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On-orbit spacecraft face many threats, such as collisions with debris or other spacecraft.Therefore, perception of the surrounding space environment is vitally important for on-orbit spacecraft.Spacecraft require a dynamic attitude tracking ability with high precision for such missions.This paper aims to address the above problem using an improved backstepping controller.The tracking mission is divided into two phases: coarse alignment and fine alignment.In the first phase,a traditional saturation controller is utilized to limit the maximum attitude angular velocity according to the actuator's ability.For the second phase, the proposed backstepping controller with different virtual control inputs is applied to track the moving target.To fulfill the high precision attitude tracking requirements, a hybrid attitude control actuator consisting of a Control Moment Gyro(CMG) and Reaction Wheel(RW) is constructed, which can simultaneously avoid the CMG singularity and RW saturation through the use of an angular momentum optimal management strategy, such as null motion.Finally, five simulation scenarios were carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy and hybrid actuator.  相似文献   
目标内部运动部件对雷达回波产生的周期性运动部件调制 (PMPM )为目标识别提供了丰富的特征信息。但由于大多数雷达均采用多目标工作方式 ,因此 ,通常情况下只能从雷达获得不连续的目标回波脉冲串 ,这极大增加了根据目标回波频谱提取PMPM特征的难度。针对含PMPM目标回波频谱具有简单结构这一特点 ,提出了基于最小熵准则的交替迭代反卷积方法(AIDME)用于扩展目标雷达回波频谱估计。结果表明 :与傅里叶谱分析方法相比 ,该方法能够有效消除卷积核函数的不利影响 ,获得逼近目标回波真实谱的良好谱估计结果  相似文献   
The work in this paper is aimed to investigate the use of a decentralized control system for suppressing vibration of a multi-link flexible robotic manipulator using embedded smart piezoelectric transducers. To achieve this, a non-linear dynamic model of a flexible robotic manipulator with smart piezoelectric actuators/sensors, is developed based on the co-rotational finite element method. The method incorporates multiple co-ordinate (co-rotational) systems which rotate and translate with each element, so that the geometric non-linearity present in rotating manipulator system can be dealt with efficiently. The placement of piezoelectric actuators and sensors over the flexible links are considered for the application of decentralized control system. A numerical study shows that the developed co-rotational finite element method can be utilized to investigate the piezoelectric actuator/sensor placement and vibration control performances for a multi-link flexible manipulator undertaking complicated motion.  相似文献   
建立了一个基于Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程的共轴刚性旋翼气动干扰数值模拟方法。应用运动嵌套网格技术模拟双旋翼反转运动。通过与试验值对比,验证了方法的有效性。分析了共轴刚性旋翼悬停状态的气动性能和流场特征,结果表明,双旋翼气动干扰主要来自4个方面:双旋翼尾迹涡相互诱导引起"涡诱导效应",使上旋翼气动性能优于下旋翼;双旋翼周期性相遇-离开过程中桨叶附着涡干扰引起"载荷效应",对应拉力周期性升降波动;双旋翼相遇时"厚度效应"使双旋翼拉力产生相反的脉冲波动;上旋翼尾迹涡与下旋翼桨叶碰撞引起垂直"桨-涡干扰效应",使下旋翼桨叶展向拉力分布受到干扰。  相似文献   
在固定平台上实现视频运动目标的准确跟踪本身就是一项富有挑战性的工作。何况在运动平台上,受到背景杂波、亮度变化以及摄像机运动等干扰的影响,要想成功地对目标进行跟踪则更加困难。提出将强度梯度跟踪器与粒子滤波相结合,实现对运动平台上的视频序列中的运动目标的准确跟踪。实验结果表明,跟踪方法能准确、可靠地自动跟踪视频序列中的运动目标。  相似文献   
自适应强杂波抑制与点状动目标检测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了基于自适应图像杂波抑制的微弱点状动目标检测技术。首先利用四叉树算法,将原始的非平稳图像分割成多个准平稳的图像子块,然后对各子块进行LS自适应背景杂波估计与抑制,从而获得准高斯白噪声背景;再利用目标运动连续性假设,将目标在相邻多帧上的位置状态模型化为高阶马尔可夫数据链,建立轨迹状态空间;根据该模型采用多帧沿轨迹非线性集成算法进行检测。既克服了传统的三维匹配算法造成搜索次数巨大的弱点,同时也避免了二维投影检测带来的信噪比下降。理论分析和大量仿真实验证明了其有效性。  相似文献   
研究舱间线缆动力学模型及其扰动传递特性,是深入考察连接线缆刚柔耦合效应影响的重要依据。以绝对节点坐标方法(ANCF)三维缩减曲梁单元模型为背景,考虑线缆的大变形特性,构造新的大变形线缆单元弹性力模型。在此基础上,用数值方法对典型约束工况下线缆单元弹性力模型进行计算和分析,获得位移-扰动力线性关系下的两舱振幅范围。此外,结合有限元方法,获得了舱间线缆不同布线构型的等效结构刚度矩阵模型。结果表明:布线过程中合理排列不同材料性能线缆,可有效降低耦合效应的影响,为后续舱间线缆布线规划提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
用柔性机械臂连杆末端的弹性变形以及变形角度来表示空间机器人柔性臂的弹性运动变量,克服了用无穷维振动模态变量来表示弹性变形给系统运动学建模带来的困难;基于广义雅可比矩阵的思想,建立了柔性臂空间机器人"双广义雅可比矩阵"形式的运动学模型,该运动学模型描述了柔性臂弹性变形对空间机器人的运动影响;以运动学方程为基础,设计了柔性臂空间机器人的惯性空间内连续轨迹规划算法。仿真表明,规划的机械臂关节运动规律可以补偿柔性连杆振动给机械臂末端位置带来的影响,使机械臂末端位置准确沿着期望的轨迹运动。  相似文献   
对虚轴刃磨机床的工作原理进行了分析.建立球头铣刀刀刃的曲线方程,利用活动标架法,推导球头铣刀前后刀面的数学模型.根据球头铣刀的数学模型,求解球头铣刀的广义刀位轨迹,利用虚轴机床的反解模型,把广义的刀位轨迹换算成连杆坐标系下连杆的长度,控制连杆长度的变化,完成刃磨加工运动.进而论证了利用虚轴机床进行刀具加工的优势.  相似文献   
Location layout of aircraft assembly is an important factor affecting product quality.Most of the existing re-searches use the combination of finite element analysis and intelligent algorithm to optimize the location layout,which are limited by numerical simulation accuracy and the selection and improvement of intelligent algorithms.At present,the analysis and decision-making technology based on field data is gradually applied in aircraft manufacturing.Based on the perception data of intelligent...  相似文献   
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