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Global Navigation Satellite System’s (GNSS) positioning calculation is prone to ionospheric errors. Single frequency GNSS users receive ionospheric corrections through broadcast ionospheric models. Therefore, the accuracy of ionospheric models must be validated based on various geographic and geomagnetic conditions. In this work, an attempt is made to validate NeQuick2 electron density (Ne) using multiple sources of space-based and ground-based data at the Arabian Peninsula and for low solar activity conditions. These sources include space-based data from Swarm, DMSP and COSMIC-2 satellite constellations and ground-based data from GNSS receiver and the ionosonde. The period of this study is 1 year from October 2019 to September 2020. Analysis shows that the agreement between NeQuick2 and experimental Ne close to the peak density height depends on seasons and time of the day with the largest errors found in Autumn and during the daytime. NeQuick2 generally overestimates Ne during the daytime. During the early morning and evening hours, Ne estimates seem to be fairly accurate with slight underestimation in Winter and Spring. Estimation of slab thickness by NeQuick2 is found to be close to the values calculated using collocated ionosonde and GNSS receiver.  相似文献   
Nanosatellites in the swarm initially move along arbitrary unbounded relative trajectories according to the launch initial conditions. Control algorithms developed in the paper are aimed to achieve the required spatial distribution of satellites in the along-track direction. The paper considers a swarm of 3U CubeSats in LEO, their form-factor is suitable for the aerodynamic control since the ratio of the satellite maximum to minimum cross-section areas is 3. Each satellite is provided with the information about the relative motion of neighboring satellites inside a specified communication area. The paper develops the corresponding decentralized control algorithms using the differential drag force. The required attitude control for each satellite is implemented by the active magnetic attitude control system. A set of decentralized control strategies is proposed taking into account the communicational constraints. The performance of these strategies is studied numerically. The swarm separation effect is demonstrated and investigated.  相似文献   
Complete and efficient detection of unknown targets is the most popular application of UAV swarms. Under most situations, targets have directional characteristics so that they can only be successfully detected within specific angles. In such cases, how to coordinate UAVs and allocate optimal paths for them to efficiently detect all the targets is the primary issue to be solved. In this paper, an intelligent target detection method is proposed for UAV swarms to achieve real-time detection requirements. First, a target-feature-information-based disintegration method is built up to divide the search space into a set of cubes. Theoretically, when the cubes are traversed, all the targets can be detected. Then, a Kuhn-Munkres (KM)-algorithm-based path planning method is proposed for UAVs to traverse the cubes. Finally, to further improve search efficiency, a 3D real-time probability map is established over the search space which estimates the possibility of detecting new targets at each point. This map is adopted to modify the weights in KM algorithm, thereby optimizing the UAVs’ paths during the search process. Simulation results show that with the proposed method, all targets, with detection angle limitations, can be found by UAVs. Moreover, by implementing the 3D probability map, the search efficiency is improved by 23.4%–78.1%.  相似文献   
Flight risk prediction is significant in improving the flight crew’s situational awareness because it allows them to adopt appropriate operation strategies to prevent risk expansion caused by abnormal conditions, especially aircraft icing conditions. The flight risk space representing the nonlinear mapping relations between risk degree and the three-dimensional commanded vector(commanded airspeed, commanded bank angle, and commanded vertical velocity) is developed to provide the crew with practi...  相似文献   
为改善粒子群算法的全局搜索能力和计算精度,在标准粒子群算法和量子理论的基础上,将平均最好位置引入粒子的状态更新过程,提出了1种基于量子行为改进的粒子群算法及不同的收缩-扩张因子取值策略.采用该量子粒子群算法对建立的典型双轴涡扇发动机部件级非线性模型进行了求解,结果表明:分段线性递减收缩-扩张因子适用于复杂的航空发动机隐式模型,其收敛效率和精度都较高,具有一定的工程应用价值.  相似文献   
随着海上作业任务的日渐复杂以及水面无人艇控制理论的发展,单水面无人艇航行控制能力的局限性逐渐显现,集群编队控制技术得到了广泛关注。针对水面无人艇集群编队控制技术,分析了当前国内外应用情况与技术研究现状,重点从典型编队队形适用性、编队控制系统结构形式、编队协同控制方法、编队控制通信技术及异构条件下协同控制技术等方面分析了水面无人艇集群编队控制技术的研究进展。最后,进行了总结和展望,以期为水面无人艇集群编队控制技术的研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
In this paper, the 3D leader–follower formation control problem, which focuses on swarms of fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs) with motion constraints and disturbances,has been investigated. Original formation errors of the follower UAVs have been transformed into the Frenet-Serret frame. Formation control laws satisfying five motion constraints(i.e., linear velocity, linear acceleration, heading rate, climb rate and climb angle) have been designed. The convergence of the control laws has...  相似文献   
In recent times, multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being widely utilized in several areas of applications such as agriculture, surveillance, disaster management, search and rescue operations. Degree of robustness of applied control schemes determines how accurate a swarm of UAVs accomplish group tasks. Formation and trajectory tracking controllers are required for the swarm of multiple UAVs. Factors like external environmental effects, parametric uncertainties and wind gusts make the controller design process as a challenging task. This article proposes fractional order formation and trajectory tacking controllers for multiple quad-rotors using Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control (STSMC) technique. To compensate the effects of the disturbances due to parametric uncertainties and wind gusts, Lyapunov function based adaptive controllers are formulated. Moreover, Lyapunov theorem is used to guarantee the stability of the proposed controllers. Three types of controllers, namely fixed gain STSMC and fractional order Adaptive Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control (ASTSMC) methods are tested for the swarm of UAVs by performing the numerical simulations in MATLAB/Simulink environment. From the presented results, it is verified that in presence of wind disturbances and parametric uncertainties, the proposed fractional order ASTSMC technique showed improved robustness as compared to the fixed gain STSMC and integer order ASTSMC.  相似文献   
在简要介绍了粒子群优化算法基本原理的基础上,建立了基于POS_LS-SVM的装备研制费用预测模型,并应用实例进行了验证。结果表明,采用PSO_LS-SVM方法进行装备研制费用预测,得到的预测结果精度更高、计算速度更快。  相似文献   
对中远程精确打击武器集群作战进行综合评述,并对集群智能化技术体系发展布局进行探讨。首先基于分布式作战概念内涵提出了集群作战的共性特点,指出网络化和智能化是集群作战的本质特征。随后从目标指示、体系对抗、自主作战三个方面提出了对集群智能化作战的军事需求,并对由集群智能化技术带来的作战能力提升进行了分析研判。最后按照观察-判断-决策-行动作战循环梳理了集群智能化技术体系布局。综述表明,集群作战将是未来精确打击武器的主要作战形态,集群智能化技术是当前以及未来一段时间内的研究热点。  相似文献   
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