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提出了利用构造系统的Lyapunov不等式的对称正定解,采用放大矩阵不等式的新方法,通过对鲁棒反馈控制系统不确定项进行结构表出,基于二次反馈策略构造系统的反馈镇定控制器。首先得到不确定线性时滞鲁棒系统稳定的充分条件,进而给出判别不确定线性时滞反馈系统鲁棒镇定的充分条件。所给出的定理争件易于表达,由于参数少而容易检验。  相似文献   
In this work, a Model-Based Systems Engineering approach based on SysML is proposed. This approach is used for the capture and the definition of functional requirements in avionics domain. The motivation of this work is triple: guide the capture of functional requirements, validate these functional requirements through functional simulation, and verify efficiently the consistency of these functional requirements. The proposed approach is decomposed into several steps that are detailed to go from conceptual model of avionics domain to a formal functional model that can be simulated in its operating context. To achieve this work, a subset of SysML has been used as an intermediate modelling language to ensure progressive transformation that can be understood and agreed by system stakeholders. Formal concepts are introduced to ensure theoretical consistency of the approach. In addition, transformation rules are defined and the mappings between concepts of ARP4754A civil aircraft guidelines and SysML are formalized through meta-model. The resulting formalization enables engineers to perform functional simulation of the top-level functional architecture extracted from operational scenarios. Finally, the approach has been tested on an industrial avionics system called the Onboard Maintenance System.  相似文献   
Smith  Howard A. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,105(1-2):493-505
Astronomy and space science, including their associated basic research activities, enjoy broad popular backing. People generally support them, and say that they follow their results with interest. This article summarizes some of the detailed results of public surveys in the United States, focusing on popular opinions and attitudes, and the somewhat paradoxical finding that despite being interested and supportive, people are often ignorant about the basic facts. I explore some of the reasons for the popularity of space science, and suggest ways of justifying space science research in the broader context of science research. I argue that vigorous and innovative education and outreach programs are important, and can be made even more effective. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
随着局域网络产品的不断增加,局域网络的标准化问题就变得非常重要,它可以缩短网络开发周期并提高其兼容性。由美国IBM与Microsoft公司推出的以DOS为基础的NETBIOS网络操作系统,已构成当前局域网络研制的标准,它使各种局域网络均向它靠拢,形成了目前局域网络软件开发的主要方法与途径。 本文在对NETBIOS分析的基础上,进行了应用开发,为光纤局域网络NHFBNET研制出NHDCS网络软件。在研制过程中很好地解决了分布式网络软件的前后台功能与程序的可重入问题,使得所研制的软件具有较强的分布式功能和良好的兼容性,为第三代网络软件——分布式功能的网络软件的开发探索出一条新的路径。  相似文献   
软件可靠性预计方法研究及实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
软件可靠性评估可以估计和预计软件可靠性水平.为了解决软件可靠性预计过程中存在的问题,提出了一种软件可靠性预计方法.该方法通过分析和改进模型的预计质量来选择模型进行预计,对模型预计质量的分析使用了U图、Y图和对数PLR图,再标定法和组合法被用于改进模型的预计质量.在该方法的基础上开发了软件可靠性分析工具,此工具可以进行多种软件可靠性模型的原始预计、预计质量分析和改进原始模型的预计质量.  相似文献   
赵勇 《航空学报》1993,14(5):269-275
本文介绍在PC机上开发捷联惯导系统软件并进行数字仿真的方法,讨论了从分配软件任务,到开发实时软件、管理软件、仿真软件,直至固化运行的全过程。还介绍了ASM-86语尔、PL/M-86语言与C语言混合编程的技巧与优点。该方法与传统的在86/380开发系统上开发捷联系统软件的方法相比,具有良好的经济效益与实用价值。同时,本方法具有通用性,可用在以8086为基体的单板机软件开发上。  相似文献   
为减少和消除海峡两岸科技文化交流上的词汇障碍,各学科广泛开展着科技术语的调查研究、交流和讨论。当前做法为两步走,首先是分析两岸用词上相同和差异的词目,共同编订对照本,共建对照和约定;然后逐步地通过对存在差异的个例进行选优汰劣和具体的商榷,过渡到更多的协调和一致。  相似文献   
中国返回式卫星的搭载任务—空间材料科学试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年以来,为充分利用中国返回式卫星的剩余载荷能力,有计划地以搭载形式进行了一系列空间科学和技术试验,取得了较好的结果。文章简要地介绍在空间材料科学试验方面取得的成果。  相似文献   
本文研究一般线性阻尼系统的振动问题。仅假定系统的质量矩阵非奇异,将系统模态的加权正交关系式作了拓广,并利用相互等价的一次本征方程与二次本征方程间的转换关系,简捷地求得了预解式的各种模态展开式。  相似文献   
IBM3880是磁盘存贮控制器,IBM3803是磁带控制器。本文介绍了3880,3803作为两台IBM 4341主机共享外设的意义,分析讨论了这两种设备的结构原理及共享实现方法。  相似文献   
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