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We analyze the multifractal scaling of the modulus of the interplanetary magnetic field near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock, measured by Cluster and ACE, respectively, from 1 to 3 February 2002. The maximum order of the structure function is carefully estimated for each time series using two different techniques, to ensure the validity of our high-order statistics. The first technique consists of plotting the integrand of the pth order structure function, and the second technique is a quantitative method which relies on the power-law scaling of the extreme events. We compare the scaling exponents computed from the structure functions of magnetic field differences with the predictions obtained by the She–Lévêque model of intermittency in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Our results show a good agreement between the model and the observations near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock, rendering support for the modelling of universal scaling laws based on the Kolmogorov phenomenology in the presence of sheet-like dissipative structures.  相似文献   
Sharp (<10 min) and large (>20%) solar wind ion flux changes are common phenomena in turbulent solar wind plasma. These changes are the boundaries of small- and middle-scale solar wind plasma structures which can have a significant influence on Earth’s magnetosphere. These solar wind ion flux changes are typically accompanied by only a small change in the bulk solar wind velocity, hence, the flux changes are driven mainly by plasma density variations. We show that these events occur more frequently in high-density solar wind. A characteristic of solar wind turbulence, intermittency, is determined for time periods with and without these flux changes. The probability distribution functions (PDF) of solar wind ion flux variations for different time scales are calculated for each of these periods and compared. For large time scales, the PDFs are Gaussian for both data sets. For small time scales, the PDFs from both data set are more flat than Gaussian, but the degree of flatness is much larger for the data near the sharp flux change boundaries.  相似文献   
This paper studies the efficiency of geomagnetic solar flare effects (gsfe) in X solar flare detection; so during the period 1999–2007 a comparison between solar flare (sf) observed by satellites of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) programme and gsfe published by the Service International des Indices Geomagnetiques (SIIG) is made.  相似文献   
The whistler-mode chorus waves are one of the most important plasma waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Generally, the amplitude of whistler-mode chorus waves prefers to strengthen when the energetic fluxes of anisotropic electrons increase outside the plasmapause. This characteristic is commonly associated with the geomagnetic storms or substorms. However, the relationship between the solar wind dynamic pressure (Psw) and the long-time variation of chorus waves during the quiet period of the geomagnetic activity still needs more detailed investigations. In this paper, based on MMS observations, we present a chorus event just observed in the inner side of magnetopause without obvious geomagnetic storms or substroms. Interestingly, during this time interval, some Psw fluctuations were recorded. Both the amplitudes and frequencies of chorus waves changed as a response to the variation in Psw. It proved that the enhancement of Psw increases the energetic electrons fluxes, which provides free energies for the chorus amplification. Furthermore, the wave growth rates calculated using linear theory increases and the central frequency of the chorus waves shifts to a higher frequency when the Psw enhancement is greater, which are also consistent well with the observations. The results provide a direct evidence that the Psw play an important role in the long-time variation of whistler-mode chorus waves inside the magnetopause.  相似文献   
广州地磁Z分量日变幅的谱特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1972—1993年广州地磁资料,分析了Z分量日变幅的年平均、年变化和半年变化等低频成分的逐年变化,以及小于60天的短周期变化特征.同时对1972—1993年的F10.7日均值进行了谱分析.结果指出,广州地磁Z分量日变幅的年平均与太阳活动指数F10.7的年平均存在良好的线性相关;具有幅度大约5nT夏季极大的年变化,与太阳活动没有明显相关,是一种季节效应;存在春秋分极大的半年变化,幅度与太阳活动有关,高年的幅度明显大于低年;具有明显的与太阳自转相关的27天左右的变化和明显的与行星波有关的接近16日、10日、5日、2日等短周期变化.广州地磁Z分量日变幅的这些谱特征,有助于更深入地了解中低层大气对电离层影响的物理机制.  相似文献   
2023年美国国家航空航天局(NASA)继续努力突破空间探索极限,探索空天未知领域,在月球至火星、气候与地球科学、载人航天、太阳系及以远、空间技术创新、航空技术等方面持续产出新的科学发现,并对这些科学发现进行广泛宣传,从而吸引人们关注空间探索,例如:NASA制定月球至火星载人深空探索体系化蓝图,阿尔忒弥斯载人月球探索计划系列任务和各系统研制持续推进,詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜发现有史以来观测到的最远星系、恒星和黑洞,多项小行星探测任务取得重要进展,天基和空基平台共同助力理解变化中的地球,成功验证16×10~6 km深空光通信,开发新型跨音速验证机X-66A等,并激励和引导下一代关注和参与空间探索.  相似文献   
We investigate properties of large (>20%) and sharp (<10 min) solar wind ion flux changes using INTERBALL-1 and WIND plasma and magnetic field measurements from 1996 to 1999. These ion flux changes are the boundaries of small-scale and middle-scale solar wind structures. We describe the behavior of the solar wind velocity, temperature and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during these sudden flux changes. Many of the largest ion flux changes occur during periods when the solar wind velocity is nearly constant, so these are mainly plasma density changes. The IMF magnitude and direction changes at these events can be either large or small. For about 55% of the ion flux changes, the sum of the thermal and magnetic pressure are in balance across the boundary. In many of the other cases, the thermal pressure change is significantly more than the magnetic pressure change. We also attempted to classify the types of discontinuities observed.  相似文献   
In this work a study is performed on the correlation between fast forward interplanetary shock parameters at 1 Astronomical Unit and sudden impulse (SI) amplitudes in the H-component of the geomagnetic field, for periods of solar activity maximum (year 2000) and minimum (year 1995–1996). Solar wind temperature, density and speed, and total magnetic field, were taken to calculate the static pressures (thermal and magnetic) both in the upstream and downstream sides of the shocks. The variations of the solar wind parameters and pressures were then correlated with SI amplitudes. The solar wind speed variations presented good correlations with sudden impulses, with correlation coefficients larger than 0.70 both in solar maximum and solar minimum, whereas the solar wind density presented very low correlation. The parameter better correlated with SI was the square root dynamic pressure variation, showing a larger correlation during solar maximum (r = 0.82) than during solar minimum (r = 0.77). The correlations of SI with square root thermal and magnetic pressure were smaller than with the dynamic pressure, but they also present a good correlation, with r > 0.70 during both solar maximum and minimum. Multiple linear correlation analysis of SI in terms of the three pressure terms have shown that 78% and 85% of the variance in SI during solar maximum and minimum, respectively, are explained by the three pressure variations. Average sudden impulse amplitude was 25 nT during solar maximum and 21 nT during solar minimum, while average square root dynamic pressure variation is 1.20 and 0.86 nPa1/2 during solar maximum and minimum, respectively. Thus on average, fast forward interplanetary shocks are 33% stronger during solar maximum than during solar minimum, and the magnetospheric SI response has amplitude 20% higher during solar maximum than during solar minimum. A comparison with theoretical predictions (Tsyganenko’s model corrected by Earth’s induced currents) of the coefficient of sudden impulse change with solar wind dynamic pressure variation showed excellent agreement, with values around 17 nT/nPa1/2.  相似文献   
Noise in wireless systems from solar radio bursts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solar radio bursts were first discovered as result of their interference in early defensive radar systems during the Second World War (1942). Such bursts can still affect radar systems, as well as new wireless technologies. We have investigated a forty-year record of solar radio burst data (1960–1999) as well as several individual radio events in the 23rd solar cycle. This paper reviews the results of a portion of this research. Statistically, for frequencies f  1 GHz (near current wireless bands), there can be a burst with amplitudes >103 solar flux units (SFU; 1 SFU = 10−22 W/m2) every few days during solar maximum conditions, and such burst levels can produce problems in contemporary wireless systems.  相似文献   
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