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针对发射率测量技术现状及面临的问题,明确了建立高温材料光谱发射率测量装置的意义,对所研究的测量装置的技术路线和设计方案进行了介绍。  相似文献   
以激光雷达夜间观测的温度数据的时空范围和时空分辨率作为参考,构造具有已知背景温度(由稳态背景、行星波和潮汐波组成)和重力波频谱分布的合成温度数据,针对合成温度数据,分别采用已有的夜间平均方法和时间滑动平均方法提取重力波.在此基础上,提出了用谐波函数近似表示背景大气变化的谐波拟合方法提取重力波.通过比较提取出的重力波与事先给定的重力波得到谱响应,利用谱响应定量分析各方法能够有效提取重力波的周期范围.研究结果表明:对背景温度成分敏感的夜间平均方法提取的重力波振幅易被严重高估;对半日潮汐比较敏感的时间滑动平均方法通常可以提取周期小于1.15倍窗口宽度的重力波;对背景温度成分不敏感的谐波拟合方法可用来提取周期小于0.4倍夜间时间长度的重力波.将各方法应用于Na激光雷达夜间观测的温度数据,从中提取重力波,结果表明时间滑动平均方法和谐波拟合方法可以得到较好的结果.  相似文献   
吸收性气溶胶指数(AAI)在监测污染物方面有较好的应用,其反演结果受边界层高度、云高、相对湿度以及仪器指标和观测几何路径等因素影响.利用大气辐射传输模型MODTRAN,对辐射传输方程中多次散射计算的不同近似方法和不同观测几何角度下的AAI进行模拟,研究这些因素对AAI结果的作用,并分析仪器光谱分辨率对AAI探测结果的影响.结果表明,折衷考虑计算效率与精度的情况下,应选择8流近似的离散坐标法进行带有多次散射计算的辐射方程解析.AAI在不同浓度和不同类型气溶胶下随观测角度变化的趋势相同:相对方位角<120°时,AAI误差在太阳天顶角和卫星方位角均为40°~60°时最大;相对方位角在120°~180°时误差均较小;光谱分辨率对AAI反演结果无明显影响.  相似文献   
分析了不同系数的离散傅里叶变换公式的含意,并从中筛选出符合工程分析要求的正确公式。为使用快速傅里叶变换可采用多种方式使数据符合2的整数次幂,分析了各种方法的优缺点;分析了各种频谱的应用对象,得出静电悬浮加速度计噪声适宜采用功率谱密度,且在窗函数应用上宜选择与之符合的系数;给出了使用OriginLab公司Origin5.0/7.0软件计算功率谱密度时所必须采取的纠正措施,提出地面测试静电悬浮加速度计噪声需采用差分方法以仰制环境噪声,具体操作方法是,将两台加速度计已扣除平均值的时域噪声值相减后除以平方根2。  相似文献   
Using kHz Satellite LASER Ranging (SLR) data of the SLR station Graz only, we determined the spin periods of the two ETALON satellites – launched into high orbits of about 20,000 km – and their spin period increase during 3 years. The determined spin period values and spin period increase rates at 2004-01-01 are: TET1 = 63 s + 0.484 s/year, and TET2 = 65.5 s + 0.401 s/year.  相似文献   
THEMIS卫星观测到通量传输事件(FTE)的同时,也在磁层侧涡流区域观测到强磁场扰动现象.利用快速傅里叶变换分析磁场扰动频谱特征发现:大约在FTE的扰动频率(约0.1Hz)处,功率谱密度达到峰值;在质子回旋频率(约1Hz)至64Hz的频段内,功率谱密度随着频率的增大而减小,服从幂律分布P0 f-α.因此,可以认为这些磁场扰动为低纬边界层中的动力学磁场湍流.研究结果表明,当低纬边界层(Low Latitude Boundary Layer,LLBL)中卫星相对磁层顶或FTE的位置越来越远时,功率谱密度与功率谱斜率α(幂律指数)降低,但FTE所在的方位角或低纬磁层顶的磁地方时对幂律指数α和功率谱密度没有显著影响.这些观测特征表明移动的FTE是磁场湍流的源.磁层顶上的大规模扰动(如FTE)和相关的磁场湍流从动力学尺度揭示了磁鞘与磁层的类黏滞相互作用.然而低纬边界层中FTE磁层侧涡流形成所需的黏滞性是否可由磁场湍流来提供还需要验证.  相似文献   
Regional sea level studies help to identify the vulnerable areas to the sea level rise. This study investigates the impact of climate modes on sea level variations and trends around Australia using altimetry data, climate indices, and sea level records from tide gauge stations. Here, we show that the sea level variations are negatively correlated with climate indices to the north and west of Australia. The spectral analyses of the climate indices and tide gauge data suggest that a low frequency signal with a period of 11 years emerges during the mid 1980s. Since the 25-year length of the satellite altimetry record is yet too short to detect low frequency signals, their effect on the estimation of regional sea level trend is unknown. Therefore, we estimate the sea level trend with consideration of this signal and using a two-step method. All signals with periods shorter than 7.5 years are first removed from sea level time series and then the trend is estimated using the parametric model that includes the 11-year signal. The skill of the parametric model in explaining the variations in sea level anomaly validates the presence of the 11-year signal detected in the spectrograms of the tide gauge data and climate indices. The average sea level trend for the study area is estimated as 3.85 ± 0.15 mm/year.  相似文献   
空间TDICCD相机动态信噪比计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信噪比是空间光学相机系统的主要设计指标之一,可用于表征相机的辐射性能。文章通过建立遥感卫星轨道模型,分析计算一年中任意时刻用太阳高度角和卫星观测角描述太阳、卫星、地面目标点之间的相对位置关系,并将计算得到的卫星观测角和太阳高度角等参数导入大气传输软件MODTRAN,输出在相机入瞳处的地面目标光谱辐亮度,再根据信噪比的计算方法,最后完成TDICCD相机动态的信噪比计算值。通过该方法,可以计算任一时刻任一观测目标的信噪比,这将有利于判断在某一时刻的能量是否满足观测要求,以随时改变TDICCD的探测器级数,使得成像像质达到最佳。  相似文献   
In this work historical investigations and modern results of classification of the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir are presented. The paper presents results of studying the dynamics of phytopigments and other optically active components, using multispectral satellite data. Several approaches to interpreting satellite data for optically complex inland water bodies are offered. Based on results of historical investigations it is shown that the spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the reservoir stems back to the time of its formation. Color index in the red spectral region (CIR) is introduced. A relationship between the color index and chlorophyll concentration is investigated. The CIR, derived from the AVHRR data, has been found to be related to chlorophyll concentration. Based on MODIS data, the waters of the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir have been classified in accordance with their optical spectral variability, using the technique of unsupervised IsoData classification. An empirical relationship between multispectral MODIS data and the ground-truth measurements of chlorophyll concentration has been found.  相似文献   
Land surface temperature (LST) is an important factor in global change studies, heat balance and as control for climate change. A comparative study of LST over parts of the Singhbhum Shear Zone in India was undertaken using various emissivity and temperature retrieval algorithms applied on visible and near infrared (VNIR), and thermal infrared (TIR) bands of high resolution Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery. LST results obtained from satellite data of October 26, 2001 and November 2, 2001 through various algorithms were validated with ground measurements collected during satellite overpass. In addition, LST products of MODIS and ASTER were compared with Landsat-7 ETM+ and ground truth data to explore the possibility of using multi-sensor approach in LST monitoring. An image-based dark object subtraction (DOS3) algorithm, which is yet to be tested for LST retrieval, was applied on VNIR bands to obtain atmospheric corrected surface reflectance images. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was estimated from VNIR reflectance image. Various surface emissivity retrieval algorithms based on NDVI and vegetation proportion were applied to ascertain emissivities of the various land cover categories in the study area in the spectral range of 10.4–12.5 μm. A minimum emissivity value of about 0.95 was observed over the reflective rock body with a maximum of about 0.99 over dense forest. A strong correlation was established between Landsat ETM+ reflectance band 3 and emissivity. Single channel based algorithms were adopted for surface radiance and brightness temperature. Finally, emissivity correction was applied on ‘brightness temperature’ to obtain LST. Estimated LST values obtained from various algorithms were compared with field ground measurements for different land cover categories. LST values obtained after using Valor’s emissivity and single channel equations were best correlated with ground truth temperature. Minimum LST is observed over dense forest as about 26 °C and maximum LST is observed over rock body of about 38 °C. The estimated LST showed that rock bodies, bare soils and built-up areas exhibit higher surface temperatures, while water bodies, agricultural croplands and dense vegetations have lower surface temperatures during the daytime. The accuracy of the estimated LST was within ±2 °C. LST comparison of ASTER and MODIS with Landsat has a maximum difference of 2 °C. Strong correlation was found between LST and spectral radiance of band 6 of Landsat-7 ETM+. Result corroborates the fact that surface temperatures over land use/land cover types are greatly influenced by the amount of vegetation present.  相似文献   
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