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Duringrecentyears,considerableresearcheforthasbeendevotedtothestudyofthemulti-ple-limbmanipulationsystemswiththeabilitytousea...  相似文献   
在点阵波理论基础上,通过假定合金中溶质原子浓度的适当分布并建立与之相应的衍射波波幅表达式,利用计算机模拟得面心立方(Cu-4w t% Ti)合金调幅(Spinodal)分解与有序化共存的X射线衍射边带形貌,其波形与实验结果颇为相近。进一步根据迭加原理在两相互垂直方向上对上述衍射边带合成,所得有序化模拟衍射花样与电镜衍射谱完全一致  相似文献   
分区并行跨声速流的计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用求解N-S方程方法计算了轴对称钝头倒锥体外形的跨声速大迎角层流流动。  相似文献   
中国居民多维贫困统计测度与脱贫路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫困不仅受到收入的影响,而且受到其他因素的影响,需要从多个维度研究与解决居民贫困问题。基于主成分分析与层次分析方法,对不同维度的重要程度进行了赋权,进而构造加权多维贫困指数,用于多维贫困评价。运用中国居民营养与健康调查(CHNS)数据,对中国城乡居民多维贫困进行了测度与分解。实证结果表明:随着社会经济发展,中国居民总体贫困程度有所减轻,而医疗、卫生、收入、教育对多维贫困指数贡献较大;多维贫困呈现出不均衡性,农村居民多维贫困比城市居民严重,西部地区多维贫困比中、东部地区严重,这为中国居民脱贫路径的选择提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
The precipitation over Tucuman (26.8°S; 65.2°W), which is representative of the Northwestern region of Argentina, is analyzed in search of an association with solar and geomagnetic activity, with the purpose of contributing to the controversial issue on the connection between climate variation and anthropogenic vs. natural forcing. Monthly time series of precipitation, sunspot number (Rz), and aa index were used for the period 1884–2010. A wavelet analysis was performed first which, due to the time series length, shows significant results only for periodicities lower than 32 years. Due to the transient character and non-constant phase of the results, any sustained wavelet coherence between precipitation and either sunspots or aa could be noticed. Moving averages and correlations were also assessed. The 11 and 22-year running mean of precipitation is positively correlated to Rz and aa when the whole period of analysis is considered. However, a shift in the long-term behavior of precipitation is noticed around 1940, which implies different correlation values with Rz and aa when the period before or after this year are considered. The solar cycle length is also considered for this statistical study and partly confirms the results obtained with Rz and aa. We propose plausible physical explanations based on geomagnetic activity and total solar irradiance effects over atmospheric circulation that could support the statistical result. A deeper analysis and broader geographical coverage is needed in order to detect a connection between precipitation and solar variability discernible from greenhouse gases effects. We emphasize the idea of the importance of recognizing and quantifying the different forcing acting on precipitation (or any other climate parameter), which sometimes can be barely evident from a solely statistical analysis.  相似文献   
先进客机设计中油耗指标的分解方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先进客机最重要指标之一是油耗指标。研究一种将油耗指标进一步分解为更为具体的发动机的耗油率指标、客机的升阻比指标和使用空重指标的方法。以典型中程客机为例,应用分段解析方法建立客机飞行剖面的燃油量计算程序。应用计算程序分别分析了发动机的耗油率、客机的升阻比和使用空重的变化对油耗的影响。在此基础上,对发动机的耗油率、客机的升阻比和使用空重的指标进行规划,以满足先进客机油耗指标的要求。研究结果为未来客机确定出合理的升阻比、耗油率和使用空重的指标提供了参考。  相似文献   
固定剖分(stationarysubdivision)方法是CAD/CAM、计算机图形学、图象处理等学科中一种新兴而有巨大发展潜力的几何造型方法。本文利用收缩性及样条函数给出了根据表征支集判别固定剖分方法一致收敛的一个充分条件。  相似文献   
把Rodrigue和Wolitzer(1995)提出的一种新型显格式应用于热传导方程有限差分区域分裂算法的内边界点,并得到这类显—隐算法的收效性结果。新算法的逼近阶较好,而且较纯新型显式方法可以节省一倍左右的计算量。  相似文献   
一种交互式分区网格的生成方法和软件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了一个具有交互性能的网格生成系统--BIGG系统。它是采用Windows环境下的C++语言与Fortran语言混合编程技术开发的,具有界面友好、显示灵活、交互性能强等特点。网格生成实例表明,采用BIGG软件可以缩短网格生成的周期,提高网格生成的质量。  相似文献   
重力波波包在剪切风场中的非线性传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用二维全隐欧拉格式,对具有高斯分布的重力波波包在剪切风场中的非线性传播过程进行数据模拟和分析,数值分析结果表明,在没有出现临界层的情况下,尽管存在非线性效应,在整个传播过程中,波动的等相面向下运动,波包和波相关能量仍然能够自由地向上传输。波相关扰动速度随高度增加而增加,并且垂直波长随高度增加而减小。  相似文献   
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