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介绍美国新一代运载火箭系列的研制计划。该计划的目的是替代重型“大力神”、中型“德尔它”和“宇宙神”运载火箭系列,使成本降低到现有运载火箭的25%~50%。改进型一次性使用运载火箭的第一次发射预定在2001年。  相似文献   
为借鉴和参考美国自适应循环发动机的研究与研制经验,综述了美国变循环发动机演变至自适应发动机的3个发展阶段,重点介绍了其在多用途经济可承受的先进涡轮发动机(VAATE)研究计划下的自适应通用发动机技术(ADVENT)分计划、自适应发动机技术验证(AETD)分计划、自适应发动机过渡(AETP)分计划和空中优势自适应推进技术(ADAPT)分计划的开发与验证情况。分析总结出美国自适应发动机具有以下特点:技术先进且应用前景广泛,代表未来发展方向;变循环与自适应循环技术均不成熟,还需深入验证;技术研究采用竞争策略实施。  相似文献   
中国探月工程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
"嫦娥4号"于2019年1月3日成功实现人类航天器首次在月球背面软着陆,"玉兔2号"月球车率先在月背刻上了中国足迹。至今,国际月球探测活动共实施126次,期间出现两个探月高潮。20世纪50—70年代,美苏两个航天大国之间的竞争引起第一轮探月高潮。20世纪末至今,各航天国家意识到月球探测的战略意义,纷纷提出月球探测计划并积极实施,月球成为各国争先探测的热点,掀起第二轮探月热潮。中国自2004年首次绕月探测工程立项实施以来,共开展了"嫦娥1号""嫦娥2号""嫦娥3号""嫦娥4号"及再入返回飞行试验共5次月球探测任务,实现"五战五捷",在空间技术、空间科学与应用、国际合作等方面取得了非凡成就,积累了丰富的经验,后续将继续开展以无人月球科研站为主的月球探测活动。  相似文献   
基于梯度搜索的高效性和粒子群搜索的随机性,提出了一种混合粒子群算法,并应用该算法研究了运载火箭上升段交会弹道快速优化设计问题.以运载火箭与目标飞行器在交会时刻的距离最小为目标函数,设计了运载火箭飞行程序,建立了运载火箭上升段交会弹道优化模型,同时分别采用混合粒子群算法、遗传算法和粒子群算法进行求解.仿真结果表明:基于本文算法对运载火箭上升段交会弹道进行优化设计,平均交会位置误差为4.137m,较遗传算法减少了17.940m,平均优化耗时488.922s,较粒子群算法缩短了2342.125s.混合粒子群算法搜索速度较快,收敛精度较高,可用于运载火箭上升段交会弹道的快速优化设计.   相似文献   
介绍大型精密内螺纹旋风铣削加工的工艺方法和编程,主要针对螺纹直径为非标准、工件材质过硬且孔数较多的大型精密内螺纹的加工。实践表明,该方法加工效率高,且可严格控制螺纹的精度。  相似文献   
绿点速度是空客系列机型特有的光洁构型、一发失效条件下的最佳操纵速度。为了研究绿点速度的设计依据,利用空客PEP性能软件计算A320系列机型光洁构型、一发失效条件下、不同校正表速所对应的爬升角、等待燃油流量和飘降下滑角,分析了绿点速度状态、最大升阻比状态下的爬升、等待、飘降性能与最佳爬升/等待/飘降性能相互之间的关系。结果表明:绿点速度小于最大升阻比速度,随着飞行高度增加逐渐逼近最大升阻比速度;绿点速度下的爬升/等待/飘降性能对应于最大升阻比性能、最佳爬升/等待/飘降性能的均值。  相似文献   
探月工程三期研制的月球取样返回器与轨道器间采用导向装配方式,装配后存在一定预应力,同时在轨两器分离时受空间环境作用而出现热变形,引起的分离阻力会对两器的正常分离产生影响。文章对返回器与轨道器的分离阻力进行分析和测量,并开展相关地面分离验证试验,结果表明,在轨环境引起的分离阻力约为366 N,地面装配应力引起的分离阻力约为160 N,两器分离速度约为0.24 m/s。研究结果可为轨返两器的分离设计提供参考。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种新型的凹型面埋入式涡流发生器的工作机理。并介绍在一个小宽高比二元单边凹壁亚声扩压壁前段出现气流分离,角落区域有倒流的情况下,采用适当几何参数的该型式涡流发生器大大减小分离区的范围,从而提高了扩压器静压恢复系数和减小总压损失系数的试验结果。  相似文献   
US military aircraft engine advanced technology programs were overviewed and analyzed from light weight gas generator (LWGG) program initiated in 1960s through integrated high performance turbine engine technology (IHPTET) program started in 1980s, then to versatile affordable advanced turbine engine (VAATE) program. Some features and trends were summarized and concluded by literature statistics method, such as teams based on closely corporation among government, industries and academics, goals oriented with national defence strategies and weapon system development requirements, engineering manufacture and development including all relative disciplines and areas, verification measured by technology readiness level, the application extending to military aircraft engine, civilian engine, gas turbine and space vehicle, etc. The experience and lessons obtained can provide reference and guide for technology research and engineering manufacture and development of military aircraft engines in the world.  相似文献   
In late 2006, NASA's Constellation Program sponsored a study to examine the feasibility of sending a piloted Orion spacecraft to a near-Earth object. NEOs are asteroids or comets that have perihelion distances less than or equal to 1.3 astronomical units, and can have orbits that cross that of the Earth. Therefore, the most suitable targets for the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) are those NEOs in heliocentric orbits similar to Earth's (i.e. low inclination and low eccentricity). One of the significant advantages of this type of mission is that it strengthens and validates the foundational infrastructure of the United States Space Exploration Policy and is highly complementary to NASA's planned lunar sortie and outpost missions circa 2020. A human expedition to a NEO would not only underline the broad utility of the Orion CEV and Ares launch systems, but would also be the first human expedition to an interplanetary body beyond the Earth–Moon system. These deep space operations will present unique challenges not present in lunar missions for the onboard crew, spacecraft systems, and mission control team. Executing several piloted NEO missions will enable NASA to gain crucial deep space operational experience, which will be necessary prerequisites for the eventual human missions to Mars.Our NEO team will present and discuss the following:
• new mission trajectories and concepts;
• operational command and control considerations;
• expected science, operational, resource utilization, and impact mitigation returns; and
• continued exploration momentum and future Mars exploration benefits.
Keywords: NASA; Human spaceflight; NEO; Near-Earth asteroid; Orion spacecraft; Constellation program; Deep space  相似文献   
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