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针对永磁直线同步电机(PMLSM)直接推力控制中存在的超调量大、抗负载扰动能力差、响应速度慢等问题,提出了一种改进的滑模控制速度调节器。该算法中滑模控制趋近律的设计在等速趋近律的基础上引入加权积分型增益的趋近律,能有效避免系统不在滑动模态阶段时切换增益的增大。仿真结果表明:与传统PI速度控制相比,采用改进后的滑模速度控制器应用在PMLSM直接推力控制系统中,系统速度在负载变化时的响应时间缩短、抗扰动能力明显提升,增强了PMLSM推力响应的抗扰动性能。  相似文献   
孙静  刘旭东 《航空动力学报》2017,44(10):25-29, 35
永磁同步电机(PMSM)转速或转矩驱动系统都要求具有良好的电流控制性能,因此对电流环的控制至关重要。为了提高电流的动态性能和鲁棒性,基于无差拍预测控制和扰动观测器提出了一种新的PMSM电流控制方法。利用预测控制动态性能好,易于数字实现等优点,基于无差拍原理设计了预测电流控制器,但该方法对电机模型及参数依赖较大。针对实际应用中由于建模误差及参数变化等产生的扰动,设计了一种简单的扰动观测器,并用于电流环的前馈补偿控制,有效地提高了系统的鲁棒性。基于dSPACE平台完成了试验验证。试验结果表明:所提出的电流控制方法能实现电流的快速跟踪控制,而且具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
设计开发了一款200 kW新能源车用永磁同步磁阻电机。对样机进行测试,发现在转子转速2 600 r/min时,电机发出尖锐的电磁噪声。采用录音设备录制了电机运行噪声,并用MATLAB软件对噪声进行了频谱分析,通过对比电机相关零部件共振频率以及电机运行噪声频谱分析结果,分析了可能发生共振的零部件,并对该零件结构进行了优化设计。优化后电机运行时的电磁噪声下降到了合理范围,验证了基于频谱分析的电机噪声声源分析的可行性和准确性。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于ANSYS Maxwell 2D的永磁同步电机(PMSM)场路结合电磁设计方法。通过ANSYS Maxwell 2D软件分析计算得出PMSM 2D理想电机模型的空载励磁电动势、负载时的励磁电动势、直轴同步电抗和交轴同步电抗参数,并以此修正基于电路和磁路的电磁设计程序中用来计算空载励磁电动势、负载时的励磁电动势、直轴同步电抗和交轴同步电抗参数的校正系数,从而使得PMSM的设计结果更加准确。通过该方法设计了PMSM并进行了试验。试验结果验证了该设计方法的正确性。  相似文献   
“风云”系列气象卫星的发展现状及其展望   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张文建 《上海航天》2001,18(2):8-14
介绍了我国第一代极地气象卫星“风云一号”(FY-1)系列和静止气象卫星“风云二号”(FY-2)系列的发展历程、主要性能。FY-1系列包括4颗卫星及其相应的地面数据接收、处理和应用系统。介绍了FY-2后续卫星及FY-3的发展计划。最后还介绍了遥感卫星遥感器辐射校正场计划。  相似文献   
Solar radio type IV bursts can sometimes show directivity, so that no burst is observed when the source region in located far from the solar disk center. This has recently been verified also from space observations, at decameter wavelengths, using a 3D-view to the Sun with STEREO and Wind satellites. It is unclear whether the directivity is caused by the emission mechanism, by reduced radio wave formation toward certain directions, or by absorption/blocking of radio waves along the line of sight. We present here observations of three type IV burst events that occurred on 23, 25, and 29 July 2004, and originated from the same active region. The source location of the first event was near the solar disk center and in the third event near the west limb. Our analysis shows that in the last two events the type IV bursts experienced partial cut-offs in their emission, that coincided with the appearance of shock-related type II bursts. The type II bursts were formed at the flanks and leading fronts of propagating coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These events support the suggestion of absorption toward directions where the type II shock regions are located.  相似文献   
针对传统反电动势滑模观测器(SMO)抖振造成的永磁同步电机转子位置检测、转速估算不准确的问题,在传统反电动势SMO的基础上提出一种新型饱和函数SMO。构造反电动势状态观测方程,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论论证其收敛性;同时考虑观测器增益系数以及低通截止频率的给定,根据实时转速反馈选取合适的观测系数和低通滤波器的截止频率;在低通滤波器后增加卡尔曼滤波器滤除系统的测量噪声和测量误差,提高观测精度。对比仿真和试验结果,验证了新型饱和函数SMO算法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   
In this paper, the phase asynchrony between coronal index and sunspot numbers is investigated. It is found that, (1) the sunspot numbers begin one month earlier than coronal index, which should mathematically lead to phase asynchrony between them but with a slight effect; (2) the 11-year Schwabe cycle is the only one period with statistical significance for coronal index and sunspot numbers, and the difference between the length of the Schwabe cycle of them should also lead to phase asynchrony between them; (3) although coronal index and sunspot numbers are coherent in low-frequency components corresponding to the 11-year Schwabe cycle, they are asynchronous in phase in high-frequency components; (4) their different definitions and physical meanings may be a major reason why there is a phase asynchrony between them.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet spectra of a quiescent prominence observed with theHigh Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) are analyzed. Different techniques lead to greatly different spatial scales for the prominence structures. The UV spectra show strong variations in intensity and Doppler shift on scales larger than 1700 km. Spectroscopic diagnostics employing line intensity ratios indicate the existence of scales between 400 m to some hundred kilometers. We attempt to interpret various aspects of the prominence intensities and velocities with a multiple thread model.  相似文献   
The atmosphere of the Sun is highly structured and dynamic in nature. From the photosphere and chromosphere into the transition region and the corona plasma-β changes from above to below one, i.e., while in the lower atmosphere the energy density of the plasma dominates, in the upper atmosphere the magnetic field plays the governing role – one might speak of a “magnetic transition”. Therefore the dynamics of the overshooting convection in the photosphere, the granulation, is shuffling the magnetic field around in the photosphere. This leads not only to a (re-)structuring of the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere, but induces also the dynamic reaction of the coronal plasma, e.g., due to reconnection events. Therefore the (complex) structure and the interaction of various magnetic patches is crucial to understand the structure, dynamics and heating of coronal plasma as well as its acceleration into the solar wind.

The present article will emphasize the need for three-dimensional modeling accounting for the complexity of the solar atmosphere to understand these processes. Some advances on 3D modeling of the upper solar atmosphere in magnetically closed as well as open regions will be presented together with diagnostic tools to compare these models to observations. This highlights the recent success of these models which in many respects closely match the observations.  相似文献   

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