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利用wx AMPS软件构建了高效Ga In P/Ga As/Ge太阳电池的中电池模型,并对电池抗辐照性能进行模拟研究。模拟发现,当辐照缺陷密度较小时,缺陷对中电池的电性能影响较小;当缺陷密度较大时,电性能的下降与电子注量值的对数成正比。计算电池的I-V和量子效率谱(QE曲线)可知,电池电性能的下降直接对应于量子效率的下降、饱和暗电流的增强以及并联电阻的衰降。模拟结果与试验结果的对比显示,在各子电池均匀损伤的假定下,1 Me V电子辐照的缺陷引入率约为0.81。  相似文献   
We present an analysis of high resolution spectra in the far-UV – UV range (∼905–2000 Å) with non-LTE, spherical, hydrodynamical, line-blanketed models, of three O-type Galactic stars, and derive their photospheric and wind parameters. These data extend previously analyzed samples and fill a gap in spectral type coverage. The combined sample confirms a revised (downward) Teff scale with respect to canonical calibrations, as found in our previous works from UV and optical spectra, and in recent works by other authors.  相似文献   
文章简要介绍了航天器常用导电胶粘剂的成分和功能原理,研究了MD-140 导电胶粘剂的基本性能以及经过温度循环试验、粒子辐照试验后其力学性能、导热性能和导电性能的变化情况。从导电胶粘剂内部结构角度出发,对其性能的环境退化机理进行分析探讨。结果表明:高低温循环试验后,导电胶的黏结性能变强,导电性能变差,导热性能变化不显著;粒子辐照试验后,导电胶的黏结性能和导电性能变差,导热性能变化不显著。  相似文献   
由于高能电子辐射的长期照射,新一代太阳X射线探测器硅漂移传感器的探测性能可能发生变化.通过用电子放射源模拟空间电子对硅漂移探测器进行辐射照射试验,以测试电子照射对传感器能量分辨率、效率、信号幅度等性能的影响.试验结果表明,长期的电子照射造成硅漂移探测器面损伤和体损伤,使其漏电流增大,信号幅度减小,能量分辨率也受到照射的影响,而探测效率未发生变化.  相似文献   
In heavy ion radiotherapy and space travel humans are exposed to energetic heavy ions (C, Si, Fe and others). This type of irradiation often produces more severe biological effects per unit dose than more common X-rays. A new Monte Carlo model generates a physical space with the complex geometry of human tissue or a cell culture based model of tissue, which is affected by the passage of ionizing radiation. For irradiation, the model relies on a physical code for the ion track structure; for tissues, cellular maps are derived from two- or three-dimensional confocal microscopy images using image segmentation algorithm, which defines cells as pixilated volumes. The model is used to study tissue-specific statistics of direct ion hits and the remote ion action on cells. As an application of the technique, we considered the spatial pattern of apoptotic cells after heavy ion irradiation. The pattern of apoptosis is modeled as a stochastic process, which is defined by the action cross section taken from available experimental data. To characterize the degree of apoptosis, an autocorrelation function that describes the spatial correlation of apoptotic cells is introduced. The values of the autocorrelation function demonstrate the effect of the directionality of the radiation track on the spatial arrangements of inactivated cells in tissue. This effect is intrinsic only to high linear-energy-transfer radiation.  相似文献   
为提高深空探测器的自主导航能力, 利用脉冲星导航的脉冲到达时间和脉冲星 角位置测量值、紫外敏感器中心天体质心相对于探测器的方向矢量和距离测量 值以及紫外敏感器输出的航天器姿态角, 以探测器在惯性坐标系下的位置和速度、 探测器本体坐标系相对于惯性坐标系的姿态角、星载时钟钟差为系统状态变量, 通过联邦扩展卡尔曼滤波器估计组合导航系统的系统状态, 并利用火星环绕段 轨道数据进行仿真实验. 仿真结果表明, 该组合导航方法能够使火星轨道器 在环绕段飞行中同时进行定轨、定姿和授时, 且具有较高的导航精度和授时能力.  相似文献   
张翰墨  卢山  杨文博  吕春光 《宇航学报》2015,36(12):1453-1458
针对地球紫外中心指向高精度提取问题,提出一种基于梯度统计的快速、低存储需求的紫外地平圆盘中心提取算法。首先,考虑到星载计算机与高内存消耗的滤波算法、实时导航需求的冲突,采用结合Sobel边缘算子与局部二值模式(LBP)算子的改进边缘快速提取方法,有效剔除背景噪声并准确提取地球紫外临边特征。然后对非完整临边边缘采用最小二乘拟合得到中心的精确位置。实验结果表明,该方法抗噪声,可实现亚像素级地球中心提取,并显著降低存储需求和计算时间开销。对于1046×746的图像,该算法需要的存储空间仅为1100kByte,运算时间在20ms内,满足自主导航的需求。  相似文献   
对电离辐照环境中典型CMOS存储器的辐照效应进行了研究。分析了SRAM,EEPROM,FLASH ROM存储器在^60Coγ射线辐照及辐照后不同退火过程中,CMOS存储器的集成度、辐照偏置、退火时间和温度与电离辐照效应的关系。结果发现:不加电(冷备份)状态的^60Coγ射线辐照过程中,存储器的逻辑状态翻转出现较正常工作状态推迟1个量级以上;随着集成度的提高,SRAM,EEPROM存储器的辐照敏感度降低;试验器件经不同剂量的^60Coγ射线辐照后在不同温度下退火,所有试验器件均出现了逻辑状态翻转。  相似文献   
随着对长寿命、高可靠卫星的需求增加,中国卫星上常用的碳/环氧复合材料的抗空间紫外辐照性能研究极为迫切。利用强吸收紫外辐照的纳米材料来改善复合材料结构抗空间紫外辐照能力是提高卫星可靠性、延长寿命的有效途径。通过环境模拟实验取得了初步结果。  相似文献   
WSO-UV project     
During last three decades, astronomers have enjoyed continuous access to the 100–300 nm ultraviolet (UV) spectral range where the resonance transitions of the most abundant atoms and ions (at temperatures between 3000 and 300 000 K) reside. This UV range is not accessible from ground-based facilities. The successful International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observatory, the Russian ASTRON mission and successor instruments such as the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) mission or the COS and STIS spectrographs on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) prove the major impact of observations in the UV wavelength range in modern astronomy. Future access to space-based observatories is expected to be very limited. For the next decade, the post-HST era, the World Space Observatory – Ultraviolet (WSO–UV) will be the only 2-m class UV telescope with capabilities similar to the HST. WSO–UV will be equipped with instruments for imaging and spectroscopy and it will be a facility dedicated, full-time, to UV astronomy. In this article, we briefly outline the current status of the WSO–UV mission and the science management plan.  相似文献   
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