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分析计算了精密测量中温度误差的影响,讨论了减少和补偿温度误差的方法,并就仪器温度误差的建模问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
为对压气机静子叶片高精度设计与制造提供有力参考,以某高负荷压气机静子叶栅为研究对象,采用基于高斯分布型随机输入的非嵌入式多项式混沌方法,量化评估了端壁倒圆半径误差对最小损失和近失速两个工况下气动性能的不确定性影响。结果表明:倒圆半径误差的不确定性对气动性能的平均水平影响不大,主要反映在气动性能参数的标准差上。提高倒圆半径的加工精度可提升气动性能的鲁棒性近一倍。加工精度一定时,为对叶片进行鲁棒性优化设计,应重点关注近失速工况下气动损失的鲁棒性。根据公差带内端壁倒圆半径与近失速工况下气动性能的关联性分析,倒圆半径与气动性能呈线性关系,应避免倒圆半径与设计值相比偏小的叶片投入使用,以期获得良好的气动性能。通过近失速流场的不确定性分析,分离流动对于倒圆半径误差更为敏感,是引起气动性能不确定性变化的主要因素。   相似文献   
Impulse components in vibration signals are important fault features of complex machines. Sparse coding(SC) algorithm has been introduced as an impulse feature extraction method, but it could not guarantee a satisfactory performance in processing vibration signals with heavy background noises. In this paper, a method based on fusion sparse coding(FSC) and online dictionary learning is proposed to extract impulses efficiently. Firstly, fusion scheme of different sparse coding algorithms is presented to ensure higher reconstruction accuracy. Then, an improved online dictionary learning method using FSC scheme is established to obtain redundant dictionary and it can capture specific features of training samples and reconstruct the sparse approximation of vibration signals. Simulation shows that this method has a good performance in solving sparse coefficients and training redundant dictionary compared with other methods. Lastly, the proposed method is further applied to processing aircraft engine rotor vibration signals. Compared with other feature extraction approaches, our method can extract impulse features accurately and efficiently from heavy noisy vibration signal, which has significant supports for machinery fault detection and diagnosis.  相似文献   
Obstacle avoidance and path planning for carrier aircraft launching   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
文章利用电子地图进行配准、提取海岸轮廓线并对其等间距采样,从中提取关键拐角点,并根据条件确定潜在的舰船停靠区域对其规则化。再将不同时相候选区的分割结果进行差分运算,然后将其沿水平垂直方向投影,找到超过平均投影能量的最大区间,判定舰船变化区间。该算法可以避免大范围的无用搜索,提高检测识别算法的效率。  相似文献   
针对数据链在着陆阶段存在盲区和塔台无法获得着陆飞机实时姿态、接地参数等问题,提出利用多功能光电跟踪技术建立飞机着陆实时监测与评估系统,设计出飞机着陆监测与评估系统的技术方案。由于光电跟踪平台的视场有界,无法保证着陆飞机准确进入光电设备视场,采用精密进场雷达(PAR)牵引光电转台对准即将着陆飞机的方式,辅助光电设备捕获目标飞机,再经过图像检测算法处理,检测出目标飞机,进而转入跟踪锁定,计算出最终下降阶段目标飞机的姿态和偏航信息。详细阐述了该系统的PAR初始化光电设备的方法、步骤。该系统在飞机下降阶段辅助塔台指挥,实现整个着陆过程的监视与评估,满足未来作战飞机精密进近引导的着陆保障和训练要求,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   
We investigate the application of the hybrid semiconductor pixel detector Timepix for precise characterization, quantum sensitivity dosimetry and visualization of the charged particle radiation and X-ray field inside commercial aircraft at operational flight altitudes. The quantum counting capability and granularity of Timepix provides the composition and spectral-characteristics of the X-ray and charged-particle field with high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, high spatial resolution and particle type resolving power. For energetic charged particles the direction of trajectory and linear energy transfer can be measured. The detector is operated by the integrated readout interface FITPix for power, control and data acquisition together with the software package Pixelman for online visualization and real-time data processing. The compact and portable radiation camera can be deployed remotely being controlled simply by a laptop computer. The device performs continuous monitoring and accurate time-dependent measurements in wide dynamic range of particle fluxes, deposited energy, absorbed dose and equivalent dose rates. Results are presented for in-flight measurements at altitudes up to 12 km in various flights selected in the period 2006–2013.  相似文献   
This paper presents a follow-up of the results of an 8-year study on radiation effects in commercial off the shelf (COTS) memory devices operating within the on-board data handling system of the Algerian micro-satellite Alsat-1 in a Low-Earth Orbit (LEO). A statistical analysis of single-event upset (SEU) and multiple-bit upset (MBU) activity in commercial memories on-board the Alsat-1 primary On-Board Computer (OBC-386) is given. The OBC-386 is an Intel 80C386EX based system that plays a dual role for Alsat-1, acting as the key component of the payload computer as well as the command and control computer for the micro-satellite. The in-orbit observations show that the typical SEU rate at Alsat-1’s orbit is 4.04 × 10−7 SEU/bit/day, where 98.6% of these SEUs cause single-bit errors, 1.22% cause double-byte errors, and the remaining SEUs result in multiple-bit and severe errors.  相似文献   
提出了基于Rao-Blackwellized蒙特卡罗数据关联的雷达目标检测跟踪联合优化算法。Rao-Blackwellization方法将单目标跟踪与数据关联分开处理,将序贯蒙特卡罗方法(粒子滤波)用于数据关联,实现杂波与虚警量测中的多目标跟踪。同时,根据粒子的分布范围确定波门大小。在考虑粒子权重的前提下,利用检测单元与所有粒子的相对位置对检测门限进行修正,提高检测率。将本文算法与已经实现的基于空域特性的杂波抑制算法相结合,分别应用于仿真数据、S波段相参与非相参雷达实测数据。实验结果表明,本文算法能够在粒子数较少的情况下,实现对小弱目标的检测与跟踪。   相似文献   
火星电离层探测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
火星已经成为深空探测的重要目标之一, 登陆火星并在火星生存是人类探测火星的终极目标, 因此电离层是必须了解的火星电磁环境. 火星电离层探测包括直接探测和间接探测. 直接探测精度高, 有较高的空间分辨率, 但是观测时间短, 无法提供长期稳定的探测结果. 对火星电离层的间接探测结果主要来自无线电掩星探测和顶部雷达探测. 无线电掩星探测可实现对火星电离层整个电子密度剖面的长期稳定探测, 但其空间水平分辨率较低, 且可探测的电离层太阳天顶角范围受到地球与火星轨道的限制. 顶部雷达探测对火星电离层的探测具有很高的时间分辨率和空间分辨率, 且同样可进行长期稳定探测, 为火星电离层研究提供了最新的支持. 通过对火星电离层探测的基本方法及典型观测结果的分析, 提出通过几种探测方法适当结合的方式, 同时对火星电离层进行观测, 能够大大推进对火星电离层的研究.  相似文献   
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