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多通道GPS共视法时频传递接收机的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPS共视法是国际上流行的远距离时间频率传递技术,核心是共视法接收机。我们成功研制了多通道GPS共视法时频传递接收机系统,硬件部分主要由自主研制的高精度时间间隔计数器和Motorola生产的VPONCORE GPS引擎组成,软件符合时间频率咨询委员会(CCTF)发布的GPS共视法数据处理软件标准化指南的要求,与单通道GPS定时接收机相比,界面更友好,操作更方便,具有很强的分析处理数据功能。经测试证明多通道GPS接收机零基线共钟共视时间比对的不确定度小于4 ns(仰角40°),与国外报道基本相同。  相似文献   
在综合化航空电子系统中,嵌入式实时操作系统已被广泛采用,而操作系统保证应用软件的安全性,则是目前要解决的首要问题。对照国内外在高安全性、强实时系统上的先进技术和先进经验,本文着重讨论了嵌入式实时操作系统中解决数据安全性的几点考虑,主要集中介绍了软件的分层防御体系、分区管理和信息安全管理技术、分区间通讯的“虚通道”技术等,以确保综合化航电系统的信息及数据安全的机密性和完整性,达到主动防御的能力。  相似文献   
白瑜光  张玉光  原志超  高效伟 《推进技术》2013,34(12):1621-1627
为了准确高效地进行发动机冷却管道结构的热-力耦合数值分析,基于边界单元法提出一种冷却介质中结构对流换热过程的新型计算方法,计算过程中采用径向积分法将对流换热边界积分方程中的域积分转换为等效的边界积分,从而显著降低计算难度。采用改进后的边界单元法和有限元方法分别进行发动机燃烧室主动冷却管道处的热-力耦合分析,计算并获得了该处的温度场、位移场和应力场,发现了不同物理量随管道轴向的变化规律。通过比较基于两种不同数值方法的计算结果可以发现本文数值方法在显著降低计算模型复杂度的同时,取得了合理的计算结果。因此利用本文方法可以简便有效地进行发动机燃烧室主动冷却管道结构的热-力耦合分析。   相似文献   
结合美国联邦航空局、欧洲航空安全局、中国民用航空局对于重要修理和一般修理的定义、判断逻辑以及批准方式,对两类修理进行了比较、分析和研究,总结并细化了重要/一般修理的批准要求及其判定重要/一般修理的逻辑图,以便能确保民用航空器的维修工作符合局方要求。  相似文献   
CAAC批准或认可的超规范修理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对CAAC航空营运人申请审批超规范修理方案进行了多维度分析,讨论了超规范修理方案本身所具备的部分属性,列出了CAAC/FAA/EASA对超规范修理方案的审批要求,介绍超规范修理方案向持续适航文件的转化,最终界定出TC/STC提供的超规范修理方案明确且实用的范围及判断方法,同时针对超规范修理方案的审批流程给出了优化改进的建议。  相似文献   
康凯  张子良  王卫强 《航空动力学报》2020,35(11):2440-2448
为了节省计算资源,提升计算效率,在保证计算结果准确的前提下,尽可能选取较小的计算域显得尤为重要。针对该问题,分别沿槽道的展向和流向选取不同的计算尺度(053πδ×2δ×0177πδ、πδ×2δ×05πδ、2πδ×2δ×πδ、3πδ×2δ×15πδ,δ为槽高的一半),在相同的计算条件且设置均满足大涡模拟计算要求的前提下,对摩擦雷诺数为540和930两种摩擦雷诺数下计算域大小对大涡模拟数值计算结果的影响进行了研究。结果发现:计算尺度不小于2πδ×2δ×πδ的计算域能很好的呈现湍流计算结果。此外,在摩擦雷诺数为930时,相同计算域下所能检测的范围均有所提升,得到的计算结果更加准确。  相似文献   
A New Exposed-terminal-free MAC Protocol for Multi-hop Wireless Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a new multichannel medium access control (MAC) protocol to solve the exposed-terminal (ET) problem for efficient channel sharing in multi-hop wireless networks. It uses request-to-send and clear-to-send (RTS/CTS) dialogue on a common channel and flexibly opts for conflict-free traffic channels to carry out the data packet transmission on the basis of a new channel selection scheme. The acknowledgment (ACK) packet for the data packet transmission is sent back to the sender over another common channel thus completely eliminating the exposed-terminal effects. Any adjacent communication pair can take full advantage of multiple traffic channels without collision and the spatial reuse of the same channel is extended to other communication pairs which are even within 2 hops from them. In addition, the hidden-terminal effect is also considerably reduced because most of possible packet collisions on a single channel are avoided due to traffic load balance on multichannels. Finally, a performance comparison is made between the proposed protocol and other typical MAC protocols. Simulation results evidence its obvious superiority to the MAC protocols associated with other channel selection schemes and traditional ACK transmission scheme as well as cooperative asynchronous multichannel MAC (CAM-MAC) protocol in terms of four performance indices: total channel utilization, average channel utilization, average packet delay, and packet dropping rate.  相似文献   
Euglena gracilis, a unicellular, photosynthetic flagellate is a model system for environmentally controlled behavior responses. The organism shows pronounced negative gravitaxis. This movement is based on physiological mechanisms, which in the past had been only indirectly assessed. It was shown that mechano-sensitive calcium channels are involved in the gravitaxis response. Recent studies have demonstrated that members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family function as mechano-sensitive channels in several different cell types. We have sequenced part of a TRP gene in Euglena and applied RNA interference (RNAi) to confirm that these channels are involved in graviperception. It was found that RNAi against the putative TRP channel abolished gravitaxis. The genes of three calmodulins were sequences in Euglena, one of which was previously known in its protein structure (cal 1). The other two were unknown (cal 2 and cal 3). Cal 2 has been analyzed in detail. The biosynthesis of the corresponding proteins of cal 1 and cal 2 was inhibited by means of RNA interference to see whether this blockage impairs gravitaxis. RNAi of cal 1 leads to a long-term loss of free swimming in the cells (while euglenoid movement persists). It induced pronounced cell form aberrations and the division of cells was hampered. After recovery from RNAi the cell showed precise negative gravitaxis again. Thus cal 1 does not seem to be involved in gravitaxis. In contrast, the blockage of cal 2 has no pronounced influence on motility and cell form but leads to a complete loss of gravitactic orientation for more than 30 days showing that this calmodulin is an element in the signal transduction chain. The data are discussed in the context of the current model of the gravitaxis signal transduction chain in Euglena gracilis.  相似文献   
光滑通道内格栅湍流特性实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地模拟实际涡轮叶片内冷通道的流动换热,采用格栅对光滑通道内湍流度进行控制。并通过实验的方法对不同格栅尺寸激发的湍流度进行测量。实验中,在边长为80mm×80mm的方形通道中,放置了3种不同尺寸的格栅,利用热线风速仪,得到了通道雷诺数为5000~30000范围内的格栅后下游湍流特性。研究发现:流体通过该格栅后,气流在流经格栅后较短距离内就获得了4.5%的湍流度,同时湍流度沿程呈现衰减趋势,雷诺数对湍流度的影响较小。湍流积分时间尺度与雷诺数呈负相关的关系。   相似文献   
并联TBCC可调进气道并联方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对并联涡轮基组合循环(TBCC)可调进气道并联方案进行了归纳分析,提出了一种分类方法和两种并联方案。对4种典型并联方案在马赫数为2.5的模态转换工况进行了稳态仿真分析。结果表明:后开纯内并联方案在模态转换过程中总流量变化很小,其余3种的总流量系数随着涡轮通道的关闭都是逐渐减小的,涡轮通道流量系数逐渐降低,冲压通道升高。4种方案冲压通道流量系数在模态转换过程中均是逐渐升高的,后开纯内并联方案具有最低的冲压通道平均流量系数,变化幅度最大,其余3种方案变化幅度均较小。前开纯外并联和混合式内并联两种方案的涡轮通道出口总压恢复在模态转换过程中呈减小趋势,另外两种方案的总压恢复呈略微增大趋势,其中前开纯外并联平均总压恢复最低,而混合式内并联方案的平均总压恢复最高。   相似文献   
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