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电力负荷管理与控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电力负荷管理系统硬件的设计与实现中,着重介绍系统的两个关键部件、并路器和多路转换器,对系统数据采集编程,除介绍编程方法,利用的资源等外,还提出了远程数据采集处理后和计算机局域网联接的方法,简易可靠的镜象拷贝方法,以及提高软件运行可靠性的措施等。所研究的系统已交付抚顺电业局使用,实际运行表明,性能稳定,工作可靠,达到了预期的指标要求。  相似文献   
一种求非线性规划全局最小解的算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在评述了近20年来发展的全局最优化方法之后,提出了一种求解全局最优化问题的算法,即从一个求得的局部最小解点出发,去解一个最大化问题,这个最大化问题是构造一个辅助函数去寻求一个更好的局部最优解,这样就产生一个局部最小解序列,得后得到全局最小解,另外还有了全局收敛性定理,也给出了数值例子。  相似文献   
Different types of classification techniques are available in the literature for the classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data into various land cover classes. Various SAR images are available for land cover classification such as ALOS PALSAR (PALSAR-1, PALSAR-2), RADARSAT and ENVISAT. In this paper, we have attempted to explore probability distribution function (pdf) based land cover classification using PALSAR-2 data. Over 20 different statistical distribution functions are analyzed for different classes based on statistical parameters. Probability distribution functions are selected based on Chi-squared goodness of fit test for each individual class. A decision tree based classifier is developed for classification based on the selected pdf functions and its statistical parameters. The proposed classification approach has an accuracy of 83.93%.  相似文献   
This article compares the attitude estimated by nonlinear estimator Cubature Kalman Filter with results obtained by the Extended Kalman Filter and Unscented Kalman Filter. Currently these estimators are the subject of great interest in attitude estimation problems, however, mostly the Extended Kalman Filter has been applied to real problems of this nature. In order to evaluate the behavior of the Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter and Cubature Kalman Filter algorithms when submitted to realistic situations, this paper uses real data of sensors on-board the CBERS-2 remote sensing satellite (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). It is observed that, for the case studied in this article, the filters are very competitive and present advantages and disadvantages that should be dealt with according to the requirements of the problem.  相似文献   
Monitoring chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations in inland waters is crucial for water quality management, since Chl-a is a proxy for phytoplankton biomass and, thus, for ecological health of a water environment. Chl-a concentration can be retrieved through the inherent optical properties (IOPs) of a water system, which, in turn, can be remotely sensed obtained. Quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA), originally developed for ocean waters, can also retrieve IOPs for inland waters after re-parameterizations. This study is aimed at assessing the performance of sixteen schemes composed by QAA original and re-parameterized versions followed by models that use absorption coefficients as inputs for estimating Chl-a concentration in Ibitinga reservoir, located at Tietê River cascading system, São Paulo State, Brazil. It was verified that only QAAV5 based schemes were able to obtain reasonable estimates for image data and that by four models tested presented similar and acceptable results for QAAV5 outputs. The best model were applied to a Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) image. Light absorption in the reservoir showed to be dominated by colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and wide spatial and temporal variability of optical and water quality properties was observed.  相似文献   
针对基于模型的故障诊断流程中故障检测和故障识别两个关键问题,提出了一种基于神经网络的实现方法.首先利用BP神经网络进行参数估计,并结合系统模型进行故障检测;然后采用ART2神经网络进行数据聚类,并基于聚类结果进行系统故障识别;最后,设计实现了基于BP/ART2神经网络的故障诊断系统.基于BP神经网络的参数估计方法可以准确地估计诊断对象在不同状态下的参数,为故障检测提供有效依据;基于ART2神经网络的数据聚类不仅可以识别对象的已知故障类型,还可以识别出未知故障,对先验信息较少的系统进行故障识别更具有效性.通过永磁直流电机故障诊断案例的应用,证明方法能具有一定的工程实用性.  相似文献   
面向天文观测的空间科学卫星任务规划是一个复杂的多目标优化问题.通过对天文观测类卫星的任务规划要素及约束条件进行抽象,建立了面向天文观测的多目标任务规划问题模型,在此基础上设计了基于NSGA-II的多目标观测任务规划算法,并通过实例进行了实验及结果分析.研究表明,该方法能够有效解决天文观测类卫星不同规模的任务规划问题.  相似文献   
随着卫星遥感技术水平的提高,遥感数据的类型和数据量快速增加。为适应多类型、高速率遥感数据传输的复杂需求,对数传信息流进行了顶层设计,定义了数传与遥感系统数据接口以及数传帧格式,对遥感数据传输所需码速率进行了分类计算,为设计固定的下行数传码速率提供了依据。进而针对不同类型的遥感数据提出了基于分组优先级虚拟信道动态调度策略的数传信息流设计方案,确保不同类型遥感数据的传输满足不同的应用需求。对高速遥感数据确保满足较低的缓存容量需求,对低速遥感数据确保满足实时性传输需求。采用动态仿真技术对数传信息流设计方案进行了试验验证。设计方案可为后续新一代遥感卫星数传系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   
为了解决遥感图像采集与空间网络传输能力之间的矛盾,迫切需要具有码率控制功能的图像压缩算法。文章面向军事目标监测领域图像目标区域局部高质量需求,针对CCSDS-IDC(TheConsultativeCommitteeforSpaceDataSystems ImageDataCompressionStandard)图像压缩标准,提出了一种码率分配算法。新算法改进了原算法的分段方式,设置了段优先级,并根据优先段覆盖的比例及率失真模型设计了码率分配方案。结果表明新算法在局部峰值信噪比和局部视觉效果上较原算法有明显的提高,当优先段覆盖率低于压缩比倒数时,新算法的整体峰值信噪比与原算法接近。  相似文献   
大气数据计算机是无人机重要机载设备,为节省设计成本和时间,采用基于COTS的方法对大气数据计算机进行设计,给出了系统的硬件平台选型方案,以商用uc/os系统为底层操作系统,完成系统功能设计,并对设备的工作性能进行了验证,结果表明该方案合理可行,满足无人机设计使用要求。  相似文献   
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