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Industrial robots are used for automatic drilling and riveting.The absolute position accuracy of an industrial robot is one of the key performance indexes in aircraft assembly,and can be improved through error compensation to meet aircraft assembly requirements.The achievable accuracy and the difficulty of accuracy compensation implementation are closely related to the choice of sampling points.Therefore,based on the error similarity error compensation method,a method for choosing sampling points on a uniform grid is proposed.A simulation is conducted to analyze the influence of the sample point locations on error compensation.In addition,the grid steps of the sampling points are optimized using a statistical analysis method.The method is used to generate grids and optimize the grid steps of a Kuka KR-210 robot.The experimental results show that the method for planning sampling data can be used to effectively optimize the sampling grid.After error compensation,the position accuracy of the robot meets the position accuracy requirements.  相似文献   
Due to the deficiencies in the conventional multiple-receiver localization systems based on direction of arrival(DOA) such as system complexity of interferometer or array and amplitude/phase unbalance between multiple receiving channels and constraint on antenna configuration,a new radiated source localization method using the changing rate of phase difference(CRPD)measured by a long baseline interferometer(LBI) only is studied. To solve the strictly nonlinear problem, a two-stage closed-form solution is proposed. In the first stage, the DOA and its changing rate are estimated from the CRPD of each observer by the pseudolinear least square(PLS) method,and then in the second stage, the source position and velocity are found by another PLS minimization. The bias of the algorithm caused by the correlation between the measurement matrix and the noise in the second stage is analyzed. To reduce this bias, an instrumental variable(IV) method is derived. A weighted IV estimator is given in order to reduce the estimation variance. The proposed method does not need any initial guess and the computation is small. The Cramer–Rao lower bound(CRLB) and mean square error(MSE) are also analyzed. Simulation results show that the proposed method can be close to the CRLB with moderate Gaussian measurement noise.  相似文献   
This paper presents a two-level geometric calibration method for the permanent magnet (PM) spherical actuator to improve its motion control accuracy. The proposed actuator is com- posed of a stator with circumferential coils and a rotor with multiple PM poles. Due to the assembly and fabrication errors, the real geometric parameters of the actuator will deviate from their design values. Hence, the identification of such errors is critical for the motion control tasks. A two-level geometric calibration approach is proposed to identify such errors. In the first level, the calibration model is formulated based on the differential form of the kinematic equation, which is to identify the geometric errors in the spherical joint. In the second level, the calibration model is formulated based on the differential form of torque formula, which is to calibrate the geometric parameters of the magnetization axes of PM poles and coils axes. To demonstrate the robustness and availability of the calibration algorithm, simulations are conducted. The results have shown that the proposed two-level calibration method can effectively compensate the geometric parameter errors and improve the positioning accuracy of the spherical actuator.  相似文献   
导弹命中精度整体推断方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一种导弹命中精度小子样评定方法,该方法通过导弹仿真结果与靶场试验数据有机结合,能够将多种不同发射条件下的脱靶量试验数据作为一个整体进行统计推断,给出脱靶量均值、方差和落入概率的整体估计和置信区间估计.与传统方法相比,导弹命中精度整体推断方法具有信息量大,精度高的特点,解决了一种发射条件下只有一个脱靶量试验数据时导弹射击准确度、射击密集度和落入概率评定的难题,可以给出检验点以及整个杀伤区域内的命中概率,为导弹鉴定及其作战效能评估提供科学依据.   相似文献   
针对机器人在室内定位中存在的点云地图形式单一、存储空间大等问题,提出了一种包含特征地图、通行地图和精简地图的混合形式地图构建方法。构建特征地图时,利用曲率、法线和局部显著性等要素提取环境中的显著特征点。构建通行地图时,首先,采用区域生长分割平面;其次,基于室内曼哈顿假设,利用平面空间关系分割出地平面;最后,根据预设高度构建出2D通行地图,并将3D边缘信息融入到通行地图中。在精简地图中,分别采用主方向权重、随机采样和K均值聚类方法对不同类型体素网格内点云进行精简。实验表明,特征地图可为机器人提供丰富的特征信息。通行地图中地面分割的准确度大于95%,可提供准确的先验通行信息。精简地图有效降低了点云地图的冗余度,在精简比例达到95%时,仍可取得0.8mm的平均模型误差,其精简性能优于传统的随机采样和体素格网方法。  相似文献   
由于以GPS、北斗为代表的GNSS信号容易受到天气和位置的影响,单纯使用GNSS在某些条件下会有较大的定位误差,甚至无法提供定位服务。针对这种情况研究了基于低频磁信标的自主定位方法,分析了电磁学中的毕奥-萨伐尔定律等原理,建立了基于低频磁信标定位的系统模型,给出了分离式双信标定位方法。通过实验分析了信标安装的误差特性,最后通过仿真和实际实验验证了该定位方法的有效性,对于室内机器人导航、地下生物探索、水下跟踪定位等单独采用GNSS定位影响较大的场景下的自主定位与导航具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
Within the Multi-GNSS Pilot Project (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS), precise orbit and clock products for the BeiDou-3 global navigation satellite system (BDS-3) are routinely generated by a total of five analysis centers. The processing standards and specific properties of the individual products are reviewed and the BDS-3 orbit and clock product performance is assessed through direct inter-comparison, satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals, clock stability analysis, and precise point positioning solutions. The orbit consistency evaluated by the signal-in-space range error is on the level of 4–8 cm for the medium Earth orbit satellites whereas SLR residuals have RMS values between 3 and 9 cm. The clock analysis reveals sytematic effects related to the elevation of the Sun above the orbital plane for all ACs pointing to deficiencies in solar radiation pressure modeling. Nevertheless, precise point positioning with the BDS-3 MGEX orbit and clock products results in 3D RMS values between 7 and 8 mm.  相似文献   
本文第一部分综合了国外近几十年根据不同需求形成的多种水下导航技术,论述了面上导航信息利用水声技术向水下转化的多种形式以及利用不同地球物理参数与地理位置相关性导航的各自特点与问题,论述了在测绘海底地形、重力与其它地球物理特性及其变化时在传感器层面和任务层面融而为一所形成的独具水下特色的同步定位与建图(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,SLAM)导航技术,论述了NavLab作为一个通用工具软件在水下导航系统研发、精度分析以及作业前导航功能规划和导航信息事后处理方面的独特作用。本文第二部分以极具代表性的挪威HUGIN AUV系列产品军民两用为实例,根据任务和导航功能需求,从其“导航工具箱”(ToolBox)选择适用手段,给出典型任务对应的导航方式和传感器。文章结束部分给出了基于先进人工智能技术的未来展望。  相似文献   
根据双星时差/频差(TDOA/FDOA)的定位原理,推导了目标定位精度模型,分析了目标定位精度与轨道高度、星间基线长度、TDOA测量精度、FDOA测量精度、卫星速度测量精度、卫星位置测量精度等误差源之间的关系。分析结果表明:测量因素中的FDOA测量精度和卫星速度测量精度,是影响双星定位的关键因素;而TDOA测量精度和卫星位置测量精度,对目标定位精度的影响较小。  相似文献   
崔鹏程  唐静  李彬  马明生  邓有奇 《航空学报》2018,39(3):121569-121569
保证重叠网格边界数据插值的守恒性是计算流体力学面临的一大难题。基于超网格方法与格心格式有限体积法,发展了一种新型混合重叠网格守恒插值方法。详细研究了用网格切割技术在重叠网格边界构造局部超网格,用网格求交算法合理地扩大贡献单元模板,建立了一种适用于任意网格类型的隐式并行重叠网格守恒插值方法,以超网格为媒介可实现重叠网格二阶精度的守恒插值。数值结果表明,本文方法对二阶分布的流场变量具有严格的守恒性,相比三线性插值方法和逆向距离权插值方法,本文方法减小了数值误差,提高了重叠网格边界的插值精度,加快了计算收敛速度,改善了重叠区域网格尺度相差较大时流场的光滑性和连续性。  相似文献   
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