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质谱计多次应用于行星系统和小天体的大气层与土壤吸附气体或挥发组分及其同位素含量探索,是太阳系行星系统和小天体探测计划中的首选载荷之一。大气和土壤元素及其同位素组分探测对资源勘探、行星系统的宜居性、天体演化、起源及其重要事件的精准时间坐标研究等具有重要意义。质谱计已多次成功应用于火星、土星系、木星系、彗星等探测任务中开展大气环境探测。质谱计的探测对象主要包括太阳系行星、行星卫星如月球、木星伽利略卫星、土卫,以及地外小行星和彗星。四极杆质谱计在当前的深空空间环境探测活动中应用最为广泛。利用四极杆质谱计除可用于探测稀薄天体大气与土壤析出气体外,如增加抽真空能力的前端设计,则具备探测稠密大气成分的能力。中科院空间中心研发的星载质谱计已多次成功应用于地球行星大气成分和密度探测。  相似文献   
A numerical study of the MIDACO optimization software on the well known GTOP benchmark set, published by the European Space Agency (ESA), is presented. The GTOP database provides trajectory models of real-world interplanetary space missions such as Cassini, Messenger or Rosetta. The trajectory models are formulated as constrained nonlinear optimization problems and are known to be difficult to solve.  相似文献   
飞秒激光直写技术在复杂三维微结构加工领域具有显著优势,而调焦是否精准直接影响了所加工结构的完整度.提出了在光路中临时置入调焦光源和物的图像调焦技术,通过调节物的位置使其成像面与激光聚焦面一致,从而通过清晰可分辨的成像状态间接反映激光聚焦状态.利用Zemax软件模拟分析了原飞秒激光光路与加入调焦光源和物的调焦光路,二者可实现相同加工物镜后工作距离与良好成像质量,证明了该方法的可行性.通过分析得到该过程的成像误差主要由成像镜头焦深(3.9 μm)引起,我们获得的理想调焦精度可达到1/2焦深以内.设计了单层高度为5 μm的二层圆柱结构,通过多次实验验证了所加工元件高度误差在1.5 μm范围以内,与理论分析一致,满足飞秒激光系统的调焦要求.  相似文献   
Beam-plasma interaction effects are studied during the active space experiment with electron and Xe-ion beam injections in an ionospheric plasma. Permanent 40-kHz-modulated electron beam injection occurs simultaneously with a xenon-ion beam injected by the Hall-type plasma thruster operating in a square-pulse mode (100/50 s for a job/pause duration). The unusual behavior of the background charged particle fluxes and wave activity stimulated during the beam-plasma interaction have been registered by the scientific instruments onboard Intercosmos-25 station (IK-25) and Magion-3 subsatellite. The longitudinal and electromagnetic wave instabilities and their mutual relationship are considered in order to explain the observed effects. The excitation of electrostatic waves by the electron injection has been considered for different resonance conditions near the linear stability boundary. Beam-driven electromagnetic instability is responsible for the backward-propagating whistler waves excited via cyclotron resonance. Competition of these two beam instabilities is one of the subjects of the present study.  相似文献   
This paper focused on online scheduling of distributed Earth observation satellite system in a dynamic environment. The objective was to maximize the total profit of the overall system by efficiently coordinating the different satellites with stochastic arrival of urgent tasks, subject to rigid communication and observation time window constraints. We formulated this problem as a single-task, single-robot, time-extended assignment problem with intra-schedule dependency using the multi-robot task assignment taxonomy and formulated the sub-problem after releasing urgent tasks in a mixed-integer linear programming model. We first described the online scheduling algorithm for a single satellite, then we proposed the modified consensus-based bundle algorithm (m-CBBA) and modified asynchronous consensus-based bundle algorithm (m-ACBBA) with synchronous and asynchronous communication, respectively. Compared with initial versions of CBBA and ACBBA, the modified versions added the communication loop prediction phases to efficiently utilize scarce communication opportunities and reduce the communication requirements. Additionally, we introduce two contract net protocol (CNP)-based algorithms for comparison, respectively SingleItem-CNP-based (SI-CNP) algorithm and Batch-CNP-based (BA-CNP) algorithm. Computational experiments indicated that both the total profit and percentage of scheduled urgent tasks achieved by the m-ACBBA and m-CBBA algorithms were much higher than those achieved by both SI-CNP and BA-CNP. Additionally, the number of communications needed by either m-ACBBA or m-CBBA algorithm was lower than that by SI-CNP. When the communication cost in the system is high, the m-CBBA algorithm is preferred because it balances the profit and the required number of communications. When the communication cost is low, the m-ACBBA algorithm is preferred because it achieves high total profit and high percentage of scheduled urgent tasks.  相似文献   
针对航天设备在轨运行时间长、不易更换的特点,提出了一种力矩宽且范围可调的步进电机控制电路设计。该电路原理样机以Xilinx公司的XC3S400pq-208型FPGA为核心控制芯片,以LMD18200为步进电机驱动芯片。在对电路总体设计进行介绍的基础上,重点阐述了航天过程中步进电机阻力矩增加的问题,以及通过脉冲频率和PWM控制技术调节输出力矩的方法。试验结果表明,力矩可调范围的最大值能够使力矩裕度达到4,匹配步进电机在轨运行过程中的力矩要求。  相似文献   
结构光三维视觉检测中光条图像处理方法研究   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
在结构光视觉检测系统中,光条中心的提取精度直接影响到整个测量系统的测量精度.光条图像的处理是其中重要的一步,尤其是受到严重噪声干扰的图像.探讨了被多种噪声干扰的光条图像的处理和精确提取光条中心的方法.给出了一种消除环境干扰的滤波模板并实验验证了其滤波效果.使用这些光条图像处理方法使整个测量系统在200mm×200mm的测量范围内测量精度达到0.083mm.   相似文献   
Ka波段高中频四次谐波混频器的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推导了反对接二级管混频原理与相差合成原理相结合实现四次谐波混频公式。结合公式提出了在Ka波段实现高中频四次谐波混频器的新的设计方案 ,进行了电路仿真并制作了混频器电路 ,通过仿真所得到的实验结果表明 ,公式推导正确设计思路切实可行  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于虚拟页地址映射的NAND Flash管理算法.该算法通过定义坏块表、对应表等结构,以及设计的坏块替换策略和虚拟页地址到实际物理页地址的转换算法,实现上层软件采用虚拟地址对NAND Flash的无坏块连续页地址访问.该算法是一种高效的地址映射算法,能高效地对数据进行索引,占用SRAM空间较少,使系统达到高性能,并使得闪存使用的更加稳定持久.  相似文献   
针对单颗卫星对空间非合作目标测距不能估计全部相对运动状态的问题,提出利用编队中多颗卫星同时测距相对导航。建立了相对运动状态估计的系统模型;推导了系统可观测矩阵;通过计算系统可观测度和采用无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)对目标相对运动状态进行估计,研究了观测矢量方向和数量与相对导航精度的关系。结果表明双星测距能估计全部相对运动状态,观测矢量夹角越大,相对导航精度越高,在编队尺寸远小于目标距离的前提下,多于两颗的卫星测距并不能明显提高相对导航精度。  相似文献   
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