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Rood  R. T.  Bania  T. M.  Balser  D. S.  Wilson  T. L. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):185-198
We report on our continuing efforts to determine 3He abundances in H II regions and planetary nebulae. Our detections of 3He in some PNe show that some stars produce large amounts of 3He. However the H II region abundances show no evidence for this production. From our sample of > 40 H II regions, the subsample which should yield the most reliable abundances has 3He/H abundances which scatter between 1-2 × 10-5. There is no trend with either galactocentric distance or metallicity. Even if we do not understand the underlying mechanisms, we see empirically that stars neither produce nor destroy 3He in a major way. We thus suggest that the level of the "3He Plateau" (3He/H = 1.5 -0.5 +1.0 × 10-5) is a reasonable estimate for the primordial 3He.  相似文献   
In order to improve the deposition rate and microstructure of pyrocarbon, nickel was introduced by electroplating on carbon fibers and used as a catalyst during the deposition of pyrocarbon at 1000 C using methane as a precursor gas. The distribution of nickel catalyst and the microstructure of pyrocarbon were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and Raman micro-spectrometry. Results show that nano-sized nickel particles could be well distributed on carbon fibers and the pyrocarbon deposited catalytically had a smaller d002 value and a higher graphitization degree compared with that without catalyst. In addition, the deposition rate of pyrocarbon in each hour was measured.The deposition rate of pyrocarbon in the first hour was more than 10 times when carbon cloth substrates were doped with nickel catalysts as compared to the pure carbon cloths. The pyrocarbon gained by rapid deposition may include two parts, which are generation directly on the nickel catalyst and formation with the carbon nanofibers as crystal nucleus.  相似文献   
本文用NND格式求解了化学非平衡流场,利用点隐式处理组分连续方程的刚性,采用全流场激波捕捉办法和特征理论,成功地进行了物面边界条件的处理,模拟了高马赫数来流条件下捻激波流场。化学反应采用了五组分五反应模型,建立起来的三维流场计算程序可用于复杂外形化学非平衡无粘流场的数值模拟。  相似文献   
针对高速、贫氧的加力燃烧室流动特性,应用大涡模拟-输运概率密度函数方法(LES-TPDF)结合三种航空煤油机理模拟0.1马赫数的一种两相、V型钝体稳焰器。结果表明不同化学机理模拟的回流特性差异大,剪切层湍动能强度与回流区长度不同。由释热分析发现钝体燃烧CO或H2氧化强烈,过弱的氧化使剪切层释热率低、掺混弱,因此湍动能小,CO、H2在回流区积累并缓慢反应、延长回流。本文统计不同机理的反应放热量,发现Kundu机理的CO、H2氧化放热之和仅占总过程的25.30%。而反应强的框架机理与L4机理放热占比达到50.50%与87.16%,回流吻合实验,适用于当前工况的研究。  相似文献   
单循环脉冲爆轰发动机内外流场的动力学结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对脉冲爆轰发动机由高温火团引发的甲烷-空气混合气体爆轰过程和管内、外轴对称流场分布进行数值模拟,考虑了CH4-O2-N2的19个基元反应和14种组份.计算结果反映了爆轰管出口端附近区域的激波衍射,涡环及复杂的涡与激波相互作用情况等,描绘了管内、外流场的动力学结构.  相似文献   
纳米铁薄膜是近年来国内外纳米材料科学关注的前沿领域之一,在诸多领域有广泛应用。目前大规模低成本制备方法还有待研究。以铁丝为原材料,利用羰基金属的化学特性,采用化学气相沉积法在石英基片上沉积纳米铁薄膜,利用扫描电子显微镜对不同条件下制备的薄膜进行了分析。结果表明采用以纯铁为原始材料,可以在较宽的实验条件下形成不同特点的纳米铁薄膜。  相似文献   
采用正交实验方法研究了Co,W和Ti对镍基单晶高温合金铸态组织的影响.结果表明,Ti元素偏析于枝晶间并扩大了合金的凝固温度范围,从而显著影响铸态合金中的共晶数量,随着Ti含量的增加,合金中的共晶数量大幅度增加.Co使合金的初熔温度略有降低.在具有大量共晶的高W合金的铸态组织中出现了富W相.  相似文献   
NomenclaturesA0—coeficientoftheArheniusequationC(n)—hydrocarbonconcentrationinunit(n)(mol/cm3)C0—hydrocarbonconcentrationatex...  相似文献   
Searching for extraterrestrial life attracts more and more attention. However this searching hardly can be effective without sufficiently universal concept of life origin, which incidentally tackles a problem of origin of life on the Earth. A concept of initial stages of life origin is stated in the paper. The concept eliminates key difficulties in the problem of life origin, and allows experimental verification of it. According to the concept the predecessor of living beings has to be sufficiently simple to provide non-zero probability of self-assembling during short (in geological or cosmic scale) time. In addition the predecessor has to be capable of autocatalysis, and further complication (evolution). A possible scenario of initial stage of life origin, which can be realized both on other planets, and inside experimental facility is considered. In the scope of the scenario a theoretical model of multivariate oligomeric autocatalyst is presented. Results of computer simulation of two versions of oligomeric autocatalytic reactions are presented. It is shown that the contribution of monomer activation reaction is essential, and in some cases autocatalysis in polymerizing reaction can be achieved without catalyzing proper monomer binding reaction.  相似文献   
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