电镜法(SEM)对断口微观特征进行定量分析,计算得到了各级载荷下疲劳断口的分形维数;通过对试...  相似文献   
李家伟 《航空材料学报》2003,23(Z1):205-208
就无损检测的内涵如何从探伤演变到评价及无损检测在质量控制中的应有作用作了叙述,希望对相关人员开拓思路、提高工作质量有所裨益.  相似文献   
固体火箭发动机柔性接头拉伸载荷下强度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柔性接头是固体火箭发动机摆动喷管的执行部件,由若干同心的环状球体的弹性件、增强件以及前后法兰相互交替地粘接在一起而成,采用轴对称有限元法对柔性接头在拉伸载荷下进行了强度分析,得到了在0.5MPa弹射压强的拉伸载荷作用下柔性接头应力分布,由此计算弹性件与增强件之间界面最大拉应力及层间剪应力分别为2.34MPa和0.28MPa,界面粘接强度满足使用要求。   相似文献   
本文对高强钛合金Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al在不同温度下的微动损伤和疲劳特性进行了研究。试验结果表明,该合金对微动损伤十分敏感,常温疲劳强度下降达50%。微动损伤的主要机制是疲劳脱层,这是由作用在材料次表层的交变切应力引起的,它将导致疲劳裂纹的萌生和早期断裂。疲劳裂纹的扩展方向可根据接触应力分析得到解释。在较高试验温度下,由于接触面形成的氧化层的保护作用,微动损伤程度减弱。  相似文献   
采用化学镀镍层作为铝合金LC4上防护层,应用电化学氢渗透技术研究了氢在LC4中的静态传输规律以及在不同热处理状态下,氢在LC4中的传输对其应力腐蚀敏感性的影响。实验结果表明:常温下氢在LC4中的静态传输是以扩散为控制步骤的过程。氢扩散系数为10~(-9)cm~2·s~(-1)数量级,为同条件下氢在纯铝中扩散系数的四分之一;LC4材料的DCB试样在常温下的3.5%NaCl溶液中的应力腐蚀断裂不遵循氢脆机理。  相似文献   
全尺寸飞机结构试验技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
全尺寸飞机结构试验是以对真实的飞机结构施加外载的方式,模拟其在使用中可能遇到的受载情况。通过测量飞机的响应,核对其设计是否达到要求,检验飞机是否安全可靠。全尺寸飞机结构试验作为一种传统的、可靠的验证手段,一直占据着不可替代的重要位置。本文结合飞机结构试验技术的发展,对全尺寸飞机结构试验相关技术进行了分析。  相似文献   
7000系高强铝合金的发展及其在飞机上的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阐述了7000系高强度铝合金的国内外发展现状,列举了高强度铝合金在国外飞机上的应用情况,指出了目前国内飞机用高强铝合金材料存在的问题,并对高强铝合金在未来飞机机体的选用提出了建议,供设计人员参考使用。  相似文献   
以Tsai-W u准则作为铺层失效判据,用三维有限元法研究了缠绕角度和环向缠绕层含量对炭/环氧管件轴压强度的影响规律。用Boltzm ann方程对有限元分析结果进行了数据拟合,得到轴压强度关于缠绕角的计算式。通过拟合公式计算了22°、35°、48°和61°共4种随机缠绕角的管件轴压强度,并对这4种缠绕角度的管件及其具有部分环向缠绕层的管件进行了轴压强度实验。实验结果验证了数值分析结果是可靠的。  相似文献   
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