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The precipitation of solar energetic particles, protons as well as electrons, at high latitudes is commonly assumed to be homogeneous across both polar caps. Using Low-Earth Orbit POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) we determine particle penetration ratios into the polar atmosphere for protons ranging from about 0.1 MeV to 500 MeV and for electrons spanning about one order of magnitude in energy with a maximum of 0.3 MeV. Based on power law fits for the POES spectrum we show, that for energies interesting for middle and lower atmosphere chemistry, particle flux over the poles is comparable in magnitude to flux at the geostationary orbit or at L1 in interplanetary space. The time period under study are the solar energetic particle (SEP) event series of October/November 2003 and January 2005.  相似文献   
The data presented in this work describes the diurnal and seasonal variation in hmF2, NmF2, and the electrojet current strength over an African equatorial station during a period of low solar activity. The F2 region horizontal magnetic element H revealed that the Solar quiet Sq(H) daily variation rises from early morning period to maximum around local noon and falls to lower values towards evening. The F2 ionospheric current responsible for the magnetic field variations is inferred to build up at the early morning hours, attaining maximum strength around 1200 LT. The Sq variation across the entire months was higher during the daytime than nighttime. This is ascribed to the variability of the ionospheric parameters like conductivity and winds structure in this region. Seasonal daytime electrojet (EEJ) current strength for June solstice, March and September equinoxes, respectively had peak values ranging within 27–35 nT (at 1400 LT) , 30–40 nT (at 1200 LT) and 35–45 nT (at 1500 LT). The different peak periods of the EEJ strength were attributed to the combined effects of the peak electron density and electric field. Lastly, the EEJ strength was observed to be higher during the equinoxes than the solstice period.  相似文献   
The performance of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) in predicting the height of the maximum of electron density (hmF2) has been evaluated for similar geomagnetic latitudes stations in the northern hemisphere (NH) and southern hemisphere (SH), and for the last two minima. As truth-sites, the digisonde stations of Millstone Hill (42.6°N, 288.5°E), USA, and Grahamstown (33.3°S, 26.5°E), South Africa, were considered. A monthly averaged diurnal variation was obtained from all the observations and model output in the months studied, and the corresponding difference was also calculated. For this initial study data from summer and winter in the NH and SH were selected for the solstice comparison, and October data for both stations were used to represent equinox conditions. The choice of these periods depended on data availability and quality. The results show that for the earlier minimum in 1996, in general IRI hmF2 values are in reasonable agreement with the observations. The exceptions are October and December in the SH, where IRI hmF2 tends to high, particularly on the dayside, and also July for which the daytime measured values tend to be larger than the IRI ones. For the recent minimum in 2008, IRI tends to over-estimate the hmF2 in most of the observations. The results support the general assertion that thermospheric temperatures were cooler during the last solar minimum as a consequence of an unusually low, and extended, minimum in solar extreme-ultraviolet flux, and in response to continually increasing long-term trend in anthropogenic carbon dioxide. The cooler temperatures not only decrease density at a fixed height, but also make the corresponding contraction of the atmosphere lower the height of the F-region peak.  相似文献   
In this paper, using the intensity ratio of carbon ions emission lines, we determined the optical depths at the line center of the CI at about 165.7 nm, CII at about 133.5 nm, CIII at about 117.5 nm and CIV at about 154.9 nm emission lines by escape factor treatment. For CI and CII emission lines, we discuss the intensity ratio of two lines arising from the common upper levels; while for CIII and CIV emission lines, we discuss the intensity ratio of two lines arising from the common lower levels. By introducing the measured abundance of carbon and the results of ionization balance calculations, we make an estimate of the line-of-sight physical thickness of the regions of carbon ions. This discussion will provide some results in the discussion of opacity on the solar ultraviolet (UV) or extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) spectrum.  相似文献   
Magnetospheric global modeling is a method to link observations from distant regions via physical laws and has long played a unique and crucial role in space physics. It, different from computer simulations, represents the highest level of abstraction of the physical understanding of the processes that cause observed phenomena. It results in various specific models. While it appears in the form of cartoons, it is based on and has to be qualitatively consistent with physical laws. With the advancement of computer simulations, clues to the connection between physical laws and observation can be perceived much more easily than as ever before. However, computer simulation results are highly dependent on the used boundary conditions and numerical methods which may or may not represent the reality, even if the initial conditions are properly set. Therefore, simulations can easily mislead the investigations. Furthermore, a simulation result needs to be examined using diagnostic tools, such as field line tracing and streamline tracing programs. There are uncertainties in these diagnostic methods. The errors can be very large in certain areas under certain conditions. For example, a small error may link two different field lines or stream lines. The interpretations of the simulation results can be misled by these errors. The knowledge of global modeling can be useful in identifying the inconsistencies in the simulations and the flaws in the theoretical interpretation from the simulations. This review-tutorial article outlines the principles of the global modeling and discusses the successes and flaws of several global models.  相似文献   
We describe a novel approach for determining the timing of the solar cycle and tracking its evolution relative to other cycles. This method also has predictive capability for forecasting the cycle “onset.” Based on current trends, we expect that Cycle 23 will be about 1 year longer than the previous two cycles.  相似文献   
The annual variation of global (total) solar radiation measured over four (4) years (1995–1998) at Ilorin (8°32′N, 4°34′E) was studied and the bio-effects of the variation is herein reported. The weekly averages of the solar radiation flux were obtained and plotted. The profile of the weekly averages of the insolation shows two notable “wells” corresponding to the harmattan dry season and the rainy season. It was deduced that the duration of the seasons was directly proportional to the sizes of the “wells”, while the depths of the “wells” correspond to the severity of the causes of the “wells”. The fall and rise rates of the depth of the edges of the wells are inversely proportional to the ecological effects of the variation of the radiation. The rates of decrease and increase of the radiation flux affect the depths of the “wells” and were found to be rapid and shallow for the “Harmattan Well”, and gentle and deep for the “Rain Well”. The width (duration), rate of change and depth of the “Harmattan Well” bring about stress for both animals and plants.  相似文献   
The count rate temporal profiles and energy spectra of the solar flares January 15, 17, 20 2005 in hard X-ray and gamma energy bands by data of AVS-F apparatus onboard CORONAS-F satellite are discussed. The energy spectra of these solar flares contain positron line and neutron capture line. Solar flares of January 17 and 20 spectra also contain some nuclear lines. Thin structure with characteristic timescales of 33–92 s is presented on flares temporal profiles in energy bands corresponding to the observed spectral features, which are confirmed by periodogram analysis (confidence level is 99%).  相似文献   
The PAMELA experiment is devoted to the study of cosmic rays in Low Earth Orbit with an apparatus optimized to perform a precise determination of the galactic antimatter component of c.r. It is constituted by a number of detectors built around a permanent magnet spectrometer. PAMELA was launched in space on June 15th 2006 on board the Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite for a mission duration of 3 years. The characteristics of the detectors, the long lifetime and the orbit of the satellite, will allow to address several aspects of cosmic-ray physics. In this work we discuss the observational capabilities of PAMELA to detect the electron component above 50 MeV. The magnetic spectrometer allows a detailed measurement of the energy spectrum of electrons of galactic and Jovian origin. Long term measurements and correlations with Earth–Jupiter 13 months synodic period will allow to separate these two contributions and to measure the primary electron Jovian component, dominant in the 50–70 MeV energy range. With this technique it will also be possible to study the contribution to the electron spectrum of Jovian e reaccelerated up to 2 GeV at the Solar Wind Termination Shock.  相似文献   
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