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对可编程控制器控制原理进行分析,提出一种在已有设备的基础上进行改造,从而实现基于网络的监控技术。通过RS-485数据传输技术,运用TCP/IP协议,用MCGS(Mon itor and Control Generated System)组态软件编写程序软件,以图形界面实现对输送线的过程进行监控。  相似文献   
全罗盘画面反走样算法的研究和实现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在一定分辨率的屏幕上,用常规画线函数生成的静态罗盘刻度线呈现出锯齿形失真,特别当罗盘作动态旋转时,刻度线扭曲,变形,为消除这一现象,笔者根据线条的反走样原理,提出了一种实用算法,消除了静态的锯齿形失真,并从CRT屏幕上仿真的动态效果来看,罗盘刻度线旋转时不扭曲,不变形,实验证明,在光栅图形显示器中,应用此算法可消除走样,大大增强罗盘刻度线动态显示效果。  相似文献   
利用海洋的镜面反射进行太阳耀斑观测,要求以星下点为中心的卫星视场必须落在海洋区内。针对如何判定卫星视场和海岸线地图的位置关系问题,文章将卫星视场构成的矩形区域与海岸线地图构成的不规则多边形区域等效为多条线段集合,并提出一种把判断矩形与不规则多边形位置关系转化成判断等效线段之间位置关系的算法。该算法与传统的线段裁剪法或多边形裁剪法比较,具有无需求取线段交点、判断次数大幅减小等优点,能够达到快速判断能否进行耀斑观测的目的。  相似文献   
众所周知,翻译的要旨在于忠实于原文。从语用学的合作原则来看,译者首先须遵循质量准则。基于此,本文选取《雷雨》中的两组台词的原文与译文进行了分析和评鉴。  相似文献   
In order to investigate where and how low ionization lines are emitted in quasars we are studying a new collection of spectra of the CaII triplet at λ8498, λ8542, λ8662 observed with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) using the Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (ISAAC). Our sample involves luminous quasars at intermediate redshift for which CaII observations are almost nonexistent. We fit the CaII triplet and the OI λ8446 line using the Hβ profile as a model. We derive constraints on the line emitting region from the relative strength of the CaII triplet, OI λ8446 and Hβ.  相似文献   
Broad absorption line (BAL) variability potentially represents a powerful tool to investigate the physical nature and the structure of gas outflows in active galactic nuclei. Most existing BAL variability studies rely on observations taken at a few epochs for samples of tens of BAL QSOs. In this study we present the first “monitoring” of a single object, APM 08279+5255, which has been observed more than 20 times since 2003. All available spectra from the literature have also been analysed, including two high resolution spectra, extending the time interval from 1998 to 2012. A relative stability of the shape of the absorption profile is found. At the same time significant variations of the equivalent width are observed. A correlation of the BAL equivalent width with the QSO luminosity is found for the first time. These results suggest that changes in the ionisation state of the gas are causing opacity changes.  相似文献   
针时飞行器视觉导航等实时性较强的应用,给出了一种在航空序列图像中进行直线边缘快速提取和匹配的方案。在提取直线边缘时,运用了当前速度较快的邻接元素标记方法,从而提高了直线边缘提取速度。而在时直线边缘进行匹配时,给出了一种分三步走的方案,并提出了一种能够有效降低噪声影响的度量方式。首先选择3条直线边缘作为参考模型,在直线边缘的方向、位置以及物理特性的约束下构建候选匹配基,然后在基于矢量技术的基础上确定与参考模型基相对应的匹配模型,在此基础上再确定其他直线边缘之间的对应关系。试验结果表明,本文的直线边缘匹配方法比现有的方法速度提高了30倍以上,能够有效地满足一些实时性较强的应用。  相似文献   
Theoretical logN-logS distributions and (V/V max) tests of gamma-ray bursts in the model of coalescence of neutron star (NS+NS) and/or NS+black hole (NS+BH) binaries are calculated for a flat Universe (=1) with different values of the cosmological constant and under various assumptions about the star formation history. The observed logN-logS distribution and value of (V/V max)=0.33 for 411 bursts with knownC max/C lim from the 2d BATSE catalogue are best fitted with a model for which = 0.2 and primary star formation occurs at redshiftsz5–6.  相似文献   
Active region (AR) NOAA 11476 produced a series of confined plasma ejections, mostly accompanied by flares of X-ray class M, from 08 to 10 May 2012. The structure and evolution of the confined ejections resemble that of EUV surges; however, their origin is associated to the destabilization and eruption of a mini-filament, which lay along the photospheric inversion line (PIL) of a large rotating bipole. Our analysis indicate that the bipole rotation and flux cancellation along the PIL have a main role in destabilizing the structure and triggering the ejections. The observed bipole emerged within the main following AR polarity. Previous studies have analyzed and discussed in detail two events of this series in which the mini-filament erupted as a whole, one at 12:23 UT on 09 May and the other at 04:18 UT on 10 May. In this article we present the observations of the confined eruption and M4.1 flare on 09 May 2012 at 21:01 UT (SOL2012-05-09T21:01:00) and the previous activity in which the mini-filament was involved. For the analysis we use data in multiple wavelengths (UV, EUV, X-rays, and magnetograms) from space instruments. In this particular case, the mini-filament is seen to erupt in two different sections. The northern section erupted accompanied by a C1.6 flare and the southern section did it in association with the M4.1 flare. The global structure and direction of both confined ejections and the location of a far flare kernel, to where the plasma is seen to flow, suggest that both ejections and flares follow a similar underlying mechanism.  相似文献   
本文介绍一种简易的曲面隐藏线消去法。先将曲面上各网点分成可见与不可见两类,然后根据线与线相关性,判断各网格线段的可见性,最后只显示或绘制所有的可见网格线段,得到消隐后的曲面立体图形,本法比较简易,调用方便,通用性较强,不管曲面是根据什么方法构作的,只要顺序输入两个方向的网点数及所有网点的坐标值,调用本子程序,一般均能进行曲面消隐。  相似文献   
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