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文章依据"资源三号"卫星三线阵相机在轨工作环境特点,简要分析了三线阵相机热控设计的难点,给出了相应的解决措施,分析并总结了相机的在轨温度场,以相机在轨温度数据验证相机热控设计的正确性。结果表明,相机在轨温度稳定,所有温度均能满足指标要求,证明相机热控设计合理正确。  相似文献   
The IP-based networks on aircraft serve to support Internet services via satellites. However, in aeronautical satellite hybrid net- works,the TCP protocol performance often deteriorates due to improper decreases and slow recovery of the congestion window. This paper proposes a window size determination and notification mechanism, onboard-gateway-based mechanism (OGBM), which is based on the onboard gateway in the networks on aircraft. A cross-layer approach is adopted by the onboard gateway to obtain the satellite link bandwidth information. And then, by the gateway, through changing the receiver’s advertised window field in ACK packets, TCP sources are notified of the window size of each TCP source calculated on the ground of bandwidth delay product and flow numbers. The mechanism is able to avoid improper changes of TCP window and serve multiple users. Simulation results show that the mechanism with the fairness index close to 1 improves TCP performance in aeronautical satellite networks.  相似文献   
在分析现役老龄化舰载直升机动部件载荷特点的基础上,结合直升机所处的海洋腐蚀环境,讨论了舰载直升机的损伤类型和损伤容限寿命管理方法在其寿命分析中的应用,比较了损伤容限法应用于舰载直升机动部件与应用于固定翼飞机的不同点,重点讨论了损伤容限方法应用于工程实践亟待解决的关键技术。  相似文献   
 提出了一种定点后地球同步自旋卫星姿态确定方法,推导了它的计算公式。充分利用了定点后卫星相对地球位置固定不变的特点,只利用一个参考矢量和卫星的位置信息,就可以确定卫星的姿态,完全消除了传统定姿态方法的几何条件限制。由于本方法姿态计算过程中利用的是星上红外地球敏感器测量数据的差分值,消除了测量数据中系统差对定姿精度的影响,使定姿精度提高到0.01°,实际工程应用效果进一步证明了该算法的正确性和精度。  相似文献   
Stacked satellites have a promising application in aerospace engineering for the merits of high launch efficiency and networking capability. As one of the key technical points, releasing tens or even hundreds of satellites from the stacked state in a simple and contact-free manner is of importance. In this paper, the contact-free release dynamics of tens of stacked satellites is studied with only the initial multiaxial rotations of the system. First of all, a rigid multibody dynamic model of the stacked satellite system is established via the natural coordinate formulation (NCF). The NCF modeling scheme is able to describe the large overall motions of the satellites without any singularity and makes it possible to simplify the varying constraints between the satellites. Then, the orbital dynamics of the stacked satellite system is derived via coordinate transformation by taking the Coriolis forces, centrifugal forces, and gravity gradient into consideration. In order to rapidly and accurately detect the possible contact between satellites, a convex optimization model for minimum distance computation is proposed by using a hyperelliptic approximation for a cubic satellite. Finally, a benchmark example is given to validate the contact detection algorithm and three release dynamic cases for the stacked satellites are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the contact-free releasing approach with multiaxial rotations.  相似文献   
The problem of controlling an all-thruster spacecraft in the coupled translational-rotational motion in presence of actuators fault and/or failure is investigated in this paper. The nonlinear model predictive control approach is used because of its ability to predict the future behavior of the system. The fault/failure of the thrusters changes the mapping between the commanded forces to the thrusters and actual force/torque generated by the thruster system. Thus, the basic six degree-of-freedom kinetic equations are separated from this mapping and a set of neural networks are trained off-line to learn the kinetic equations. Then, two neural networks are attached to these trained networks in order to learn the thruster commands to force/torque mappings on-line. Different off-nominal conditions are modeled so that neural networks can detect any failure and fault, including scale factor and misalignment of thrusters. A simple model of the spacecraft relative motion is used in MPC to decrease the computational burden. However, a precise model by the means of orbit propagation including different types of perturbation is utilized to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed approach in actual conditions. The numerical simulation shows that this method can successfully control the all-thruster spacecraft with ON-OFF thrusters in different combinations of thruster fault and/or failure.  相似文献   
叙述了1990年中国返回式卫星采用的微重力测量系统概况、微重力测量数据的处理方法、微重力测量结果与分折。指出:这是国内首次空间微重力水平监测;研制的JS05-1A 微重力测量仪动态精度优于4μg,响应时间6ms,达到了国际同类仪器的先进水平;该仪器为指导优化空间晶体生长的微重力环境及了解卫星工作状况提供了有力手段。通过对该卫星微重力水平监测所获得的73505对数据进行分折,发现有效载荷动作是影响卫星微重力水平的主要因素,为10~(-4)g 量级;有效载荷不动作时,除1.23%的时间存在10~(-4)g量级不明干扰外,有97.6%的时间微重力的绝对值小于4×10~(-5)g,仅O.3%的时间在10~(-4)g 量级。  相似文献   
“风云一号” B 卫星姿态控制系统   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
“风云一号”气象卫星姿态控制系统采用了三轴稳定对地定向的主动控制方案。已发射了两颗(A、B)卫星,其中B星是在A星主控系统的基础上,增加了一个完整的备份系统,采取一系列冗余措施并设计全方位姿态重新捕获的故障对策。经飞行试验及在轨故障应急处理证明,系统设计是完善和成功的,其中反作用飞轮控制、偏置动量控制、磁章动进动和飞轮卸载控制、全方位姿态重新捕获方案在中国是首次采用,均取得了较好的飞行效果,为长寿命卫星姿态控制系统的设计积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   
风云三号C星GNOS北斗掩星电离层探测初步结果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用风云三号卫星C星GNOS掩星探测仪电离层数据,分析了2013年10月FY-3C GNOS探测的北斗掩星电离层廓线分布,将2013年10月1日至2015年10月10日期间FY-3C GNOS观测的F2层峰值电子密度(NmF2)与地面电离层测高仪观测结果进行对比,验证了FY-3C GNOS北斗电离层掩星的探测精度.结果表明,FY3-C GNOS北斗电离层掩星与电离层测高仪探测的NmF2数据相关系数为0.96,平均偏差为10.21%,标准差为19.61%.在不同情况下其数据精度有如下特征:白天精度高于夜晚;夏季精度高于分季,分季精度高于冬季;中纬地区精度高于低纬地区,低纬地区精度高于高纬地区; BDS倾斜同步轨道(IGSO)卫星精度高于同步轨道(GEO)卫星和中轨道(MEO)卫星.FY-3C GNOS北斗电离层掩星与国际上其他掩星电离层数据精度的一致性对GNSS掩星探测资料的综合利用具有重大意义.  相似文献   
针对卫星在执行丢弃载荷或捕获目标等复杂任务时遭遇的姿态突然发生变化的问题,采用深度增强学习方法对卫星姿态进行控制,使卫星恢复稳定状态。具体来说,首先搭建飞行器的姿态动力学环境,并将连续的控制力矩输出离散化,然后采用Deep Q Network算法进行卫星自主姿态控制训练,以姿态角速度趋于稳定作为奖励获得离散行为的最优智能输出。仿真试验表明,面向空间卫星姿态控制的深度增强学习算法能够在卫星受到突发随机扰动后稳定卫星姿态,并能有效解决传统PD控制器依赖被控对象质量参数的难题。所提出的方法采用自主学习的方式对卫星姿态进行控制,具有很强的智能性和一定的普适性,在未来卫星执行复杂空间任务中的智能控制方面有着很好的应用潜力。  相似文献   
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