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刘帆  郭静  郭小红  黄晓峰 《上海航天》2021,38(6):118-123
长期受粒子辐照、紫外辐照等因素的影响,地球同步卫星的太阳电池阵输出功率会出现较为明显的衰减。这里选取某地球同步卫星使用的背表面反射(BSR)硅太阳电池阵为研究对象,采用光强因子和温度因子修正太阳电池阵的输出功率,使用局部加权回归散点平滑法(LOWESS)分析了其在设计寿命期间的输出功率衰减规律;同时基于LOWESS建立了预测模型,用于硅太阳电池阵超寿运行期间的功率预测。实测数据表明:本文构建的预测模型可以满足超寿地球同步卫星在轨管理使用需求。  相似文献   
液压泵污染寿命预测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用污染敏感度建模理论,建立液压泵污染敏感度分析模型.采用污染敏感系数来描述液压泵的污染耐受程度.结合实际情况推导得到液压泵的污染寿命预测公式,并对某型定量液压泵进行了寿命预测.绘制出液压泵污染耐受曲线,为液压泵的设计和系统构建提供了有效的依据.  相似文献   
随着复合材料在先进飞行器结构中占比的逐渐增加,复合材料在服役过程中力学性能的变化对飞行器整体的安全至关重要。为了实现基于导波原位检测的飞行器复合材料整体部件疲劳评估和寿命预测,首先,从宏观和细观的角度研究复合材料疲劳损伤演化规律;在此基础上,通过分析导波波场信息,探究导波相速度、模态能量比等特征在表征复合材料疲劳方面的潜力;其次,从复合材料损伤机理出发,建立导波相速度与疲劳损伤累积的演化模型;然后,构建深度学习框架,以数据驱动的方式从导波波场中提取疲劳演化特征;最后,提出基于贝叶斯模型平均方法的疲劳演化模型,对复合材料剩余疲劳寿命进行预测。结果表明:通过提取和分析导波特征信息,可以准确地对复合材料疲劳状态进行表征,结合贝叶斯模型平均方法和置信区间准则,实现了在试件疲劳破坏之前的剩余寿命预测。  相似文献   
一个简易实用的疲劳损伤累积法则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王永廉 《航空学报》1991,12(6):287-290
1.法则的提出 利用材料的等幅疲劳试验数据进行承受变幅荷载的实际构件的疲劳设计,必须借助疲劳损伤累积理论。40年代以来,人们一直试图寻找一种较好的疲劳损伤累积理论。表1列举了其中的一些典型代表。  相似文献   
何沛  邓向阳  鄂亚佳  徐榕  张弛  林宇震 《推进技术》2019,40(12):2766-2774
为了研究中心分级贫油低排放燃烧室的排放特性和排放预测方法,针对一个低排放头部方案,在单头部燃烧室试验件上,在不同的温度、压力、油气比、供油模式和分级比条件下,测量其排放性能。以Lefebvre排放经验预测公式为基础,采用经验分析方法拟合排放试验数据,归纳出适用于本头部方案的排放预测公式。表征预测好坏的判定系数R2在小工况下和大工况下分别为0.95和0.93,表明预测结果与试验结果符合度较好。小工况和大工况排放特性不同,对仅预燃级喷油的小工况工作模式,NO_x排放主要受化学恰当燃烧温度和预燃级局部当量比的影响;对预燃级和主燃级同时喷油的大工况工作模式,NO_x排放主要受燃烧区温度和主燃级燃油比例的影响。  相似文献   
基于三因素模型的企业持续经营高风险预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着竞争的日趋激烈,企业持续经营不确定性显著增加,尽旱识别企业持续经营面临的风险,对于企业管理者、投资者来说都具有重要意义。现有的持续经营高风险研究依然没有摆脱“资料驱动型”的困境,文章根据三因素模型建立持续经营高风险预测模型。  相似文献   
随着大功率发光二极管(LED)在照明领域的普及与广泛应用,可靠性逐渐成为研究的重点。大功率LED封装器件中金引线疲劳断裂失效一直是制约其可靠性的重要因素。通过针对大功率LED封装器件中的金引线力学仿真与功率循环试验相结合的方法,首先确定循环电载荷条件下该型LED的主要失效原因为金引线疲劳断裂,其次提出基于电流加速模型的加速因子提取方法和基于应变幅值的Coffin-Manson解析寿命预测方法,最终完成对LED金引线疲劳断裂寿命的预测和试验验证。研究结果表明:所提方法具有较高的寿命预测精度,可以满足大功率LED封装器件可靠性快速、准确评估的要求。   相似文献   
基于J_2轨道预测模型,设计了不同倾角和轨道高度圆轨道月球卫星,通过将J_2轨道预测模型预瞄准仿真结果与直接积分RKF7(8)法仿真结果相对比,研究了不同类型月球卫星轨道对-Y面卫星舱板激光通信终端瞄准精度的影响。仿真结果表明,J_2轨道预测模型可以满足月球极地卫星月地激光通信要求,当轨道高度为1 000 km和2 000 km的时候,10 min方位角偏差不超过40μrad,而俯仰角偏差仅为7μrad时,在一定程度上J2轨道预测模型可以满足月地激光通信预瞄准要求。  相似文献   
In order to establish a continuous GEO satellite orbit during repositioning maneuvers, a suitable maneuver force model has been established associated with an optimal orbit determination method and strategy. A continuous increasing acceleration is established by constructing a constant force that is equivalent to the pulse force, with the mass of the satellite decreasing throughout maneuver. This acceleration can be added to other accelerations, such as solar radiation, to obtain the continuous acceleration of the satellite. The orbit determination method and strategy are illuminated, with subsequent assessment of the orbit being determined and predicted accordingly. The orbit of the GEO satellite during repositioning maneuver can be determined and predicted by using C-Band pseudo-range observations of the BeiDou GEO satellite with COSPAR ID 2010-001A in 2011 and 2012. The results indicate that observations before maneuver do affect orbit determination and prediction, and should therefore be selected appropriately. A more precise orbit and prediction can be obtained compared to common short arc methods when observations starting 1 day prior the maneuver and 2 h after the maneuver are adopted in POD (Precise Orbit Determination). The achieved URE (User Range Error) under non-consideration of satellite clock errors is better than 2 m within the first 2 h after maneuver, and less than 3 m for further 2 h of orbit prediction.  相似文献   
Since the signals of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) are blocked frequently in challenging environments, the discontinuous carrier phases seriously affect the application of GNSS precise positioning. To improve the carrier phase continuity, this paper proposes a carrier phase prediction method based on carrier open-loop tracking. In the open-loop tracking mode, the carrier numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) is controlled by the predicted Doppler, but not by the loop filter output. To improve the phase prediction effective time, accurate receiver clock drift estimation is studied in the prediction method. The phase prediction performance is tested on GNSS software receiver. In the phase prediction effective time tests, open-loop processes were set for the tested channel. The test results show that, when some satellite signals are blocked in 15?s, the probability of carrier phase error less than quarter cycles is more than 94%. In the real time kinematic (RTK) positioning tests, some satellite signals are blocked in 10–15?s repeatedly. The test results show that, the carrier phase continuity is basically not affected by the signal interruption, and the RTK can almost keep continuous centimeter-level positioning accuracy without re-fixing the integer ambiguity.  相似文献   
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