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Robust Navier-Stokes method for predicting unsteady flowfield and aerodynamic characteristics of helicopter rotor 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A robust unsteady rotor flowfield solver CLORNS code is established to predict the complex unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of rotor flowfield. In order to handle the difficult problem about grid generation around rotor with complex aerodynamic shape in this CFD code,a parameterized grid generated method is established, and the moving-embedded grids are constructed by several proposed universal methods. In this work, the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) equations with Spalart-Allmaras are selected as the governing equations to predict the unsteady flowfield of helicopter rotor. The discretization of convective fluxes is accomplished by employing the second-order central difference scheme, third-order MUSCL-Roe scheme, and fifth-order WENO-Roe scheme. Aimed at simulating the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of helicopter rotor, the dual-time scheme with implicit LU-SGS scheme is employed to accomplish the temporal discretization. In order to improve the computational efficiency of holecells and donor elements searching of the moving-embedded grid technology, the ‘‘disturbance diffraction method and ‘‘minimum distance scheme of donor elements method are established in this work. To improve the computational efficiency, Message Passing Interface(MPI) parallel method based on subdivision of grid, local preconditioning method and Full Approximation Storage(FAS) multi-grid method are combined in this code. By comparison of the numerical results simulated by CLORNS code with test data, it is illustrated that the present code could simulate the aerodynamic loads and aerodynamic noise characteristics of helicopter rotor accurately. 相似文献
阐明了用有理参数形式表示圆弧的充要条件。在此基础上建立了由三点确定的双圆弧的有理参数方程。提出了有理双圆弧插值的算法,其中包括建立连续性方程,计算弦切角以及构造样条曲线。此外,构造了一类以双圆弧样条为横向截线的直纹曲面 相似文献
以Ⅲ型裂纹(反平面剪切)问题为例,对裂纹尖端弹塑性应力场进行了分析研究。首先,基于断裂力学基本理论,引入弹塑性本构关系,推导弹塑性裂纹尖端场;其次,依据线弹性场中应力强度因子的定义和基于J-积分的弹塑性裂纹尖端应力场的分布,并结合物理意义,定义了与线弹性场应力强度因子一致的弹塑性应力强度因子,来表征弹塑性裂纹尖端应力场的强度;最后,对本文所定义的弹塑性应力强度因子进行了合理性分析,说明了本文定义的适用性。本文所定义的弹塑性应力强度因子,相比于表征弹塑性场的J-积分,具有更明确的物理意义和更简明的表达形式;为弹塑性裂纹尖端场的分析和含裂纹材料弹塑性破坏判据的建立提供了理论方法。另外,本文方式也适合于定义Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型问题。 相似文献
海绵/橡胶适配器应力和变形模式的轴对称平面应变解析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
海绵/橡胶适配器的应力和变形模式的解析方法是其力学理论研究的重要前提。基于轴对称平面应变假设,推导了海绵圆筒和橡胶圆筒的径向应力、切向应力和径向位移的解析公式;建立了位移边界条件下适配器受压问题的非线性常微分解析方程组,并通过数值模型仿真验证了解析公式推导的正确性;调整海绵/橡胶粘合面半径,研究了海绵层厚度比对适配器受压力学特性的影响。结果表明:数值模型和解析公式计算结果基本一致;适配器海绵层径向应力值和切向应力值相差不大,橡胶层切向应力高于径向应力约1个数量级,径向应力最大值位于适配器外表面,切向应力和径向位移最大值均位于海绵/橡胶粘合面;随海绵层厚度比增加,适配器应力和位移减小且减幅越来越小。 相似文献
基于非惯性系的悬停状态旋翼CFD/CSD耦合气动分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
旨在提高先进旋翼气动特性的分析精度,在旋翼高精度CFD分析中耦合气动弹性效应,取代传统方法中的刚性桨叶假设,并考虑悬停状态旋翼流场准定常的特性,在非惯性坐标系下建立了一套适合于悬停状态旋翼气动特性计算的CFD/CSD耦合分析方法。旋翼气动载荷通过求解三维Navier-Stokes方程求得,空间离散及通量计算采用Jameson中心格式,时间方向则选用五步Runge-Kutta迭代求解,湍流模型采用B-L模型;基于Hamilton原理建立了描述旋翼弹性运动的非线性微分方程,针对旋翼悬停状态的工作特点,采用Raphson迭代方法求解获得旋翼桨叶的弹性变形量。在CFD/CSD耦合计算中,旋翼桨叶交接面载荷及变形信息通过CFD与CSD模块进行传递,同时为提高桨叶弹性变形后贴体网格生成的效率和质量,采用基于网格点坐标转换的网格变形方法。在CFD和CSD程序分别验证基础上,采用建立的旋翼CFD/CSD耦合分析方法计算了先进的UH-60A直升机旋翼的表面压强及气动载荷。计算结果表明,与刚性旋翼CFD模拟结果比较,本文建立的CFD/CSD耦合分析模型可以更准确地预估旋翼气动载荷和性能。 相似文献