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为了研究HTPB固体推进剂在单轴拉伸载荷下的细观损伤机理,采用高精度微CT对拉伸过程中的HTPB推进剂进行了扫描实验,获取了不同拉伸应变下推进剂的细观损伤形貌以及孔隙率变化规律,分析了推进剂细观损伤对宏观力学性能的影响。结果表明:初始损伤的存在使得推进剂在受到载荷作用时AP颗粒就开始脱湿,AP颗粒脱湿形成的孔洞是推进剂细观损伤的主要形式。拉伸应变较小时,相对小尺寸AP颗粒而言,大尺寸AP颗粒附近的缺陷更容易发展成孔洞。随着拉伸应变的增大,绝大多数AP颗粒都开始脱湿,在推进剂宏观断裂前,大量AP颗粒脱湿形成的孔洞发生汇合,最终使推进剂断裂。加载过程中推进剂孔隙率随拉伸应变呈指数变化,初始孔隙率为1.8%,60%拉伸应变时孔隙率为19.1%。推进剂宏观力学性能处于线弹性段时,其内部细观损伤依旧在不断增加,当细观损伤累积到一定程度时推进剂的承载能力下降,宏观力学性能进入非线性段;由于AP颗粒仍具有一定的增强作用,且HTPB基体也具备承载能力,所以推进剂的应力随拉伸应变呈缓慢增加的趋势。  相似文献   
近距耦合鸭式布局气动研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了近距耦合鸭式布局的基本设计思想.从实验、数值计算两个角度对近距耦合鸭式布局气动方面的研究进展进行了综述,重点对近距耦合鸭式布局增升机理方面的研究进行了总结.并对尚待解决的问题进行了展望.  相似文献   
Fiber-reinforced silica ceramic matrix composites (SiO2f/SiO2) have gained extensive attention in recent years for its applications in aeronautics field such as radar radome and window. However, the machining properties and mechanism of the material remain unclear. The features and mechanical properties of the material itself have a significant influence on both its machining characteristics and surface integrity. Thus, a full-factor grinding experiment is conducted using a 3D orthogonal SiO2f/SiO2 aiming to obtain its machining characteristics. The effects of grinding parameters and tools on the grinding force, surface roughness, and material damage type are investigated using a dynamometer, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Acoustic Emission (AE) analysis. The AE frequency band is analyzed, and a semi-analytical force model is established to study the difference between a single grain and wheel grinding. It was found that the changes in surface roughness correlate with the changes in grinding force, with fiber fracture being the main reason behind the increase in grinding force. Finally, the material removal mechanism was studied based on the AE analysis. It was found that the removal mechanism is fiber fracture dominated with matrix crack and debonding, and the primary sources of energy consumption are fiber fracture and friction.  相似文献   
结合新一代固液捆绑运载火箭的特点和需求,提出了一种新型固体助推器主传力点捆绑机构的轻量化设计方案。方案采用了静力学分析软件对该主捆绑机构开展结构布局优化、拓扑结构优化以及自适应对接设计及分析,实现300 mm径向空间下1 800 kN偏置集中力承载、均匀扩散功能和在70 t重载下轻便自适应对接等功能。通过仿真分析和试验验证,证明了该主捆绑机构满足承载扩散和对接要求。  相似文献   
舵面-液压伺服机构连接刚度参数辨识   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用特征方程反问题的直接方法对舵面-液压伺服机构连接刚度参数进行了辨识。方法以动柔度矩阵特征方程为基础,通过界面位移求解界面内力,并由模态迭加法通过舵面上可测自由度振型,拟合扩充机构内部的不可测自由度振型,然后由界面位移和内力确定连接部位的刚度参数,对某导弹舵面-液压伺服机构建模,并辨识相应界面的连接参数,结果表明,该方法简便且精度高,为舵面-液压伺服机构的动力学建模和分析提供了有效方法。  相似文献   
对大电流矩形镉镍电池进行了详细的失效模式与影响分析(FMEA),提出了相应的预防措施,对一南类电池的可靠性和维修性设计具有一定的帮助。  相似文献   
为提升战斗部破片对航空复合材料结构的毁伤效果,采用空气炮冲击、数值仿真、战斗部静爆试验等手段,研究了层合板冲击损伤类型和分层面积随破片速度的变化规律,并分析了损伤机理。研究表明:层合板冲击损伤类型、机理和程度,与破片速度和层合板冲击临界速度(即冲击物穿透层合板的最小速度)的相对大小有关。在本文试验速度范围内,当破片速度小于层合板冲击临界速度时,造成背面裂缝型损伤,分层面积随破片速度增大而增大;当破片速度略大于层合板冲击临界速度时,造成背面炸裂型损伤,分层损伤范围最大;而更高的破片速度则造成切孔型损伤,分层损伤面积随破片速度的增大而减小,并趋近于切孔面积。为提高对复合材料结构的毁伤效果,应使破片着靶速度略大于层合板的冲击临界速度。  相似文献   
Triple-satellite-aided capture employs gravity-assist flybys of three of the Galilean moons of Jupiter in order to decrease the amount of ΔVΔV required to capture a spacecraft into Jupiter orbit. Similarly, triple flybys can be used within a Jupiter satellite tour to rapidly modify the orbital parameters of a Jovicentric orbit, or to increase the number of science flybys. In order to provide a nearly comprehensive search of the solution space of Callisto–Ganymede–Io triple flybys from 2024 to 2040, a third-order, Chebyshev's method variant of the p-iteration solution to Lambert's problem is paired with a second-order, Newton–Raphson method, time of flight iteration solution to the VV-matching problem. The iterative solutions of these problems provide the orbital parameters of the Callisto–Ganymede transfer, the Ganymede flyby, and the Ganymede–Io transfer, but the characteristics of the Callisto and Io flybys are unconstrained, so they are permitted to vary in order to produce an even larger number of trajectory solutions. The vast amount of solution data is searched to find the best triple-satellite-aided capture window between 2024 and 2040.  相似文献   
针对一种自由装填式固体发动机热匹配失效模式进行了试验验证方法的改进研究,通过增加压差传感器,有效减小了传统试验方法测量精度产生的影响,证实了发动机工作过程中包覆套内外压差的存在,有力支撑了热匹配失效模式机理研究结果。  相似文献   
MMH/NTO双组元自燃推进剂反应机理简化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用反应流分析结合灵敏度分析的简化方法,对MMH/NTO详细燃烧化学反应机理进行了简化,获得包含25个组分和43个基元反应的MMH/NTO简化反应动力学模型.并从着火延迟时间和燃烧火焰温度两方面,通过对比理论结果、详细机理和简化机理预测结果,在较宽范围参数内对简化机理进行了验证.验证结果表明简化机理和详细机理预测的MM...  相似文献   
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