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Numerical solutions of the time-dependent MHD equations are used to generate ambient coronal streamer structures in a corona characteristic of that near solar minimum. The streamers are then disrupted by slow photospheric shear motion at the base of magnetic field lines within the closed field region, which is currently believed to be responsible for producing at least some CMEs. In contrast to several other simulations of this phenomena, the polytropic index is maintained at a value of 5/3 through the addition of coronal heating. Observations are used as a guide in determining the thermodynamic structure and plasma beta in the ambient corona. For a shear speed of 2.5 km/sec, the streamer configuration evolves slowly for about 65 hours before erupting outward with the formation of a CME. The bright CME leading edge travels outward at a speed of about 240 km/sec, and the sheared field lines follow at a somewhat slower speed. A closed magnetic field region is ejected as the magnetic field lines that were opened by the CME reconnect and reform the streamer.  相似文献   
“风云”系列气象卫星的发展现状及其展望   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张文建 《上海航天》2001,18(2):8-14
介绍了我国第一代极地气象卫星“风云一号”(FY-1)系列和静止气象卫星“风云二号”(FY-2)系列的发展历程、主要性能。FY-1系列包括4颗卫星及其相应的地面数据接收、处理和应用系统。介绍了FY-2后续卫星及FY-3的发展计划。最后还介绍了遥感卫星遥感器辐射校正场计划。  相似文献   
The properties of different solar wind streams depend on the large scale structure of the coronal magnetic field. We present average values and distributions of bulk parameters (density, velocity, temperature, mass flux, momentum, and kinetic and thermal energy, ratio of thermal and magnetic pressure, as well as the helium abundance) as observed on board the Prognoz 7 satellite in different types of the solar wind streams. Maximum mass flux is recorded in the streams emanating from the coronal streamers while maximum thermal and kinetic energy fluxes are observed in the streams from the coronal holes. The momentum fluxes are equal in both types of streams. The maximum ratio of thermal and magnetic pressure is observed in heliospheric current sheet. The helium abundance in streams from coronal holes is higher than in streams from streamers, and its dependences on density and mass flux are different in different types of the streams. Also, the dynamics of -particle velocity and temperature relative to protons in streams from coronal holes and streamers is discussed.  相似文献   
The atmosphere of the Sun is highly structured and dynamic in nature. From the photosphere and chromosphere into the transition region and the corona plasma-β changes from above to below one, i.e., while in the lower atmosphere the energy density of the plasma dominates, in the upper atmosphere the magnetic field plays the governing role – one might speak of a “magnetic transition”. Therefore the dynamics of the overshooting convection in the photosphere, the granulation, is shuffling the magnetic field around in the photosphere. This leads not only to a (re-)structuring of the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere, but induces also the dynamic reaction of the coronal plasma, e.g., due to reconnection events. Therefore the (complex) structure and the interaction of various magnetic patches is crucial to understand the structure, dynamics and heating of coronal plasma as well as its acceleration into the solar wind.

The present article will emphasize the need for three-dimensional modeling accounting for the complexity of the solar atmosphere to understand these processes. Some advances on 3D modeling of the upper solar atmosphere in magnetically closed as well as open regions will be presented together with diagnostic tools to compare these models to observations. This highlights the recent success of these models which in many respects closely match the observations.  相似文献   

The LASCO-C1 telescope was designed to perform spectral analysis of coronal structures by means of a tunable Fabry–Pérot interferometer acquiring images at different wavelengths. Results from spectral scans of the Fe xiv 5303 Å green coronal emission line are presented. Physical quantities like the ion temperature (line widths), and the flow velocity along the line of sight (Doppler shifts) are obtained over the entire corona.  相似文献   
By analyzing the vector magnetograms of Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS) taken at the line center (0.0 Å) and the line wing (−0.12 Å) of FeI λ5324.19 Å, we make an estimate of the measured errors in transversal azimuths (δ?) caused by Faraday rotation. Since many factors, such as the magnetic saturation and scattered light, can affect the measurement accuracy of the longitudinal magnetic field in the umbrae of sunspots, we limit our study in the region ∣Bz∣ < 800 G. The main mean azimuth rotations are about 4°, 6°, 7° and 9°, while ∣Bz∣ are in the ranges of 400–500 G, 500–600 G, 600–700 G and 700–800 G, respectively. Moreover, we find there is also an azimuth rotation of about 8° at the wavelength offset −0.12 Å of the line compared against a previous numerical simulation.  相似文献   
This article introduces a surface measurement system which is able to take a measurement in an extremely short period of less than 2 milliseconds. It is composed of two cameras together with a specifically designed projector that projects an instantaneous random image pattern onto the objective surface. With the aid of the projected pattern, a match of image with corresponding sub-pixel is steadily established and a cluster of dense 3D points is obtained at the same time. A detailed discussion about the design and implementation of hardware is presented. A system calibration algorithm taking into account the possible geometric error of the planar calibration board is also put forward. Experiments are carried out to evaluate the system accuracy and its capability of capturing details of complex surfaces.  相似文献   
The International Heliophysical Year (IHY) is an international program of scientific research to advance our understanding of the physical processes that govern the Sun, Earth and heliosphere. It has a strong educational component, linking research and education. Here, we describe the outreach activities during the 2006 total solar eclipse sponsored by IHY.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet spectra of a quiescent prominence observed with theHigh Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) are analyzed. Different techniques lead to greatly different spatial scales for the prominence structures. The UV spectra show strong variations in intensity and Doppler shift on scales larger than 1700 km. Spectroscopic diagnostics employing line intensity ratios indicate the existence of scales between 400 m to some hundred kilometers. We attempt to interpret various aspects of the prominence intensities and velocities with a multiple thread model.  相似文献   
We investigate whether temperature sensitive EUV line ratios can be used as observational signatures for the presence of non-equilibrium ionization in transition region plasma. We compute the total intensity of some EUV lines of carbon and oxygen expected from coronal loop models with a steady-state flow and which are known to have significant departures from ionization equilibrium, selecting lines whose intensity ratios are useful for deducing the electron temperature in the coronal plasma. We calculate the intensity ratios with and without the approximation of ionization equilibrium, in order to determine the effects of any deviations from equilibrium on the numerical values of the line ratios examined.  相似文献   
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