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高速风洞带动力模拟试验TPS短舱唇口设计   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用计算流体动力学(CFD)技术分析了进气道质量流量差异对外表面压力系数分布的影响,并通过对发动机进气道唇口的反设计优化,使涡轮动力模拟器(TPS)试验时的外表面压力分布与真实质量流量下的压力分布基本一致.通过对发动机唇口修正,可提高2.4m跨声速风洞高速带动力模拟风洞试验的准度.   相似文献   
汽车电器是一门理论与实践结合性很强的课程。在该课程实验室建设中,应强化实践应用并突出职业教育的特色,因此有必要开发相关全车电器实验实训平台,增强学生动手能力,弥补理论与实践脱节现象,对汽车电器的学习具有切实的指导意义。  相似文献   
超声速气流中横向射流雾化实验和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对超声速气流中的横向射流雾化过程进行研究,在直连式实验台上进行了超声速气流中的横向射流雾化实验,并对实验工况进行了数值模拟.超声速来流的马赫数为2,实验喷雾的动压比范围为1.~11.7,实验工质为水.采用纹影法对射流雾化过程进行了拍摄,得到了有雾化的超声速流场结构和穿透深度拟合公式.同时采用欧拉-拉格朗日两相流计算方法对实验工况进行了数值模拟,雾化模型采用了一种新型K-H(Kelvin-Helmholtz)和R-T(Rayleigh-Taylor)混合模型,数值模拟与实验结果符合较好.   相似文献   
Discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole of three inclination angles and three spacing between holes are presented which described the discharge behavior of a row of holes. The inlet and outlet of the 3-in-1 hole both have a 15° lateral expansion. The flow conditions considered are mainstream turbulence intensities and density ratios of secondary flow to mainstream. The momentum flux ratios varied in the range from 1 to 4. The comparison is made of the discharge coefficients of three shaped holes to find an optimal hole with low flow loss. The results show that the discharge coefficients of 3-in- 1 hole are highest in three shaped holes and therefore this article is focused on the measurements of discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole for various geometries and aerodynamic parameters. The measured results of 3-in-1 hole indicate that turbulence intensities, density ratios and momentum flux ratios have weak influence on discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 20°. The high turbulence intensity yields the small discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased both momentum flux ratios and density ratios lead to the increased discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased inclination angle causes the rapidly increased discharge coefficients. There is a weak dependence of discharge coefficients on hole pitches.  相似文献   
针对Bodner-Partom统一粘塑性本构方程,采用Euler前差显式积分方法,编制了用户子程序,把该本构方程结合进了大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,进行了一维和二维的算例验证,并针对某涡轮盘进行了三维应力分析。该程序可考虑材料变形的率相关、循环加载等情况,适用于航空发动机高温部件非线性结构分析。   相似文献   
以全电无人飞机主推进直驱永磁电动机为研究对象,分析处于不同工况下主推进电动机热负荷特性.针对主推进电动机开启式结构特点,根据流体力学及传热学理论,建立强风冷却条件下流固耦合物理模型与数学模型,通过仿真计算不同热负荷、不同爬升角度时主推进电动机的温升,分析主推进电动机热负荷及温升随飞行工况的变化规律.对主推进电动机进行风洞与飞行试验.结果表明:热负荷为5500A2/(cm·mm2)时电动机最高温升为124K,与仿真值误差在2%以内,验证了理论分析正确性.无人机主推进电动机热负荷选取范围为3000~5500A2/(cm·mm2).   相似文献   
燃料电池电动车用隔离Boost全桥变换器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对燃料电池电动车辅助能源系统低压大功率、大升压比的特点,分析了几种隔离变换器方案,这几种方案均难以做到大功率应用。为此,提出了采用隔离Boost全桥变换器拓扑方案可有效地解决上述技术难点。文中介绍了该方案的原理,详细分析了控制系统,给出了数字化控制的实现方法和主电路关键参数的设计。为了验证上述方案的正确性,设计了5 kW,24 V输入300 V输出的隔离Boost全桥变换器。实验结果表明,系统具有良好的动态和静态性能,能有效地应用于电动汽车等领域。  相似文献   
The ionosphere varies over multiple time scales, which are classified into two categories: the climatology and weather variations. In this national report, we give a brief summary of recent progresses in ionospheric climatology with focus on (1) the seasonal variations, (2) solar cycle effects, and (3) empirical modeling of the ionosphere. The seasonal variations of the ionosphere have been explored in many works to give a more detailed picture with regional and global features at various altitudes by analyzing the observation data from various sources and models. Moreover, a series of studies reported the response of the ionosphere to solar cycle variations, which revealed some novel and detailed features of solar activity dependence of ionospheric parameters at different altitudes. These investigations have improved our understanding on the states of the ionosphere and underlying fundamental processes, provided clues to future studies on ionospheric weather, and guided ionospheric modeling, forecasting and related applications.  相似文献   
The 20th century temperature anomaly record is reproduced using an energy balance model, with a diffusive deep ocean. The model takes into account all the standard radiative forcings, and in addition the possibility of a non-thermal solar component. The model is parameterized and then optimized to produce the most likely values for the climate parameters and radiative forcings which reproduce the 20th century global warming. We find that the best fit is obtained with a negligible net feedback. We also show that a non-thermal solar component is necessarily present, indicating that the total solar contribution to the 20th century global warming, of ΔTsolar = 0.27 ± 0.07 °C, is much larger than can be expected from variation in the total solar irradiance alone. However, we also find that the largest contribution to the 20th century warming comes from anthropogenic sources, with ΔTman = 0.42 ± 0.11 °C.  相似文献   
Velocity measurements of the solar wind in the region of its acceleration were carried out in 1984 with Venera Orbiters using the following specific radio sounding techniques: (i) phase and frequency correlations from two or three widely-spaced ground stations; (ii) phase and frequency correlations from two spacecraft and two widely-spaced ground stations; (iii) two station two-way coherent Doppler measurements; (iv) determination of the break frequency in power spectra of intensity fluctuations. Our results are substantially lower than those derived from direct Doppler shift measurements of transition region and lower coronal resonance lines and those from measurements applying the Doppler dimming technique.  相似文献   
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