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空间模拟碎片释放装置技术方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为配合空间碎片主动清除技术的演示验证试验,提出了一种空间模拟碎片释放装置的技术方案:由模拟碎片及分离解锁装置组成。模拟碎片不具备任何合作特征,最初通过压紧杆与分离解锁装置相连,释放时由火工切割器切断压紧杆,模拟碎片在压缩弹簧的驱动下与分离解锁装置分离。最后,通过静载、模态、运动特性分析及分离解锁试验验证了该释放装置设计的正确性。  相似文献   
Tether Satellite System Collision Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chobotov  V.A.  Mains  D.L. 《Space Debris》1999,1(2):99-112
A study was performed to determine the probability of collision with resident space objects and untrackable debris for the tether component of the Tethered Satellite System (TSS) after it broke away from the Space Shuttle orbiter (mission STS-75) in February 1996. Both an analytical and a numerical approach were used in this study, and the results obtained with these two methods were found to be in good agreement. These results show that the deployed tether is expected to have been impacted by several particles 0.1mm or larger in size. The probability of collision with objects 10cm in size or larger was on the order of 10–3 per month. Since the severed tether reentered within one month after deployment, the collision hazard to other objects while in orbit was small. The analytical methods used in this study are useful for tether collision evaluations in general.  相似文献   
为实现在月球表面期望的着陆点进行精确软着陆(PPL),且满足燃耗最优性要求,基于提出的LIDAR目标点在轨自主选定的月球精确软着陆方案,对月球PPL最优标称轨迹在轨快速规划制导方法进行研究。首先针对月球PPL三维球体非线性轨道动力学模型,采用Legendre Gauss Lobatto伪光谱方法将轨迹优化的最优控制问题转化为非线性规划问题(NLP),再利用SQP优化算法求解月球PPL最优标称轨迹,最后通过遗传算法对优化结果进行验证,并提出应用遗传算法提供SQP在轨规划初值数据库的方案。仿真结果表明了最优标称轨迹在轨规划方法的快速性和有效性。  相似文献   
One of the primary mission risks tracked in the development of all spacecraft is that due to micro-meteoroids and orbital debris (MMOD). Both types of particles, especially those larger than 0.1 mm in diameter, contain sufficient kinetic energy due to their combined mass and velocities to cause serious damage to crew members and spacecraft. The process used to assess MMOD risk consists of three elements: environment, damage prediction, and damage tolerance. Orbital debris risk assessments for the Orion vehicle, as well as the Shuttle, Space Station and other satellites use ballistic limit equations (BLEs) that have been developed using high speed impact test data and results from numerical simulations that have used spherical projectiles. However, spheres are not expected to be a common shape for orbital debris; rather, orbital debris fragments might be better represented by other regular or irregular solids. In this paper we examine the general construction of NASA’s current orbital debris (OD) model, explore the potential variations in orbital debris mass and shape that are possible when using particle characteristic length to define particle size (instead of assuming spherical particles), and, considering specifically the Orion vehicle, perform an orbital debris risk sensitivity study taking into account variations in particle mass and shape as noted above. While the results of the work performed for this study are preliminary, they do show that continuing to use aluminum spheres in spacecraft risk assessments could result in an over-design of its MMOD protection systems. In such a case, the spacecraft could be heavier than needed, could cost more than needed, and could cost more to put into orbit than needed. The results obtained in this study also show the need to incorporate effects of mass and shape in mission risk assessment prior to first flight of any spacecraft as well as the need to continue to develop/refine BLEs so that they more accurately reflect the shape and material density variations inherent to the actual debris environment.  相似文献   
Under ESA contract an industrial consortium including Aboa Space Research Oy (ASRO), the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB), and the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR), proposed the observation concept, developed a suitable sensor architecture, and assessed the performance of a space-based optical (SBO) telescope in 2005. The goal of the SBO study was to analyse how the existing knowledge gap in the space debris population in the millimetre and centimetre regime may be closed by means of a passive optical instrument. The SBO instrument was requested to provide statistical information on the space debris population in terms of number of objects and size distribution. The SBO instrument was considered to be a cost-efficient with 20 cm aperture and 6° field-of-view and having flexible integration requirements. It should be possible to integrate the SBO instrument easily as a secondary payload on satellites launched into low-Earth orbits (LEO), or into geostationary orbit (GEO). Thus the selected mission concept only allowed for fix-mounted telescopes, and the pointing direction could be requested freely. Since 2007 ESA focuses space surveillance and tracking activities in the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) preparatory program. Ground-based radars and optical telescopes are studied for the build-up and maintenance of a catalogue of objects. In this paper we analyse how the proposed SBO architecture could contribute to the space surveillance tasks survey and tracking. We assume that the SBO instrumentation is placed into a circular sun-synchronous orbit at 800 km altitude. We discuss the observation conditions of objects at higher altitude, and select an orbit close to the terminator plane. A pointing of the sensor orthogonal to the orbital plane with optimal elevation slightly in positive direction (0° and +5°) is found optimal for accessing the entire GEO regime within one day, implying a very good coverage of controlled objects in GEO, too. Simulations using ESA’s Program for Radar and Optical Observation Forecasting (PROOF) in the version 2005 and a GEO reference population extracted from DISCOS revealed that the proposed pointing scenario provides low phase angles together with low angular velocities of the objects crossing the field-of-view. Radiometric simulations show that the optimal exposure time is 1–2 s, and that spherical objects in GEO with a diameter of below 1 m can be detected. The GEO population can be covered under proper illumination nearly completely, but seasonal drops of the coverage are possible. Subsequent observations of objects are on average at least every 1.5 days, not exceeding 3 days at maximum. A single observation arc spans 3° to 5° on average. Using a simulation environment that connects PROOF to AIUB’s program system CelMech we verify the consistency of the initial orbit determination for five selected test objects on subsequent days as a function of realistic astrometric noise levels. The initial orbit determination is possible. We define requirements for a correlator process essential for catalogue build-up and maintenance. Each single observation should provide an astrometric accuracy of at least 1”–1.5” so that the initially determined orbits are consistent within a few hundred kilometres for the semi-major axis, 0.01 for the eccentricity, and 0.1° for the inclination.  相似文献   
采用蚁群优化算法对多碎片移除过程中的路径优化问题进行研究,然后采用改进的最速下降法对移除每块碎片的时间进行合理优化,进一步降低总的速度增量需求.对比轨道高度、轨道倾角或者升交点赤经的顺序后发现,采用蚁群算法优化之后的顺序移除碎片可以大大节省轨道转移所需要的速度增量.选取中国空间活动产生的三组碎片进行优化计算,结果显示在相同的任务时间内,优化后的顺序可能不同于轨道高度、倾角和赤经的顺序,并且优化顺序可以节省更多的速度增量.另外,任务时间也会对碎片的最佳移除顺序产生影响.  相似文献   
空间系绳碎片碰撞生存能力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
空间系绳结构和几何尺寸对其在复杂空间环境中抵抗碎片碰撞的能力有显著影响.本文根据系绳-碎片碰撞模型和泊松分布,计算了双股系绳和带状系绳被碎片割断的概率,分析了太空碎片对系绳生存能力可能造成的影响.双股系绳是由两条平行系绳每隔一段距离打结连接构成,带状系绳可视为一种横截面为矩形的特殊单股系绳.首先对单股系绳被碎片割断的概率进行建模,然后构建双股系绳和带状系绳生存能力函数,最后根据空间碎片环境模型,对比分析具有不同结构、不同尺寸的系绳的生存能力.仿真结果表明,相较于单股系绳,双股系绳和带状系绳的生存能力有明显提高.  相似文献   
为分析近地空间碎片的分布规律,提出了一种以碎片在空间网格内驻留时间为基础的碎片环境统计建模方法.该方法利用多项式拟合和求根方法统计碎片在空间网格内的停留时间,获取模型基础数据,并据此采用多项式预测、插值和时间序列分析等技术,综合分析空间碎片的分布与演化规律.给出了一个基于双行根数(TLE,Two Line Elements)数据的建模实例,该实例通过了ORDEM2000模型的对比验证,并获得了一些更精细的近地空间碎片环境特征.所得建模方法和分析结论可为长期运行的近地航天器轨道设计、碰撞风险评估及防护等提供技术支撑.  相似文献   
遥感卫星星座在环境监测、地理测绘等领域运用中,需要考虑目标轨迹分布的优化问题.轨迹分布与星座的重访能力和进出站间隔保持等应用需求密切相关.目前对星下点轨迹分布的优化和调整还缺乏准确实用的方法,存在卫星数目增多带来的计算量增加问题和对多种需求综合考虑不够的问题.为了克服现有技术的不足,解决太阳同步回归轨道遥感卫星星座的目...  相似文献   
光学观测是空间目标观测中最常见的一种观测方式。采用扫描模式工作时光学观测得到的观测弧段弧长通常很短,有时甚至不到被观测空间目标运行周期的1%,这样的角度数据被称为甚短弧角度数据。基于近圆LEO空间碎片地基实测场景,研究比较仅利用角度数据进行初始轨道确定常用方法的性能差异,分析观测弧长对不同初轨确定算法的定轨成功率和误差的影响,为初轨确定工作提供参考。对比分析了常用的几种方法,包括Laplace方法、Gauss方法、Gooding方法和近几年提出的距离搜索算法等。大规模实测数据处理结果显示,距离搜索算法的成功率高于90%,初轨半长轴统计误差仅为25 km。初轨结果表明,距离搜索算法定轨成功率高于其他算法。研究成果可为解决空间碎片初轨确定问题提供参考。  相似文献   
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