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The probes landing on the surfaces of the asteroids can increase the scientific return of the exploration missions and also promote the development of deep space resources. Because of its excellent applicability to the uneven terrain and a lighter configuration than the four-legged mechanisms, the three-legged cushioning mechanisms are suitable for dissipating the impact energy and then quickly stabilizing the probe attitude when the probe lands on the micro-gravitational surfaces of the asteroids. Research on the landing dynamics of the probe facilitates to the design of the landing-cushioning mechanism and the optimization of its configuration, as well as the assessment of the landing safety. Comparing with the previous extensive related literature focusing on landing dynamics of the probes assisted by the four-legged cushioning mechanisms, this paper studies creatively the planar dynamics considering the asymmetric characteristic and the leg-leg coupling to understand the landing process of the asteroid probe with the three-legged cushioning mechanism and thereby to optimize the configuration of cushioning mechanism and assess safety margin of the landing. According to the touchdown status, the asymmetric landing modes are classified and the coupling issue in the construction of the landing models is explained. Consequently, two types of dynamics models describing the two-stages touchdown cushioning process of the probe are established. Then, five significant configuration factors of the cushioning mechanism are extracted, and their values combinations are designed according to the Taguchi orthogonal method. On this basis, the maximum safe landing attitude angles of the probe are solved by using these values combinations as the input conditions under the dangerous situations in different landing modes. The range analysis and nonlinear fitting methods are employed to discuss the influence of the configuration factors on the landing safety margin, and the favorable parameter values of the configuration factors are determined. Next, the influence of the ground obstacle on the landing safety margin and several methods to improve the margin are researched. Finally, the complete attitude changes of the probe in two representative landing cases are analyzed. The results studied in this paper can contribute to configuration optimization of the three-legged cushioning mechanisms and safety assessment of the legged probes landing on the asteroids, as well as to provide a reference for discussing the leg-leg coupling issue received less attention in landing dynamics of the probes with the four-legged cushioning mechanisms.  相似文献   
A four-cable mount system is proposed for full-model wind tunnel flutter tests, which may adjust the pitch and roll attitude of the aircraft scaled model and ensure that the model is not subjected to cable tension. The system provides sufficient support to simulate the free flight of the aircraft by applying appropriate spring stiffness and cable tensions. The proposed four-cable mount system is modeled based on Lagrange mechanics, and its dynamics equations consider aerodynamic effects. The singularity of the system and its bifurcation characteristics under flow conditions are analysed to determine the supercritical bifurcation phenomenon for different tension levels and distances from the front suspension point to the mass centre of the model. The mathematical expressions of the longitudinal flight stability of the cable mount system are derived by linearising the system dynamics equations using small perturbations. The influence of the cable tension, spring stiffness, suspension point position, and other factors on the flight stability of the aircraft are analysed. A feedforward control algorithm is proposed to minimize the total elastic potential energy of the system. The results show that the model is in the level flight state when the elastic potential energy of the four-cable mount system is minimized. A feedback control design method is proposed based on the Lyapunov stability theory to derive the closed-loop stability conditions. The system dynamics model that includes the aircraft rigid body model, flexible cables, pulleys, springs, aerodynamic model, and servo motor control is established using the flexible multibody dynamics method. A multibody dynamics solver and Simulink are used to simulate the attitude adjustment of the model in the wind tunnel and verify the supercritical bifurcation characteristics of the system and the effectiveness of the feedback and feedforward control.  相似文献   
After the last flight of the Concorde in 2003, sonic boom has been one of the obstacles to the return of a supersonic transport aircraft to service. To reduce the sonic boom intensity to an acceptable level, it is of great significance to study the effect of lift distribution on far-field sonic boom, since lift is one of the most important contributors to an intense sonic boom. Existing studies on the longitudinal lift distribution used low-fidelity methods, such as Whitham theory, and in turn,o...  相似文献   
利用 CFD 计算软件 FLUENT 的二次开发功能和 RNGk-ε湍流模型,建立了无人机投弹流场数值模拟模型和投弹后的弹道仿真模型。运用动网格技术,以固定步长更新投放物与无人机发生相对运动而导致计算域的变化。将整个流场的解与六自由度运动方程的解相结合,分别模拟计算了导弹,炸弹与无人机的分离过程,在气动干扰下,得到了导弹、炸弹的姿态角和位置随时间变化图,并对导弹在有气动干扰下和无干扰情况下得到的弹道数据进行了对比分析。结果表明,气动干扰对导弹、炸弹的纵向运动影响比较严重,而对横侧向运动影响不大。  相似文献   
研究了以运输机为平台的内装式空射运载火箭重力出舱载机-火箭两体动力学。根据火箭受力条件和相对运动自由度,将其出舱运动顺次分为5个阶段。给出了各阶段过渡的力学条件,基于牛顿-欧拉法分别建立了前4个阶段的机-箭两体动力学模型。定义了火箭出舱过程可能发生危险的多种异常情况,给出了发生异常的力学或几何条件。然后对火箭出舱全程作了数值仿真。若发射初始条件合理,仿真将顺次经历前4个或3个正常阶段,直至火箭离舱。如果异常情况的条件满足,火箭出舱将发生危险,仿真失去意义,故中止,需要调整发射初始条件后进一步仿真验证。本文给出的系统动力学模型和仿真数据可为工程部门设计空射型火箭的本体参数,以及设置空射初始条件提供参考。  相似文献   
为了深入研究低排放燃烧室点火联焰规律,在全新的环形模型燃烧室中开展了点火模拟和试验研究。点火模拟采用随机粒子追踪方法,能够基于时均冷态流场的仿真结果快速模拟火焰传播过程。环形燃烧室包含16个中心分级旋流器,仅向预燃级通入丙烷,用于模拟航空发动机低排放燃烧室点火状态下的空气燃油分级。试验采用PIV技术测量3个头部区域流场,利用高速相机拍摄火焰CH*/C2*基团化学发光信号。对多个流量和当量比条件下的联焰过程、联焰时间和传焰速率进行了分析,试验和模拟的结果均表明:环形燃烧室内火焰双向传播,燃烧室内外环流速度差异导致了双向火焰传播速度差,传焰速率随燃烧室湍流速度和当量比的增加而增加。点火模型很好地捕捉了环形燃烧室点火动态,所得传焰速率也符合湍流火焰传播规律,表明该模型具有较强预测能力。  相似文献   
An evident signature of a least studied quasi-90-day oscillation is found in the winds and tides in the MLT from an equatorial station, São João do Cariri (7.4°S, 36.5°W). The oscillation is found to appear mainly in certain intervals with small but appreciable seasonal (fourth harmonic of annual oscillation) contribution. The maximum amplitude of the oscillation is found to be around 10 m/s in the zonal wind. The enhancement peak of the oscillation exhibits downward movement indicating a plausible role of upward moving waves/tides in carrying its imprint from below to the MLT. Similar oscillation feature in the tropospheric zonal wind and ozone may imply its lower atmospheric origin as a component of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) that moves upward by modulating the tides. Subsequently, the propagating tides (mainly semidiurnal) are enhanced by the ozone in the stratosphere through absorption of solar UV radiation and finally manifest the oscillation in the MLT. Consistency of the present findings with the past investigations are observed in some aspects of the oscillation, whereas existing mismatches in others are believed to be due to geophysical variability depending on space and time among various locations on the globe.  相似文献   
To explore the low-speed characteristics of the Blended-Wing-Body (BWB) configuration for future civil aircraft, a series of unmanned subscale demonstrators have been developed and tested by our research team. During this process, specific safety risks deriving from uncertain design features, system unreliability, and insufficient personnel experience caused continuous flight test mishaps and the risk mechanism was not clear. Local and trial-and-error learning driven safety improvements took few effects on mishap prevention, so our focus was turned to look for systematic safety strategies. This paper establishes a systems theory based hybrid model to integrate the physical system reliability analysis techniques with the system dynamics method for illustrating the multiple risk interactions of the demonstrator flight test involving organizational, human resource and technical system factors. Using the prior BB-5 demonstrator as a case, the hybrid model simulation represents its historical risk evolution process, which verifies the model rationality. Derived risk control strategies reduced the mishap rate of a new demonstrator called BB-6 Sprit. The paper also shows the extended hybrid model can be applied on safety management of unmanned aerial vehicles from the initial period of vehicle development.  相似文献   
碱金属引射下的高超声速尾流的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈伟芳  石于中 《宇航学报》1996,17(4):100-103
高超声速化学非平衡尾流的分析与计算是空气动力学中的一个重要课题。本文采用二阶精度的中心差隐格式,求解了抛物化的N-S方程,得到了高空20KM及60KM非平衡尾流的数值解,研究了碱金属引射对尾流电子密度的影响。计算结果表明引射碱金属对尾流电子密度影响明显,尾流电子密度因此增加了1~3个量级。文中化学反应模型采用十组元模型,组元包括O2、N2、O、N、NO、NO+、O-2、Na、N+a以及e-。  相似文献   
为了借助计算机分析和模拟复杂的超塑成形过程,本文提出了一个用于测定超塑性金属材料参数m和K的等胀形高度法,并在文中推导了与该法相关的公式.通过应用在模拟薄板超塑胀形过程中的计算实例,证明该法的 精度是令人满意的.  相似文献   
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