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为对压气机静子叶片高精度设计与制造提供有力参考,以某高负荷压气机静子叶栅为研究对象,采用基于高斯分布型随机输入的非嵌入式多项式混沌方法,量化评估了端壁倒圆半径误差对最小损失和近失速两个工况下气动性能的不确定性影响。结果表明:倒圆半径误差的不确定性对气动性能的平均水平影响不大,主要反映在气动性能参数的标准差上。提高倒圆半径的加工精度可提升气动性能的鲁棒性近一倍。加工精度一定时,为对叶片进行鲁棒性优化设计,应重点关注近失速工况下气动损失的鲁棒性。根据公差带内端壁倒圆半径与近失速工况下气动性能的关联性分析,倒圆半径与气动性能呈线性关系,应避免倒圆半径与设计值相比偏小的叶片投入使用,以期获得良好的气动性能。通过近失速流场的不确定性分析,分离流动对于倒圆半径误差更为敏感,是引起气动性能不确定性变化的主要因素。   相似文献   
This paper proposes a Linkage Learning Genetic Algorithm (LLGA) based on the messy Genetic Algorithm (mGA) to optimize the Min-Max fuel controller performance in Gas Turbine Engine (GTE). For this purpose, a GTE fuel controller Simulink model based on the Min-Max selection strategy is firstly built. Then, the objective function that considers both performance indices (response time and fuel consumption) and penalty items (fluctuation, tracking error, overspeed and acceleration/deceleration) is established to quantify the controller performance. Next, the task to optimize the fuel controller is converted to find the optimization gains combination that could minimize the objective function while satisfying constraints and limitations. In order to reduce the optimization time and to avoid trapping in the local optimums, two kinds of building block detection methods including lower fitness value method and bigger fitness value change method are proposed to determine the most important bits which have more contribution on fitness value of the chromosomes. Then the procedures to apply LLGA in controller gains tuning are specified stepwise and the optimization results in runway condition are depicted subsequently. Finally, the comparison is made between the LLGA and the simple GA in GTE controller optimization to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results show that the LLGA method can get better solution than simple GA within the same iterations or optimization time. The extension applications of the LLGA method in other flight conditions and the complete flight mission simulation will be carried out in part II.  相似文献   
Complete and efficient detection of unknown targets is the most popular application of UAV swarms. Under most situations, targets have directional characteristics so that they can only be successfully detected within specific angles. In such cases, how to coordinate UAVs and allocate optimal paths for them to efficiently detect all the targets is the primary issue to be solved. In this paper, an intelligent target detection method is proposed for UAV swarms to achieve real-time detection requirements. First, a target-feature-information-based disintegration method is built up to divide the search space into a set of cubes. Theoretically, when the cubes are traversed, all the targets can be detected. Then, a Kuhn-Munkres (KM)-algorithm-based path planning method is proposed for UAVs to traverse the cubes. Finally, to further improve search efficiency, a 3D real-time probability map is established over the search space which estimates the possibility of detecting new targets at each point. This map is adopted to modify the weights in KM algorithm, thereby optimizing the UAVs’ paths during the search process. Simulation results show that with the proposed method, all targets, with detection angle limitations, can be found by UAVs. Moreover, by implementing the 3D probability map, the search efficiency is improved by 23.4%–78.1%.  相似文献   
基于深度学习的小目标检测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李红光  于若男  丁文锐 《航空学报》2021,42(7):24691-024691
随着深度学习方法的快速发展,目标检测作为计算机视觉领域中最基本、最具有挑战性的任务之一,已取得了令人瞩目的进展。现有的算法大多针对于具有一定尺寸或比例的大中型目标,但由于待测目标尺寸小、特征弱等原因,对小目标的检测性能还远远不能令人满意。小目标检测(SOT)作为一种广泛应用于室外远程拍摄和航空遥感场景的技术,近年来受到了广泛的关注,各种方法层出不穷,但是目前对该问题的全面综述较少。从问题定义、算法分析、应用介绍、方向展望等方面对基于深度学习的小目标检测研究进展进行了综述。首先,给出了小目标检测问题的定义,阐述了其技术难点及在实际应用中面临的挑战;接着,从8个不同角度分析了检测器对小目标检测精度较低的主要原因及相应的改进方法,详细归纳总结了小目标检测在各技术方面的研究工作;然后介绍了几个特定场景下小目标检测算法的典型应用;最后,对小目标检测未来的发展趋势进行展望,提出可行的研究方向,期望为该领域的研究工作提供可借鉴和参考的思路。  相似文献   
毫米波成像技术是安全检查领域中的新兴方向,研究符合此应用场景的目标检测算法并提升相应的检测速度与检测准确率,具有很高的应用意义和价值。本文提出了一种基于YOLOv5深度学习模型的实时目标检测算法,用来检测安检人员身上隐匿的违禁品,该方法采用GIOU_Loss损失函数,提升了衡量检测框相交的能力。此外,对网络结构进行了一定的优化和改进,同时增加了毫米波数据增强预处理功能,用以加速函数收敛,从而形成了针对毫米波图像进行物品检测的深度神经网络[1],以提高目标检测效果。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地检测毫米波图像中的危险品,具备自动识别和实时检测的优势。  相似文献   
轨道机动检测是当前空间监视活动的重要需求之一.当卫星在脉冲小推力作用下发生轨道机动时,会引起目标卫星与伴飞卫星相对距离变化率的阶跃突变,由于测量噪声的存在,距离变化率的阶跃突变特征被淹没在测量噪声中,不容易被检测出来.针对该问题,提出了一种基于概率判决模型的轨道机动检测方法.该方法采用独立同分布高斯白噪声模型描述测量噪...  相似文献   
阐述了空间引力波探测任务中无拖曳控制技术对推进系统的特殊要求,介绍了目前主要的备选推进类型:冷气推进、离子电推进、会切型霍尔电推进、胶体电推进。针对面向空间引力波探测任务的电推进系统的寿命评估工作进行了任务分析,报告了目前微牛级电推进系统寿命试验研究现状,举例说明了目前主要应用的电推进装置寿命预测方式,包括半经验模型预测、数值模拟预测、基于数据驱动的预测以及系统层面的可靠性评估方法。对目前微牛级电推进系统的寿命评估研究现状进行总结,给出了发展思路。  相似文献   
介绍了网络协议的工作过程和入侵检测领域巾的最新技术——协议分析的工作原理。提出并详细阐明了一种面向检测的网络攻占分类方法。  相似文献   
通过监控航空发动机性能参数,准确判断发动机的工作状态,预知发动机的异常变化.为预防和排除故障提供充足的时间和决策依据。开发出利用QAR(quick access Feeorder.快速存取记录器)数据的发动机故障检测系统,该系统基于民航发动机的QAR数据,由于发动机正常运行数据容易获取.而故障样本难以获得.因而采用单类支持向量机(OCSVM),仅依靠发动机的健康数据建立其分类器。利用OCSVM分类器.监控后续航班参数是否出现异常,通过分析检测结果,实现发动机故障检测。采用该系统监控航空发动机性能参数.及时发现发动机运行状态异常,证明了系统的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
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