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文章针对航天器在混响声场中的随机振动问题,提出一种通过多个不相干的平面波线性叠加以模拟混响声场的实现方法,给出了每个平面波的具体参数并从理论上证明其满足理想混响声场假设。在此基础上利用有限元-边界元耦合方法对整星低频声固耦合问题进行分析,并用混响室噪声试验响应数据进行了验证。研究结果表明:该方法理论推导正确,为航天器低频声固耦合分析及声振力学环境预示提供了一种新的有效手段。  相似文献   
Juno, the second mission in the NASA New Frontiers Program, will both be a polar Jovian orbiter, and use solar arrays for power, moving away from previous use of radioisotope power systems (RPSs) in spite of the weak solar light reaching Jupiter. The power generation at Jupiter is critical, and a conductive tether could be an alternative source of power. A current-carrying tether orbiting in a magnetized ionosphere/plasmasphere will radiate waves. A magnitude of interest for both power generation and signal emission is the wave impedance. Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field in the Solar Planetary System and its plasma density is low everywhere. This leads to an electron plasma frequency smaller than the electron cyclotron frequency, and a high Alfven velocity. Unlike the low Earth orbit (LEO) case, the electron skin depth and the characteristic size of plasma contactors affect the Alfven impedance.  相似文献   
利用二维混合数值模拟研究了有速度驱动、低等离子体β值情况下的磁场重联过程,结果表明磁重联过程可以产生Alfven波,该Alfven波动对重新区中的新生离子作用,使得新生离子经历投掷角散射方程,具有球壳分布特征,部分新生离子得到加速,其获得的最大能量约为4(miVA0^2/2),此加速过程所需的加速时间在100/Ωi量级,是一个极快的加速机制,加速粒子能谱为双幂律谱。  相似文献   
To effectively reduce the loss of strong shock wave at the trailing edge of the supersonic cascade under high backpressure, a shock wave control method based on self-sustaining synthetic jet was proposed. The self-sustaining synthetic jet was applied on the pressure side of the blade with the blow slot and the bleed slot arranged upstream and downstream of the trailing-edge shock,respectively. The flow control mechanism and effects of parameters were investigated by numerical simulation. The res...  相似文献   
Inordertoovercometheseverallimitationsofthetraditionalmetheds,anewnumericalmethodofspace-timeconservationelementandsolutionelement(CE/SE)forsolvingconser-vationlawswasdevelopedbyChang['j.Thismethoddifferssubstantiallyinbothconceptandmethedologyfromthewell-establishedmethodslsuchasfinitedifference,finiteelement,etc.,andithasmanynontraditionalfeatures.First,spaceandtimeareunifiedandtreatedonthesamefooting,andbytheintroductionofconservationelementandsolutionelement,bothlocalandglobalfluxconserv…  相似文献   
交流变频调速系统的SPWM波形生成方法的谐波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了交流变频调速系统常用的四种SPWM波形生成的方法,并研究了各种方法的SPWM开关点计算公式及其推导,利用这些公式计算了一系列开关点数据,同时提出了一种以开关点数据分析SPWM波形各次谐波的方法,通过谐波分析证实自然采样法优于其他方法。  相似文献   
本文研究了关于n阶矩阵的LU分解及n阶正定矩阵的乔累斯基分解。这几种分解方法在解决问题的过程中不仅简单明了,而且增加了结果的准确性。  相似文献   
本文给出了与修正的跨声速小扰动(MSD)方程相容的激波方程,计算证明它的极曲线与精确的激波极曲线十分接近。  相似文献   
在n阶方阵求逆的方法上,研究了三类特殊矩阵逆的求法,不仅丰富了矩阵逆理论的内容,而且方便了矩阵论在运筹学、控制论以及工程领域中的应用。  相似文献   
温度、密度对目标等离子体隐身效果影响的FDTD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用等温近似,给出覆盖目标的不均匀的、各项同性的、热的、碰撞的、等离子体的电磁反射的三维FDTD算法的公式。在一维条件下,计算了不同密度分布、不同温度的等离子体对电磁波的反射系数。给出了温度、密度对电磁波在等离子体中的碰撞吸收的影响。结果显示,增大等离子体的温度和密度将有利于等离子体对电磁波的吸收,增大吸收的带宽,减小等离子体覆盖目标对电磁波的反射。  相似文献   
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