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A numerical model, based on Parker’s transport equation, describing the modulation of anomalous cosmic rays and containing diffusive shock acceleration is applied. The role of radial perpendicular diffusion at the solar wind termination shock, and as the dominant diffusion coefficient in the outer heliosphere, is studied, in particular the role it plays in the effectiveness of the acceleration of anomalous protons and helium when its latitude dependence is changed. It is found that the latitudinal enhancement of radial perpendicular diffusion towards the heliospheric poles and along the termination shock has a prominent effect on the acceleration of these particles. It results in a ‘break’ in the energy spectrum for anomalous protons at ∼6.0 MeV, causing the spectral index to change from E−1.38 to E−2.23, but for anomalous helium at ∼3.0 MeV, changing the spectral index from E−1.38 to E−2.30. When approaching the simulated TS, the changes in the modulated spectra as they unfold to a ‘steady’ power law shape at energies below 50 MeV are much less prominent as a function of radial distances when radial perpendicular diffusion is increased with heliolatitude.  相似文献   
We investigate accelerated electrons observed by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), using data from the Electron Reflectometer (ER) instrument. We find three different types of accelerated electron events. Current sheet events occur over regions with weak or no crustal fields, have the highest electron energy fluxes, and are likely located on draped magnetotail fields. Extended events occur over regions with moderate crustal magnetic fields, and are most often observed on closed magnetic field lines. Localized events have the lowest energy fluxes, occur in strong magnetic cusp regions, and are the most likely kind of event to be found on open magnetic field lines. Some localized events have clear signatures of field-aligned currents; these events have much higher electron fluxes, and are preferentially observed on radially oriented open magnetic field lines. Electron acceleration events, especially localized events, are similar in many ways to events observed in the terrestrial auroral zone. However, physical processes related to those found in the terrestrial cusp and/or plasmasheet could also be responsible for accelerating electrons at Mars.  相似文献   
本文计算、分析了太阳耀斑加速电子在日冕中传输时激发的等离子体尾场的效应,认为耀斑电子的高能成份激发的尾场,能够加速低能耀斑电子,低能耀斑电子的能量增值可达几十keV至上百keV,这种尾场加速将软化约100keV以下的能量范围内(探测阈之上)的耀斑电子能谱。结合考虑尾场效应,本文提出了太阳耀斑加速电子从加速区到形成电子事件之间的能谱演化模式,说明了太阳纯电子事件的双幂律电子能谱和太阳质子-电子事件的单幂律电子能谱的形成,认为两类事件的电子能谱差异为耀斑电子日冕传输中不同程度的尾场效应所致,前者尾场效应弱,电子能谱呈双幂律,后者尾场效应较强,电子能谱为单幂律谱。  相似文献   
稳态加速度模拟试验设备:离心机设计(8)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分3篇10章详细介绍了稳态加速度模拟试验设备——离心机的设计。上篇对稳态加速度环境及其效应、试验方法和相关标准作了阐述;中篇(上)系统介绍国内外该类离心机发展的基本历程、概貌及典型离心机结构细节,并对其适当予以小结与点评;中篇(下)对离心机运动学进行基本理论分析,研究总体设计和部件设计问题,提出离心机设计原则及相应计算方法;下篇通过一个国家“七五”科技攻关项目的研制报告作为实例,提供读者进行具体设计时参考。文中,作者对多年累积的技术资料与实践心得进行了系统整理与归纳,力求梳理出一条研制稳态加速度模拟用离心机的设计思路与实用程序,使其兼具资料性、技术性与实用性。该文对相关领域的研究者和技术人员将有一定启发与助益,对其他类同设备设计也有某些触类旁通作用,对该专业有兴趣的读者也可作为参考读物。文章主要探讨的对象是中型、大型、特大型航空航天离心机,土工离心机和载人离心机。在第5章中主要介绍了中国的离心机,包括:长江科学院、中国工程物理研究院、中国直升机设计研究所、中国空间技术研究院研制的各类土工离心机及载人离心机概况,重点就其总体布局、主机结构进行了研究,尽可能提供设备外形及细节详图,并予以点评。  相似文献   
介绍了某型发动机的RT-11燃油调节器加速性不稳定、起飞状态燃油供油量停滞的情况,分析了产生故障的原因和故障机理,并提出了修理中的改进措施。  相似文献   
太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particle,SEP)事件是影响地球空间以及深空辐射环境的主要因素之一。“渐进型”太阳高能粒子事件中的高能粒子主要来自于日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,CME)所驱动的激波扩散加速(Diffusive Shock Acceleration,DSA)过程。CME驱动的激波在行星际的传播过程中,其结构不断演化,进而影响到高能粒子的加速过程。本文利用二维太阳高能粒子加速和传播模型,对发生于2014年4月18日的太阳高能粒子事件实例进行了数值模拟。模型考察了黄道面上2 AU的距离以内包含地球所在位置的4个不同点,分别计算了每个点上高能粒子的通量。数值模拟的结果表明:黄道面内不同位置的观察点,与激波波前的磁力线连接不同,从而导致观察点处高能粒子的通量有着显著的差异。该模型的计算结果可以为深空探测计划开展辐射环境研究提供必要的输入。  相似文献   
Observations carried out from the coronagraphs on board space missions (LASCO/SOHO, Solar Maximum and Skylab) and ground-based facilities (HAO/Mauna Loa Observatory) show that coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can be classified into two classes based on their kinematics evolution. These two classes of CMEs are so-called fast and slow CMEs. The fast CME starts with a high initial speed that remains more or less constant; it is also called the constant-speed CME. On the other hand, the slow CME starts with a low initial speed, but shows a gradual acceleration; it is also called the accelerated and slow CME. Low and Zhang [Astrophys. J. 564, L53–L56, 2002] suggested that these two classes of CMEs could be a result of a difference in the initial topology of the magnetic fields associated with the underlying quiescent prominences. A normal prominence magnetic field topology will lead to a fast CME, while an inverse quiescent prominence results in a slow CME, because of the nature of the magnetic reconnection processes. In a recent study given by Wu et al. [Solar Phys. 225, 157–175, 2004], it was shown that an inverse quiescent prominence magnetic topology also could produce a fast CME. In this study, we perform a numerical MHD simulation for CMEs occurring in both normal and inverse quiescent prominence magnetic topology. This study demonstrates three major physical processes responsible for destabilization of these two types of prominence magnetic field topologies that can launch CMEs. These three initiation processes are identical to those used by Wu et al. [Solar Phys. 225, 157–175, 2004]. The simulations show that both fast and slow CMEs can be initiated from these two different types of magnetic topologies. However, the normal quiescent prominence magnetic topology does show the possibility for launching a reconnection island (or secondary O-line) that might be thought of as a “CME’’.  相似文献   
人们在日常或某些特殊条件下常会面临方向和大小发生迅速变化的加速度环境,已有研究发现加速度环境会影响心血管系统生理、病理特征。利用计算机模拟方法详细研究了向前加速度环境下人体颈动脉内的血流动力学参数变化规律。结果表明:加速度会对颈动脉内压力、压力梯度、壁面剪切应力等与血管生理、病理现象密切相关的血流动力学参数产生显著影响。研究结果为加速度环境下颈动脉生理、病理研究提供了一定的理论依据,也为航空航天领域加速度环境下人员防护提供参考。   相似文献   
无电极高密度等离子体电磁推进技术已成为未来深空探测、载人航天和货运、太阳能电站以及航天器在轨服务与维护等空间任务中极具竞争力的核心推进技术之一。在梳理不同无电极等离子体电磁加速机制基础上,开展大功率无电极高密度等离子体电磁推进技术性能对比,给出新概念无电极场反构型电磁推进技术向未来超大功率拓展的优势和发展潜力,同步分析了该技术亟需解决的关键基础问题,旨在为中国新概念场反构型电磁推进技术的研发提供理论基础。  相似文献   
高频噪声场中薄壁结构响应的预估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用统计能量分析(StatisticalEnergyAnalysis简称SEA)法研究了在高频宽带随机噪声场中板及加筋板(航空航天器用蒙皮)的加速度响应。发现,在高频段同样外场激励情况下,加筋板的响应大于光板的。本文解释了这一用质量定理无法解释的现象,并用叠加法确定了复杂结构加筋板的模态密度、辐射阻抗和输入功率。  相似文献   
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