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针对实际导弹过载受限问题,基于到达条件,分析和确定了三维变结构制导律中滑动模态的稳定域.根据末端三维弹目相对运动学关系,建立了三维制导系统的数学模型,并以纵向平面模型和变结构控制中到达条件为基础,引入分段光滑连续函数,以三维平面间的耦合关系为出发点,从两个方面分析并确定了过载受限变结构制导律的滑动模态吸引区,证明其制导系统的稳定性.最后,针对零化视线角速率而设计的变结构制导律,确定了它的滑动模态吸引区,验证了理论分析方法的有效性.  相似文献   
The technique of imaging a target with a complicated motion using an Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) system is an effective tool in the field of radar signal processing. After the translational compensation, the received signal reflected from the target can take the form of a multi-component Polynomial Phase Signal (m-PPS), and the high quality ISAR image can be provided via the combination between the estimated parameters of the m-PPS and the Range Instantaneous-Doppler technique (RID). For a target with a high maneuvrability, the occurrence of scatterers Migration Through Resolution Cell (MTRC), caused by the rotational movement could be appearing. That is why the variation in the amplitude of the echo during the time of observation cannot be neglected. The purpose of this study is the parameters estimation of the m-PPS signal with order three in the case of the Time Varying Amplitude (TVA). The Improved-version of the Product High-order Ambiguity Function (IPHAF) with TVA is proposed to improve the quality of the ISAR image compared with traditional techniques based on a constant amplitude; the experimental outcomes confirm that the new IPHAF-TVA method presented in this study is an effective technique to make the ISAR image very clear.  相似文献   
The previous studies of time delay compensation in flight control systems are all based on the conventional aerodynamic derivative model and conducted in longitudinal motions at low angles of attack. In this investigation, the effects of time delay on the lateral-directional stability augmentation system in high-α regime are discussed based on the β̇ model, which is proposed in our previous work and proved as a more accurate aerodynamic model to reveal the lateral-directional unsteady aerodynamic characteristics at high angles of attack. Both the β̇ model and the quasi-steady model are used for simulating the effects of time delay on the flying qualities in high-α maneuvers. The comparison between the simulation results shows that the flying qualities are much more sensitive to the mismatch of feedback gains than the state errors caused by time delay. Then a typical adaptive controller based on the conventional dynamic derivative model and a gain-prediction compensator based on β̇ model are designed to address the time delay in different maneuvers. The simulation results show that the gain-prediction compensator is much simpler and more efficient at high angles of attack. Finally, the gain-prediction compensator is combined with a linearized β̇ model reference adaptive controller to compensate the adverse effects of very large time delay, which exhibits excellent performance when addressing the extreme conditions at high angles of attack.  相似文献   
张宏博  郑联语  王艺玮 《航空学报》2021,42(9):424180-424180
盒式连接可重构型架的稳定性对飞机部件的装配质量有着重要影响。为了解决当前稳定性评估方法在实施成本及有效性上的不足,从型架模块化特征出发提出基于模块服役状态的盒式连接可重构型架稳定性评估方法。首先,分析了盒式连接可重构型架服役过程,指出该过程是由作业期与空置期交替组合而成,并给出了服役稳定性及服役稳定度定义;然后,构建了基于型架关键测量特性的服役状态评价模型,实现了盒式连接可重构型架服役状态退化过程的描述及利用实测数据的空置期服役状态评估;同时,针对作业期内难以甚至无法获取测量数据的问题,提出基于多源稳定性影响因素分析并利用稳定性熵来表征服役状态退化程度的策略;最终融合空置期与作业期的评估结果构建了型架稳定性综合评价模型,相比传统的定检方法能够更简捷、有效地完成某一时间段内型架服役稳定性评估。最后,以某型垂尾盒式连接可重构装配型架后梁定位器模块为实验对象,验证了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   
禹旻  杨武兵  沈清 《航空学报》2021,42(12):625876-625876
超声速条件下燃料和空气之间的高效混合是超然冲压发动机技术上的主要挑战。基于大涡模拟和流动稳定性分析,针对超声速尾迹-剪切流动开展了混合增强方法研究。尾迹的存在改变了混合层流动的速度剖面,对流动稳定性产生了重要影响,使混合层由三维最不稳定变为二维最不稳定,最不稳定扰动波频率和增长率增大。基于流动稳定性结果引入扰动的混合增强方式依然有效,根据稳定性结果设计了波纹隔板。数值结果表明:二维波纹壁引入的扰动未能增长,不具备混合强化效果,而三维波纹壁引入的扰动能够快速增长,具有混合强化效果,且波纹壁参数越接近最不稳定扰动波参数,混合强化效果越明显。  相似文献   
Passive localization by a single moving observer using Time of Arrival (TOA) only with an unknown Signal Repetition Interval (SRI) is investigated in this paper. Observability analysis is performed first. The observability condition for uniquely determining the emitter position and SRI is derived. The conditional Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) is also analyzed. It is found that the ambiguity of the SRI integer of the first TOA does not affect the theoretical estimation precision of the emitter position and SRI. A Reference-Fixed Differential TOA (RFDTOA)-based Iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimator (IMLE) is proposed, which only needs O(M) computational operations. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the Mean Square Error (MSE) of the proposed algorithm could attain the CRLB with moderate Gaussian measurement noise.  相似文献   
White Rabbit(WR)时钟同步技术是综合了同步以太网、精密定时协议(IEEE1588v2)和数字相位测量技术而发展的分布式同步授时技术,能够实现数千米范围内多节点亚纳秒精度的时钟分发。该技术兼容标准以太网协议,不占用额外网络带宽,与数据链路直接集成,结构简单成本低。介绍了White Rabbit技术的基本技术原理及初步应用方法,并给出了各种拓扑结构下的测试结果。采用White Rabbit能很好地解决各种长距离多节点高精度授时需求,能够作为地基增强导航系统的关键支撑技术。  相似文献   
针对航空发动机失稳时的重要表征——喘振信号开展检测、判别和处理方法的研究。通过失稳信号处理器实时获取压气机压力脉动数据,采用时域诊断分析方法完成对失稳信号的在线检测和预警。经压缩部件台架试验验证,失稳信号处理器能成功分离出喘振状态下的失稳信号特征,实现对失稳信号较为准确的捕获,采用的失稳判定方法有效。研究结果表明:失稳特征信号的实时、准确甄别,是发动机失稳主动控制的先决条件,提高失稳特征信号判别的正确率,可有效避免发动机失稳过程中信号的误判、漏判。  相似文献   
康忠涛  李清廉  张新桥 《推进技术》2013,34(9):1231-1239
为实现空气/煤油燃气发生器的可靠点火和稳定燃烧,采用试验与数值仿真相结合的方法对V槽火焰稳定器应用于燃气发生器时阻塞比和安装位置的选取进行了研究。发现不同阻塞比的火焰稳定器安装于燃气发生器不同位置时局部油气比可以是富油或贫油,甚至出现火焰稳定器一侧为贫油,另一侧为富油的状态。从接近当量比侧向贫油侧的热量和质量传递可以使得贫油侧的火焰稳定性能提高。钝体稳定的空气/煤油部分预混火焰存在“熄火-再点火”过程,其熄火频率为30Hz,高于贫油预混火焰的10Hz。阻塞比约0.6的V槽火焰稳定性能较好,获得了空气/煤油燃气发生器采用钝体稳定火焰时稳定器安装的特征长度范围。   相似文献   
为结合飞机实际运行工况,科学合理地制定刹车片检查时间,提出了一种基于马尔可夫链理论的预测模型。以某一机群刹车片检查时间确定为例,分别论述了刹车片磨损状态的划分,以及转移概率矩阵的构造与估计,并对该机群刹车片磨损状态进行了预测,其预测结果与实际检查情况较吻合。根据刹车片磨损状况的预测结果,制定了该机群在实际运行工况下的刹车片检查时间。实际运行情况表明,所制定的刹车片查检时间可行、有效。  相似文献   
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