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The nighttime vertical E × B drifts velocities of the F2-region were inferred from the hourly hmF2 values obtained from ionosonde data over an African equatorial station, Ilorin (8.50oN, 4.68oE; dip lat. 2.95o) during period of low solar activity. For each season, the plasma drift Vz is characterized by an evening upward enhancement, then by a downward reversal at 1900 LT till around 0000 LT, except for June solstice. This was explained using the Rayleigh–Taylor (R-T) instability mechanism. The occasional drift differences in Vz obtained by inferred and direct measurement over Ilorin and Jicamarca, respectively are reflective of the importance of chemistry and divergent transport system due to both the E region electric and magnetic fields instead of simple motions. The pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) magnitude is higher during the equinoctial months than the solsticial months over Jicamarca, highest during December solstice and the equinoctial months over Ilorin, suggesting the dominance of higher E × B fountain during equinoxes at both stations. The lowest PRE magnitude was in June solstice. The appearance of post-noon peak in NmF2 around 1700 LT is highest during the equinoctial months and lowest during the solsticial period. A general sharp drop in NmF2 around 1800 LT is distinct immediately after sunset, lowest during June solstice and highest in March equinox. Our result suggests that between 0930 and 2100 LT, the general theory that vertical drifts obtained by digisonde measurements only match the E × B drift if the F layer is higher than 300 km is reliable, but does not hold for the nighttime period of 2200–0600 LT under condition of solar minima. Hence, the condition may not be sufficient for the representation of vertical plasma drift at nighttime during solar minima. This assertion may still be tentative, as more equatorial stations needed to be studied for better confirmation.  相似文献   
颜根廷  宋斌 《上海航天》2011,28(3):32-36,54
针对存在未知惯量矩阵和外干扰的刚体航天器姿态跟踪,提出了一种鲁棒自适应控制方法。综合自适应反步法和非线性L2增益干扰抑制方法,用自适应反步法构造系统的Lyapunov函数,获得了具L2增益的鲁棒自适应控制器,以保证姿态跟踪误差系统为一致最终有界稳定,确保估计的航天器惯量参数的有界性,并使从外干扰输入到评价输出的L2增益不大于给定值。仿真结果验证了方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
介绍了嫦娥二号卫星CCD立体相机的设计思想与结果、发射前检测与地面推扫成像试验.嫦娥二号卫星CCD立体相机仍采用与嫦娥一号相同的线阵推扫成像模式,但嫦娥二号卫星CCD立体相机的技术指标要求大幅度提高,主要表现为地元分辨率由嫦娥一号的120m提高为嫦娥二号在100km圆轨上优于7m与在100km/15km椭圆轨道近月弧段...  相似文献   
针对TC2钛合金异型零件的成形难题,设计了沿型面压边结构和中心顶出结构的2种成形工装,采用在不同温度下热成形的工艺方法.最后得出此种异型零件的适宜成形温度及成形工装结构.  相似文献   
The Meteorology Department of India has been measuring vertical column density of NO2 at Maitri (70.7°S, 11.7°E), Antarctica since July 1999 using a Mark IV, Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer. Maitri is situated at the south of the Antarctic circle. An analysis of 6 years of data shows that NO2 column has seasonal variation with a maximum value during summer. It is also found that during the period when sun does not set, the NO2 column exhibits a diurnal variation, with a peak around noon and lower values in the morning and afternoon hours. Using a simple steady-state chemical reaction scheme, an attempt has been made to explain these features.  相似文献   
星箭锁紧装置是卫星与火箭连接的关键机构。装置中的V形卡块在预紧力施加过程中,易发生偏斜,使得星箭分离配合面接触不均匀,产生应力集中,导致星箭分离面黏着磨损。研究了星箭锁紧装置中的V形卡块和上下端框的铝合金摩擦副在不同影响因素下摩擦系数的变化,探究了温度、正压力以及铝合金表面粗糙度对界面黏着和黏滞摩擦系数的影响。研究结果表明,硫酸阳极化处理的2A14T6-2A14T6比较适合作为摩擦副材料,在加工和锁紧过程中,应合理控制其粗糙度、温度和正压力,以避免黏着磨损。  相似文献   
电沉积ZrO2/Ni纳米复合材料低温高应变速率超塑性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电沉积方法制备了平均晶粒尺寸为45nm的ZrO2/Ni复合材料,并通过拉伸和胀形试验对该材料的超塑性能进行了研究。拉伸试验结果表明:材料在温度为420~500℃,应变速率为8.33×10-4s-1~1.67×10-2s-1时均获得了高于200%的延伸率。在温度为450℃和应变速率为1.67×10-3s-1时,得到最大延伸率605%。用扫描电镜SEM对拉伸前后试件的显微组织进行了观察,发现晶粒在温度的作用下明显长大。采用内径5 mm的凹模对ZrO2/Ni复合材料进行超塑胀形试验,在温度为420~500℃获得高径比H/d高于0.5的胀形件,说明该材料具有良好的超塑性能。  相似文献   
针对目前航天器近距编队长期飞行中存在的HCW模型精确度不够的问题,提出了利用平均轨道根数线性微分漂移率预测J_2摄动下航天器近距编队相对运动的方法,建立了一种新的航天器近距编队轨道动力学模型.仿真结果表明,解析模型计算得到的相对运动轨道和不考虑J_2摄动影响的相对运动轨道相比,解析模型运算时间很短,精度提高约50%(10个轨道周期之后),证明了模型的有效性和快速性,适合在线运行,同时给出了解析模型的适用范围.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种支持P2P MMOG的带有负载均衡的分布式事件分发算法.对于区域内玩家交互过程中产生的事件,由该玩家通过多播机制发送给其兴趣域中的其它玩家和区域协调者,而协调者仅负责保存区域内对象的状态信息并周期性的进行更新.实验表明该算法能够适应游戏状态的一致性需求,并且能够在较大的程度上均衡协调者和普通节点负载,提高系统伸缩性.  相似文献   
针对现有经验公式在计算爆炸地面冲击波超压值时存在的局限,采用NND2M差分格式对TNT柱形装药在小爆高状态下的爆炸冲击波效应进行了数值模拟研究,并与试验实测值及经验公式计算值进行了比较,分析了存在差异的原因,证明了本文采用的计算是合理可靠的.  相似文献   
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