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本文论述了一种用太阳舵控制大型挠性体太空帆的控制方法。介绍了太阳舵控制原理、控制方案,给出了控制规律,推导了解耦控制力矩方程。最后分析了挠性振动的稳定性控制。  相似文献   
During the August 25, 2018 geomagnetic storm, the new borne CSES-01 satellite and the Swarm A satellite detected a really large equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) in the post-midnight sector over western Africa. We investigated the features of this deep ionospheric plasma depletion using data from the Langmuir probes on-board CSES-01 and Swarm A satellites, and data from the high-precision magnetometer and the electric field detector instruments on-board CSES-01. Using also plasma and magnetic field data from THEMIS-E satellite we found that, during the passage of the magnetic cloud that drove the geomagnetic storm, an impulsive variation lasting about ten minutes characterized the solar wind (SW) pressure. The analysis of the delay time, between the occurrence of such impulsive variation and the detection of the plasma bubble, suggests a possible link between the SW pressure impulsive variation as identified by THEMIS-E and the generation of the EPB as detected by CSES-01 and Swarm A. We put forward the hypothesis that the SW pressure impulsive variation might have triggered an eastward prompt penetrating electric field that propagated from high to equatorial latitudes, overlapping in the nightside region to the zonal westward electric field, causing either a reduction or an inversion, at the base of the EPB triggering.  相似文献   
人造卫星的刚性太阳电池阵有两种工作状态。构成它的各板块之间的连接机构的非线性性质对其展开时的模态影响很大。本文给出了连接装置的线性化和有限元分析的模型,阐述了用子结构和计及非线性性质的分析方法,给出了其伸展态的前几个模态状况;简述了模态试验的方法并比较了有限元分析和实尺度模态试验结果。 在试验基础上作参数修改和模态重新分析,使固有频率的总相关系数达90%。  相似文献   
Studying of the coronal plasma associated with long-lived complexes of the solar activity is important for understanding a relationship between the magnetic activity and the solar corona changing during the solar cycle.

In the present paper, two long-lived complexes of the solar activity at the beginning of the current solar cycle 23 are investigated by using the Extreme-Ultraviolet data (EUV) from SOHO/EIT. For this purpose the EIT limb synoptic maps during the CR1916–CR1919 (11 November 1996–1 March 1997) are obtained.

The coronal temperature structures derived from the three lines 171A (Fe IX,X), 195A (Fe XII)and 284A (Fe XV) are investigated by applying an algorithm developed by Zhang et al. [Zhang, J., White, S.M., Kundu, M.R. ApJ 527, 977, 1999]. Standard EIT software are used for the temperature estimation from the ratio of two lines of Fe IX,X and Fe XII.

The method of the rotational tomography with a correction for an inclination of the Earth’s orbit (B-angle) to the helioequator is applied to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) coronal structure of the complex of the solar activity. The results reveal difference in temperature structures related to multi-poles magnetic structures of the complex of solar activity and to the typical, the bipolar activity complex.  相似文献   

We have used several transport codes to calculate dose and dose equivalent values as well as the particle spectra behind a slab or inside a spherical shell shielding in typical space radiation environments. Two deterministic codes, HZETRN and UPROP, and two Monte Carlo codes, FLUKA and Geant4, are included. A soft solar particle event, a hard solar particle event, and a solar minimum galactic cosmic rays environment are considered; and the shielding material is either aluminum or polyethylene. We find that the dose values and particle spectra from HZETRN are in general rather consistent with Geant4 except for neutrons. The dose equivalent values from HZETRN and Geant4 are not far from each other, but the HZETRN values behind shielding are often lower than the Geant4 values. Results from FLUKA and Geant4 are mostly consistent for considered cases. However, results from the legacy code UPROP are often quite different from the other transport codes, partly due to its non-consideration of neutrons. Comparisons for the spherical shell geometry exhibit the same qualitative features as for the slab geometry. In addition, results from both deterministic and Monte Carlo transport codes show that the dose equivalent inside the spherical shell decreases from the center to the inner surface and this decrease is large for solar particle events; consistent with an earlier study based on deterministic radiation transport results. This study demonstrates both the consistency and inconsistency among these transport models in their typical space radiation predictions; further studies will be required to pinpoint the exact physics modules in these models that cause the differences and thus may be improved.  相似文献   
A magnetic sail is an advanced propellantless propulsion system that uses the interaction between the solar wind and an artificial magnetic field generated by the spacecraft, to produce a propulsive thrust in interplanetary space. The aim of this paper is to collect the available experimental data, and the simulation results, to develop a simplified mathematical model that describes the propulsive acceleration of a magnetic sail, in an analytical form, for mission analysis purposes. Such a mathematical model is then used for estimating the performance of a magnetic sail-based spacecraft in a two-dimensional, minimum time, deep space mission scenario. In particular, optimal and locally optimal steering laws are derived using an indirect approach. The obtained results are then applied to a mission analysis involving both an optimal Earth–Venus (circle-to-circle) interplanetary transfer, and a locally optimal Solar System escape trajectory. For example, assuming a characteristic acceleration of 1 mm/s2, an optimal Earth–Venus transfer may be completed within about 380 days.  相似文献   
Like all applications in trajectory design, the design of solar sail trajectories requires a transition from analytical models to numerically generated realizations of an orbit. In astrodynamics, three numerical strategies are often employed. Differential correctors (also known as shooting methods) are perhaps the most common techniques. Finite-difference methods and collocation schemes are also employed and are successful in generating trajectories with pseudo-continuous control histories. These three numerical techniques are employed here to generate periodic trajectories displaced below the Moon in a circular restricted three-body system. All these approaches reveal trajectory options within the design space for solar sail applications.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that a surge can be modelled as a jet travelling in a sheared magnetic field, and that the transition to turbulence of this MHD tearing jet can explain several key observed features. In this paper we present our preliminary results of the transition to turbulencevia secondary instabilities of the MHD tearing jet. Our results confirm that turbulent transition can decelerate the surge, with decay times which compare well with surge data. Furthermore, we find that the turbulent MHD tearing jet forms magnetic field-aligned velocity filaments similar to those often observed in the surge flow field.  相似文献   
The issue whether acceleration and injection of electron beams is coherently modulated by a single quasi-periodic source, or whether the injection is driven by a stochastic process in time or (eventually fragmented) in space, is investigated by menas of a periodicity analysis of metric type III bursts.We analyze 260 continuous type III groups observed byIkarus (ETH Zurich) in the frequency range of 100–500 MHz during 359 solar flares with simultaneous 25 keV hard X-ray emission, in the years 1980–1983. Pulse periods have been measured between 0.5 and 10 s, and can be described by an exponential distribution, i.e.N(P) e –P/1.0s. We measure the mean periodP and its standard deviation p in each type III group, and quantify the degree of periodicity by the dimensionless parameter p/P. The representative sample of 260 type III burst groups shows a mean periodicity of p/P=0.37±0.12, while Monte-Carlo simulations of an equivalent set of truly random time series show a distinctly different value of p/P=0.93±0.26. This result suggests that the injection of electron beams is periodically modulated by a particle acceleration source which is either compact or has a global organization on a time scale of seconds.  相似文献   
During the period from March 13, 2002 to mid-September, 2002, six solar particle events (SPE) were observed by the MARIE instrument onboard the Odyssey Spacecraft in Martian Orbit. These events were observed also by the GOES 8 satellite in Earth orbit, and thus represent the first time that the same SPE have been observed at these separate locations. The characteristics of these SPE are examined, given that the active regions of the solar disc from which the event originated can usually be identified. The dose rates at Martian orbit are calculated, both for the galactic and solar components of the ionizing particle radiation environment. The dose rates due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) agree well with the HZETRN model calculations.  相似文献   
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