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遥感卫星CCD相机量化位数与信噪比等图像质量(Quality)参数有重要关系,CCD相机量化位数的选择能够影响其图像质量。文章简要介绍了国际遥感卫星量化位数的选择,从图像信噪比、图像熵这两方面分析了量化位数与图像质量的关系,详细地对量化位数与CCD相机模数转换器件信噪比以及系统信噪比的关系进行了研究,并仿真得到不同量化位数的图像。对仿真图像的主观判断以及客观参数的计算结果表明,图像质量随着量化位数增加而提高。  相似文献   
文章介绍了风云二号卫星地面应用系统工程高速数据收集平台报告信号( DCPR)接收系统在北京气象站系统预交付联试中表现的天线频繁跟踪以及经过接收变频后的90.9MHz中频信号信噪比测试结果较差问题排查过程和有效的解决方案。问题排查过程主要针对DCPR接收系统射频接收机多个关键检测点进行测试,从测试结果和系统链路组成分析问题原因,并制定了四个具有针对性解决方案,主要是:DCPR接收系统射频接收机自带5MHz锁相晶体振荡器、加强手机信号干扰抑制、降低变频前链路增益、增加变频后链路增益以满足系统使用要求。最终将以上解决方案应用到风云二号卫星地面应用系统工程高速数据收集平台报告信号( DCPR)接收系统中,问题得到了很好解决。  相似文献   
文中设计一种形式新颖的开环对消电路 ,用于提高收发天线的隔离度 .它由耦合器、衰减器、移相电路和加法器组成。具有宽频带 ,结构简单 ,体积小等特点。试验结果表明 ,此对消电路可在 40 0 MHz工作频段内实现 1 0 d B以上对消比  相似文献   
固体火箭发动机排气羽流对红外制导信号衰减的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固体火箭发动机排气羽流对红外制导信号的衰减研究,对红外信号的探测与制导具有重要的理论和应用价值。文中主要介绍了红外制导信号的衰减机理,提出了计算排气羽流红外制导信号衰减的有效方法,编制了计算软件DROP,用该软件计算了水雾及颗粒群的光谱透射比,并与SIRRM软件的计算数据进行了对比。结果表明,两者数据基本一致,在工程应用中具有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   
采用CFD方法对大长径比卷弧尾翼火箭弹流场进行了模拟,对比风洞实验数据,验证了数值方法可靠性.对比单个弹体和翼身组合体的气动特性,得到了卷弧尾翼对全弹气动特性的影响.利用正交设计方法,建立以卷弧尾翼6个几何参数为因素的正交数值实验表,得到卷弧尾翼几何参数对各个气动系数的影响.分析零安装角卷弧尾翼在超音速下零度攻角时流场,指出翼面压力分布差异,得到自诱导滚转力矩产生机理,同时分别指出超音速时其随攻角、曲率半径、展弦比和马赫数的变化趋势.  相似文献   
吴霖  姜绪强  李铭  窦唯 《火箭推进》2021,47(2):54-60
膜盒式端面密封在低温液体火箭发动机涡轮泵中有着广泛的应用,作为直接影响密封工作稳定性及涡轮泵工作可靠性的重要参数,端面比压、膜盒平衡直径等如何选取一直是密封设计的重要工作.以某型低温液体火箭发动机涡轮泵的膜盒式端面密封为研究对象,研究压缩量、工作压力对膜盒应力分布、平衡直径、载荷系数和端面比压的影响.应用有限元法建立了...  相似文献   
反推状态下大涵道比涡扇发动机气动稳定性预测与评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了预测与评估反推状态下,反推气流再吸入对大涵道比涡扇发动机气动稳定性的影响,采用反推气流扰流流场三维CFD数值模拟、发动机整机稳定性计算分析以及反推状态下发动机进气畸变台架试验相结合的方法,开展了反推气流对大涵道比涡扇发动机气动稳定性影响的研究。通过三维CFD数值模拟手段,捕获了反推状态下发动机进口流场的畸变程度。在此基础上,通过采用稳定性计算程序预测了发动机的气动稳定性,并进一步通过发动机台架试验,验证了预测结果。CFD计算结果表明,随着相对来流马赫数的减小,反推气流被发动机重新吸入的可能性不断增大,当相对来流马赫数减小到0.05时,外侧发动机进口的流场畸变情况变得最为严重。进气畸变情况下的整机稳定性计算分析以及发动机台架试验结果表明,在所考核的目标状态,若只存在因反推气流再吸入引起的进口流场畸变,是不会导致发动机失稳的。  相似文献   
通过不同纺丝工艺的聚丙烯腈基炭纤维表面状态、NOL环及Φ150 mm容器的实验研究,分析了不同纺丝工艺对湿法缠绕复合材料聚丙烯腈基炭纤维强度转化率的影响。结果表明,干喷湿纺炭纤维比湿法纺丝Φ150 mm容器环向纤维强度转化率要高出11.9%~15.4%,湿法纺丝的炭纤维复合材料NOL环层间剪切强度要比干喷湿纺炭纤维复合材料高7.4~34.1 MPa。因此,干喷湿纺的炭纤维可应用于固体火箭发动机缠绕壳体、压力容器等主要承受拉伸应力的领域,可充分发挥其纤维强度;而湿法纺丝工艺制成的炭纤维与树脂基体结合紧密,利于载荷的传递,可应用于承受压缩剪切等复杂载荷的领域,从而发挥这两种纤维各自不同优势。  相似文献   
Leakage performance of floating ring seal in cold/hot state for aero-engine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rotating experimental investigations were carried out to study the oil sealing capability of two different floating ring seals in cold/hot state for aero-engine. High-speed Floating Ring Seal(HFRS) is a seal with the inner diameter of 83.72 mm and maximum speed of 38000 r/min, and Low-speed Floating Ring Seal(LFRS) is another seal with the inner diameter of 40.01 mm and maximum speed of 18000 r/min. In hot state, sealing air with the temperature of 371 K and oil with the temperature of 343 K was employed to model the working conditions of an aero-engine. Comparisons between floating ring seal and labyrinth seal were done to inspect the leakage performance.More attention was paid to the critical pressure ratio where the oil leakage began. Results show that the critical pressure ratio in cold state is obviously larger than that in hot state for both seals. An underlying sealing mechanism for floating ring seal is clarified by the fluid film, which closely associates with the dimensionless parameter of clearance over rotating diameter(2 c/Dr). Another fantastic phenomenon is that the leakage coefficient in hot state, not the leakage magnitude, is unexpectedly larger than that in cold state. Overall, the leakage performance of the floating ring seal is better than the labyrinth seal.  相似文献   
Global sea level rise due to an increasingly warmer climate has begun to induce hazards, adversely affecting the lives and properties of people residing in low-lying coastal regions and islands. Therefore, it is important to monitor and understand variations in coastal sea level covering offshore regions. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) have been successfully used to robustly derive sea level heights (SLHs). In Taiwan, there are a number of continuously operating GNSS stations, not originally installed for sea level monitoring. They were established in harbors or near coastal regions for monitoring land motion. This study utilizes existing SNR data from three GNSS stations (Kaohsiung, Suao, and TaiCOAST) in Taiwan to compute SLHs with two methods, namely, Lomb–Scargle Periodogram (LSP)-only, and LSP aided with tidal harmonic analysis developed in this study. The results of both methods are compared with co-located or nearby tide gauge records. Due to the poor quality of SNR data, the worst accuracy of SLHs derived from traditional LSP-only method exceeds 1?m at the TaiCOAST station. With our procedure, the standard deviations (STDs) of difference between GNSS-derived SLHs and tide gauge records in Kaohsiung and Suao stations decreased to 10?cm and the results show excellent agreement with tide gauge derived relative sea level records, with STD of differences of 7?cm and correlation coefficient of 0.96. In addition, the absolute GNSS-R sea level trend in Kaohsiung during 2006–2011 agrees well with that derived from satellite altimetry. We conclude that the coastal GNSS stations in Taiwan have the potential of monitoring absolute coastal sea level change accurately when our proposed methodology is used.  相似文献   
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