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多退化变量下基于Copula函数的陀螺仪剩余寿命预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对惯性导航系统中陀螺仪多退化变量条件下的剩余寿命(RUL)预测问题,提出了一种基于Copula函数的多退化变量剩余寿命预测方法。首先,针对退化变量间不同的退化轨迹,采用不同的方法进行退化建模,并对于陀螺漂移系数样本标准差数据波动性随时间递增的特性,提出了一种方差时变的正态随机过程退化建模方法,得到了陀螺仪剩余寿命的边缘分布函数。然后,通过Copula函数来描述退化变量之间的相关性,将得到的剩余寿命的边缘分布进行融合,得到了陀螺仪剩余寿命的联合分布函数。最后,通过陀螺仪实例分析验证了方法的适用性和可行性。  相似文献   
The characteristics of the equatorial F-region zonal plasma drift during post-sunset period have been investigated using the multi-frequency HF Doppler radar. The pattern of the zonal plasma drift is such that it starts with a westward drift during the pre-sunset hours, followed by an eastward drift shortly after the E-region sunset. The zonal plasma drift is characterized by the presence of a positive vertical shear around the post-sunset period and maximum shear is observed at the time of the peak of the pre-reversal enhancement in the vertical drift. The presence of vertical shear in the zonal drift is associated with the post-sunset velocity vortex existing at the equatorial F-region.  相似文献   
为了实现天琴计划航天器轨道构型的长期稳定漂移并满足轨道构型的稳定性指标,文章应用优化算法搜索航天器初始最优瞬时轨道要素。建立考虑摄动情况下航天器轨道动力学模型,对导致等边三角形轨道构型发生长周期漂移的轨道要素进行了分析,并且将这些要素作为轨道设计的待优化参量,应用粒子群(ParticleSwarmOptimization,PSO)智能寻优算法进行优化,应用最终优化得到的轨道要素进行轨道构型仿真。仿真结果表明,在不进行轨道控制的情况下,4年内轨道构型呼吸角变化小于1.5°,臂长变化小于1500km,臂长变化速率小于10km/s,初步满足轨道构型的稳定性指标。  相似文献   
The paper deals with the study of temporal and spatial variation of equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) phenomenon along with its dependence on solar activity and season during the 19th solar cycle by using seven Indian ionosonde stations. Present study is an attempt to carry out the comprehensive study of EIA by using the limited number of ground based instruments. This has been achieved by performing the Gaussian fitting over the latitudinal distribution of F2-region critical frequency (foF2) data. Results reveal that the phenomenon of EIA has a strong dependence on solar activity and seasons. The EIA crest exhibits the feature of latitudinal shifting and expansion with increasing solar activity. It is found out that the effect of solar cycle and seasons on EIA is local time dependent. The observations were also compared with the IRI-2001 model predictions and results reveal that the model values are in general agreement with the observed values with some discrepancies, particularly during the high solar activity period and morning sector. The results have been discussed in the light of relative contribution from transequatorial interhemispheric neutral wind and strength of equatorial fountain process during different local time, season and solar activity levels. Furthermore, an attempt is made to parameterize the location and foF2 of the EIA crest by using the regression analysis. These results can be used to predict the latitudinal position and foF2 of the EIA crest for any given 12-month running average sunspot number (R12).  相似文献   
电离层峰区的等离子体漂移   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据垂测数据、利用伺服模式讨论了中低纬上空电离层峰区等离子体垂直漂移速度的日变化形态及其随不同季节和不同纬度等的变化规律。揭示了漂移速度的凌晨凹陷与日出凸起现象,指出了可能的形成机制。  相似文献   
本文研究了泵浦激光频率波动对核磁共振陀螺仪零偏稳定性的影响.通过分析核磁共振陀螺仪理论模型和自旋光泵浦极化129Xe的过程,阐述泵浦激光频率波动对陀螺仪零偏稳定性的影响机理.结果表明,泵浦光频率波动会导致核磁共振陀螺仪零偏稳定性下降约3个数量级.泵浦光频率波动是制约核磁共振陀螺仪性能提升的重要因素.  相似文献   
光纤陀螺对温度较为敏感,输出受温度及温度变化率影响严重,在实际工作中需要对温度漂移误差进行建模补偿。传统多项式拟合方法如最小二乘法,无法很好地满足精度要求。因此,首先对光纤陀螺工作原理与温度漂移误差产生原理进行分析,得出光纤陀螺温度漂移误差特性。利用传统多项式模型对不同温度下启动的光纤陀螺进行建模补偿,得到补偿后的精度并不理想。利用新的二维插值模型对上述试验重新进行建模补偿,结果表明二维插值模型明显优于多项式模型,光纤陀螺的零偏稳定性由补偿前的0.0153(°)/h提高到0.0051(°)/h,有利于工程上应用。  相似文献   
获取高精度事后姿态数据是提高遥感平台成像质量的必要条件之一,离线处理可有效降低敏感器测量误差,从而获得更高的姿态确定精度。基于滤波的校正方法中,星敏感器低频误差(LFE)与陀螺漂移将产生耦合影响导致校正精度低,本文针对该问题推导了耦合误差的数学模型,并设计了一种两步双向平滑事后处理算法,将陀螺漂移与低频误差分两步校正,通过反复滤波剥离陀螺漂移与低频误差。同时,针对低频误差参数收敛速度慢、噪声参数调节困难的问题,利用一种基于极大似然估计(MLE)的固定窗口自适应双向滤波算法进行处理以获得更好的噪声估计,提高了收敛速度和收敛精度。文中仿真工况下,离线姿态确定精度可达到0.8″(3σ),低频误差参数完全收敛时间不超过4个轨道周期。  相似文献   
瘤状冰结冰过程的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
提出了一种可考虑粗糙度影响的瘤状冰结冰过程数值模拟方法。结合欧拉坐标系下空气-过冷水滴两相流动控制方程的计算,对飞机机翼在不同温度下的瘤状冰结冰过程进行了数值模拟,得到了NACA0012翼型4°攻角下结冰表面的瘤状冰冰形。通过与实验数据对比,表明该的方法是有效的。   相似文献   
电容式MEMS角速率传感器零位的全温稳定性是其实用化的最重要的技术指标之一。分析了陀螺工作原理,从传感器敏感表头的空气阻尼、谐振频率等方面分析了机械结构的温度特性,得出了在全温区内驱动力与传感器零位输出的相关性。根据对陀螺表头和接口电路的温度特性分析,设计了恒定跨导高线性度的运算放大器,实现了全温低相位偏移、低幅值偏移的接口ASIC,并在高压N阱COMS工艺下流片。通过驱动力信号对零位进行温度补偿,包含了机械结构刚度和空气热阻尼等因素的影响,理论上比单独的谐振频率补偿更准确,而且驱动力信号可直接由接口电路给出,避免复杂的采样。在-40℃60℃的温度范围内进行零位温度循环测试,驱动力幅值对零位输出进行三阶拟合补偿,补偿后全温零位温度漂移小于26.7(°)/h(1σ)。  相似文献   
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