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In this work, the foF2 and hmF2 parameters at the conjugate points near the magnetic equator of Southeast Asia are studied and compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Three ionosondes are installed nearly along the magnetic meridian of 100°E; one at the magnetic equator, namely Chumphon (10.72°N, 99.37°E, dip angle 3.0°N), and the other two at the magnetic conjugate points, namely Chiang Mai (18.76°N, 98.93°E, dip angle 12.7°N) and Kototabang (0.2°S, 100.30°E, dip angle 10.1°S). The monthly hourly medians of the foF2 and hmF2 parameters are calculated and compared with the predictions obtained from the IRI-2007 model from January 2004 to February 2007. Our results show that: the variations of foF2 and hmF2 predicted by the IRI-2007 model generally show the similar feature to the observed data. Both parameters generally show better agreement with the IRI predictions during daytime than during nighttime. For foF2, most of the results show that the IRI model overestimates the observed foF2 at the magnetic equator (Chumphon), underestimates at the northern crest (Chiang Mai) and is close to the measured ones at the southern crest of the EIA (Kototabang). For hmF2, the predicted hmF2 values are close to the hmF2(M3000F2OBS) during daytime. During nighttime, the IRI model gives the underestimation at the magnetic equator and the overestimation at both EIA crests. The results are important for the future improvements of the IRI model for foF2 and hmF2 over Southeast Asia region.  相似文献   
In this paper we start from the most recently observed fact that the solar wind plasma after passage over the termination shock is still supersonic with a Mach number of about 2. To explain this unexpected phenomenon and to predict the evolution of properties of the downstream plasma flow we here consider a two-fluid proton plasma with pick-up protons as a separate suprathermal, second proton fluid. We then formulate a self-consistent system of hydrodynamical conservation equations coupling the two fluids by dynamical and thermodynamical coupling terms and taking into account the effects of newly incorporated protons due to charge exchange with the H-atoms in the heliosheath. This then allows us to predict that in the most probable case the solar wind protons will become subsonic over a distance of about 30 AU downstream of the shock. As we can also show, it may, however, happen that the plasma mixture later again reconverts to a supersonic signature and has to undergo a second shock before meeting the heliopause.  相似文献   
We discuss the random walk of magnetic field lines in astrophysical plasmas. Based on the standard theory of field line diffusion we show that there are two asymptotic limits. In these limits field line wandering is universal because in both regimes the field line diffusion coefficient depends only on fundamental length scales and absolute magnetic field strengths. As examples we discuss the field line diffusion coefficient for different prominent turbulence models namely the slab model, the two-dimensional model, and the Goldreich–Sridhar model. We show that the field line diffusion coefficient for the latter model agrees with the results obtained for slab and two-dimensional turbulence in limiting cases. We also discuss the transport of energetic particles perpendicular with respect to the mean magnetic field. Based on the unified nonlinear transport theory we consider again asymptotic limits. It is shown that one can identify four different regimes in which the transport is again universal. In all four cases perpendicular transport only depends on fundamental length scales of turbulence, magnetic field values, and the parallel diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   
采用SMA驱动的小型空间磁悬浮飞轮锁紧机构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
磁悬浮飞轮锁紧机构在卫星发射时锁紧飞轮,减小其振动和冲击载荷;在发射后解锁,保证飞轮正常工作.目前已有的以火工品或步进电机驱动的锁紧机构具有冲击大、体积较大、不可重复使用等缺点.提出了一种采用形状记忆合金(SMA, Shape Memory Alloy)驱动的空间磁悬浮飞轮锁紧机构的设计方案,并在Liang本构模型的基础上发展了机构驱动单元的设计方法.之后,完成了锁紧机构的样机研制和调试,并开展了地面的性能测试、振动试验和高温环境试验.研究结果表明:SMA锁紧机构安装体积小,在星载28 V电压下能在6 s内完全锁紧,在1 s内完全解锁,并能够通过振动和环境实验.SMA驱动的磁悬浮飞轮锁紧机构具有锁紧力大、同步性好、可重复使用、低冲击、无污染等优势,有很大的工程应用潜力.   相似文献   
在大功率磁悬挂系统中,电磁铁电流必须采用开关频率较高的大功率斩波器来调节。本文介绍一个用于磁悬挂系统的大功率晶体管斩波器,它的工作电源电压为200V,输出电流为60A,斩波频率为2kHz,试验负载从阻性到感性,电感量达2.5H。该斩波器在一个单自由度大功率磁悬浮试验装置中完成了磁悬挂控制试验。该斩波器由不对称半桥、开关辅助网络、最优基极驱动电路UAA4002、一次脉冲源MC34060及电流反馈环等部分构成,具有多种保护功能和良好的传输特性线性度。  相似文献   
先进的飞行控制系统和机载电子系统设备对轻型飞机电源系统的要求越来越高,电源系统的可靠性将直接影响到轻型飞机的安全性。本文提出了一种适用于轻型飞机的小功率组合式航空发电机方案。这种新型的“永磁─—内封闭导磁体”组合发电机既有永磁发电机的体积小、重量轻、无电刷等优点,又有内封闭导磁体发电机电压可调的优点。在发电机体积重量增加不多的情况下,免除了复杂的直流变换器,使电源系统体积最小、重量最轻,并且提高了系统的可靠性。同时采用晶体管脉宽调制激磁控制方式,使电源系统的稳压性得到提高。  相似文献   
利用三维多谱勒激光测速仪,对悬停状态下模型旋翼桨叶附近的流场进行了实验测量。研究了悬停状态下桨盘附近的流场特征、旋翼桨尖涡的形成和发展,以及桨尖涡对后续桨叶的影响  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种卫星磁场探测载荷现场校准技术,设计了拆分式磁场线圈、无磁支架等,研制了校准装置。利用该技术实现了对卫星磁载荷在整星测试、发射前等多个阶段的测试校准,解决了卫星载荷在星体装配完成后无法测试的难题,提高了磁载荷测试数据可靠度,保证了科学实验的有效性。该校准技术已服务于我国首颗地磁监测试验卫星(张衡一号卫星),对其磁场探测载荷在整星测试、出厂测试、发射场技术确认等多个阶段进行了校准,取得了很好的应用效果。  相似文献   
针对柱面磁轴承偏转时干扰力矩较大问题,本文提出一种径向球面纯电磁磁轴承设计方法。在本设计中,当磁轴承产生偏转或偏移时,电磁力会指向转子球心,从而降低定子磁极对转子产生的干扰力矩,提高磁轴承的控制精度。首先,阐述球面磁轴承的工作原理并建立数学模型,运用等效磁路理论方法和有限元数值方法分析其电流刚度和位移刚度,2种方法的计算结果基本吻合,表明球面磁轴承的有限元分析模型是合理的。接着,运用有限元方法分析球面磁轴承和柱面磁轴承产生偏转时的干扰力矩,结果表明当转子达到最大偏转角0.3°时,球面磁轴承的干扰力矩是柱面磁轴承的干扰力矩的1.8%,表明球面磁轴承相对于柱面磁轴承在抗干扰力矩能力方面有很大的提高。最后,进一步分析球面磁轴承产生X方向或Z方向偏移时的干扰力矩,计算结果与偏转时干扰力矩的量级相当。综上所述,本文提出的径向球面纯电磁磁轴承有低干扰力矩的优点,可用于航天航空工程中惯性执行机构的高精度控制和角速率检测。  相似文献   
空间实验室大面积太阳电池阵技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了空间实验室大面积太阳电池阵的方案构型,并进行了模态分析、热结构耦合分析和动力学仿真分析。生产出了全尺寸的集成演示样机,进行了展开试验、主展开机构的模态试验,以及半刚性太阳电池板和二自由度驱动机构的振动试验。计算和试验结果表明,技术方案是可行的。  相似文献   
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