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探讨了胶黏剂黏度、硬铝表面处理方式及硅烷偶联剂KH-560的使用方式等因素对硬铝板/ZN-1阻尼材料复合结构件的粘接性能的影响。研究表明:如果硬铝板表面采用砂纸打磨处理时,采用黏度较低的TC-1环氧树脂胶或者在黏度较高的J-22环氧树脂胶中添加2%的硅烷偶联剂KH-560可以获得优异的粘接效果;当硬铝板表面采用铬酸阳极化处理时,两种胶黏剂均能获得优异的粘接效果。  相似文献   
为研究镁基碳纤维增强复合材料(C_f/Mg)的切削力与已加工表面质量,开展了硬质合金铣刀与硬质合金钻头超声辅助切削试验研究。通过正交试验得到,超声辅助铣削C_f/Mg复合材料时铣削力随每齿进给量及铣削深度的增加而明显增大,随主轴转速的增加而减小;试验中,在超声辅助铣削时每齿进给量0.025mm、铣削深度0.2mm、转速6000r/min加工参数下铣削力最小,每齿进给量0.025mm、铣削深度0.2mm、转速4000r/min加工参数下表面质量较好;采用硬质合金钻头进行单因素钻削试验时,轴向钻削力随主轴转速的升高而减小;与传统钻削相比,超声辅助钻削能减小轴向钻削力,在机床转速6000r/min、机床进给速度100mm/min加工参数下超声辅助钻削相比传统钻削可减小约36%的轴向钻削力;超声辅助钻削相比传统钻削能改善钻孔出口的毛刺、分层等缺陷。  相似文献   
Compared with a copper wire electrode, molybdenum wire with a poor conductor is usually used as the electrode in high speed wire-cut electrical discharge machining(HSWEDM), so the resistance of an ultra-fine wire cannot be ignored. To study the differences of discharge characteristics between the ultra-fine wire and the conventional diameter wire, the continuous discharge waveform of two kinds of wire electrodes was compared. It was found that there was a multichannel discharge phenomenon in the...  相似文献   
TiAl合金以其优异的性能被广泛应用于航空、航天制造领域,但由于TiAl合金自身的物理、化学特性,导致其切削性能较差,加工过程中容易出现工件表面烧伤、表面微裂纹等问题。为了研究TiAl合金铣削加工过程中切削工艺参数对加工表面裂纹的影响规律,设计了TiAl合金切削参数与加工表面裂纹之间的正交试验。结果表明:切削速度对TiAl合金铣削表面裂纹的影响最大,其次是切削深度和切削宽度,每齿进给量对表面裂纹的影响最小。基于遗传算法,以表面裂纹长度为目标函数,优化得到的最优参数组合为:ae=0. 2 mm、ap=0. 2003 mm/z、fz=0. 02001 mm/z、vc=20. 0004 m/min。采用优化后的参数铣削TiAl合金,发现工件表面的实际加工裂纹长度和经过算法优化的裂纹长度相差较小,该优化方法可行性较高,误差较小。  相似文献   
为了更好地研究三维整体纺织碳/酚醛复合材料的成型工艺对材料烧蚀性能的影响,选用不同纤维体积分数和不同编织结构的碳/酚碳复合材料试样,进行烧蚀试验,利用TalyScan150型表面粗糙度测试仪对试样烧蚀后的表面进行测试,并采用多种分析方法对测试结果进行分析。从分析结果可以看出三维四向结构的碳/酚醛复合材料随着纤维体积分数的增加,烧蚀性能变好,较低纤维体积分数(50%)的三维五向结构碳/酚醛复合材料具有较好的烧蚀性能。  相似文献   
In the quest for decreasing fuel consumption and resulting gas emissions in the aeronautic sector, lightweight materials such as Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) and Ti-6Al-4V alloys are being used. These materials, with excellent weight-to-strength ratios, are widely used for structural applications in aircraft manufacturing. To date, several studies have been published showing that the use of metalworking fluids (MWFs), special tool geometries, or advanced machining techniques is required to ensure a surface quality that meets aerospace component standards. Conventional MWFs pose a number of environmental and worker health hazards and also degrade the mechanical properties of CFRPs due to water absorption in the composite. Therefore, a transition to more environmentally friendly cooling/lubrication techniques that prevent moisture problems in the composite is needed. This research shows that lubricated LCO2 is a viable option to improve the quality of drilled CFRP and titanium aerospace components compared to dry machining, while maintaining clean work areas. The results show that the best combination of tool geometry and cooling conditions for machining both materials is drilling with Brad point drills and lubricated LCO2. Drilling under these conditions resulted in a 90 % improvement in fiber pull-out volume compared to dry machined CFRP holes. In addition, a 33 % reduction in burr height and a 15 % improvement in surface roughness were observed compared to dry drilling of titanium.  相似文献   
复合材料后加工技术的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
分析了国内外复合材料后加工技术的研究现状和发展趋势,重点阐述了复合材料切削力和切削温度、切削刀具材料及结构、特种加工技术、表面质量评价技术研究等方面的研究成果,同时提出了建议。  相似文献   
首先通过平行对比了三种填充不同导电填料的硅橡胶材料的拉伸强度、扯断伸长率、恒定压缩永久形变、导电性及屏蔽性能,优选出镀银铝粉作导电填料;考察了镀银铝粉用量对硅橡胶材料的拉伸强度、伸长率、压变、微观形貌、导电性能的影响,最终确定镀银铝粉的填充体积分数为55%;结合导电橡胶制品对使用寿命的需求,进一步深入研究了导电硅橡胶材料在自然平贮老化及高温加速老化下的导电性能。结果表明:随老化时间的延长,体积电阻率不断增大,导电性能减弱。自然平贮老化60 d后,材料的体积电阻率基本不变;900d后,体积电阻率由初始值4.6×10-3Ω·cm增大至7.5×10-2Ω·cm。150℃老化30 d后,体积电阻率由初始值增大至9.5×10-2Ω·cm。填充镀银铝粉的导电硅橡胶材料在两种条件下老化后均能保持高的导电性;高温加速老化对导电性能的影响大于自然平贮老化。  相似文献   
Nanoparticles with the anti-wear and friction reducing features were applied as cooling lubricant in the grinding fluid. Dry grinding, flood grinding, minimal quantity of lubrication(MQL), and nanoparticle jet MQL were used in the grinding experiments. The specific grinding energy of dry grinding, flood grinding and MQL were 84, 29.8, 45.5 J/mm3, respectively. The specific grinding energy significantly decreased to 32.7 J/mm3 in nanoparticle MQL. Compared with dry grinding, the surface roughness values of flood grinding, MQL, and nanoparticle jet MQL were significantly reduced with the surface topography profile values reduced by 11%, 2.5%, and 10%,respectively, and the ten point height of microcosmic unflatness values reduced by 1.5%, 0.5%,and 1.3%, respectively. These results verified the satisfactory lubrication effects of nanoparticle MQL. MoS2, carbon nanotube(CNT), and ZrO2 nanoparticles were also added in the grinding fluid of nanoparticle jet MQL to analyze their grinding surface lubrication effects. The specific grinding energy of MoS2 nanoparticle was only 32.7 J/mm3, which was 8.22% and 10.39% lower than those of the other two nanoparticles. Moreover, the surface roughness of workpiece was also smaller with MoS2 nanoparticle, which indicated its remarkable lubrication effects. Furthermore,the role of MoS2 particles in the grinding surface lubrication at different nanoparticle volume concentrations was analyzed. MoS2 volume concentrations of 1%, 2%, and 3% were used.Experimental results revealed that the specific grinding energy and the workpiece surface roughness initially increased and then decreased as MoS2 nanoparticle volume concentration increased.Satisfactory grinding surface lubrication effects were obtained with 2% MoS2 nanoparticle volume concentration.  相似文献   
为改善碳纤维增强聚醚醚酮复合材料(CF/PEEK)在铣削加工时所产生的毛刺、分层以及表面凹坑等缺陷,采用超声辅助铣削的加工方式分别沿0°、45°、90°、135°四种纤维方向角对CF/PEEK进行实验,并与传统铣削进行对比研究。结果表明:超声辅助铣削与传统铣削相比,切削力更小且加工质量更优。沿90°纤维方向角对试件进行超声辅助铣削,切削力、表面粗糙度和毛刺高度降幅最显著,分别降低了16.79%、28.9%和71.9%。而且在相同的加工参数下,超声辅助铣削与传统铣削相比,能够有效地改善表面凹坑、分层等表面缺陷。  相似文献   
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