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计量作为必不可少的技术基础,是企业核心能力的重要组成,是科技创新的重要支撑,为企业的发展发挥着重要基础性支撑性作用。计量科研是计量科技创新和计量保障能力持续提升的主要途径。本文介绍了一些计量科研项目管理经验,并根据目前面临的新形势提出了进一步推进计量科研工作的设想。  相似文献   
We have performed a detailed Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation for the Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) detector using the MC code FLUKA-2005 which is capable of simulating particles up to 10 PeV. The ATIC detector has completed two successful balloon flights from McMurdo, Antarctica lasting a total of more than 35 days. ATIC is designed as a multiple, long duration balloon flight, investigation of the cosmic ray spectra from below 50 GeV to near 100 TeV total energy; using a fully active Bismuth Germanate (BGO) calorimeter. It is equipped with a large mosaic of silicon detector pixels capable of charge identification, and, for particle tracking, three projective layers of xy scintillator hodoscopes, located above, in the middle and below a 0.75 nuclear interaction length graphite target. Our simulations are part of an analysis package of both nuclear (A) and energy dependences for different nuclei interacting in the ATIC detector. The MC simulates the response of different components of the detector such as the Si-matrix, the scintillator hodoscopes and the BGO calorimeter to various nuclei. We present comparisons of the FLUKA-2005 MC calculations with GEANT calculations and with the ATIC CERN data.  相似文献   
导出了计算液体火箭发动机辐射冷却推力室不稳定温度场的隐式差分格式,并作了线性化处理。据此编制通用程序,可以计算任意辐射冷却推力室的不稳定温度场。  相似文献   
On February 13th 2012, the LARES satellite of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) was launched into orbit with the qualification flight of the new VEGA launcher of the European Space Agency (ESA). The payload was released very accurately in the nominal orbit. The name LARES means LAser RElativity Satellite and summarises the objective of the mission and some characteristics of the satellite. It is, in fact, a mission designed to test Einstein's General Relativity Theory (specifically ‘frame-dragging' and Lense-Thirring effect). The satellite is passive and covered with optical retroreflectors that send back laser pulses to the emitting ground station. This allows accurate positioning of the satellite, which is important for measuring the very small deviations from Galilei–Newton's laws. In 2008, ASI selected the prime industrial contractor for the LARES system with a heavy involvement of the universities in all phases of the programme, from the design to the construction and testing of the satellite and separation system. The data exploitation phase started immediately after the launch under a new contract between ASI and those universities. Tracking of the satellite is provided by the International Laser Ranging Service. Due to its particular design, LARES is the orbiting object with the highest known mean density in the solar system. In this paper, it is shown that this peculiarity makes it the best proof particle ever manufactured. Design aspects, mission objectives and preliminary data analysis will be also presented.  相似文献   
全国大学生电子设计竞赛对提高学生的综合素质和动手能力很有必要,同时竞赛也向大学生的科技活动提出了更高要求。加强对学生科技活动的指导,规范科技活动与课内、课外有机结合,设立奖励基金,是提升大学生科技创新能力的有效途径。  相似文献   
回顾了新世纪我国高职教育的发展阶段,提出了办好高职应树立市场观念、人才观念、质量观念、终身教育观念、国际化观念和创新观念;鲜明的高职办学特色应体现在有先进的办学理念、有特色的专业、有新型的人才培养模式、有“双师型”师资队伍、有好的实训基地和有灵活的办学机制;展望了新世纪我国的教育将走向社会化、实现终身化、走向系列化、走向国际化和走向法制化。  相似文献   
The SAX mission     
SAX denotes the X-Ray Astronomy Satellite selected by the Italian National Space Plan for inclusion in the Science Programme. The purpose of SAX is to perform spectroscopic, spectral and time variability studies of celestial X-Ray sources in the energy band from 1 to 200 KeV. It is intended to continue and expand upon previous observations of such sources. The instrumentation consists of four X-Ray imaging concentrators sensitive from 1 to 10 KeV (one of them extending down to 0.1 KeV), one Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter sensitive from 3 to 120 KeV, a Sodium Iodide Scintillator Crystal in Phoswich configuration operating from 15 KeV to 200 KeV; these detectors are coaligned to a common pointing axis. Three Wide Field Cameras (2–30 KeV) with axis at 90° to that of the narrow field instruments complete the payload.The Satellite launch is foreseen for 1988, in a low altitude (500 Km), low inclination (12°) orbit.The SAX scientific programme is carried out by a Consortium of Italian Institutes, in cooperation with Institutes from Holland; a partecipation of the Space Science Department of ESA is also foreseen.  相似文献   
Although it is generally agreed that the outer space should be used for the benefit of all mankind, only a fraction of the countries have the necessary technological base for accessing space. Space technology, with its implications on science, economy and well-being of citizens, is mostly chosen as one of the priority areas for technological development by developing countries. However, there is already an over-capacity in global space industry and there are doubts on necessity of additional capacity establishment by developing countries. In this study, the importance and benefits of capacity-building in these countries are emphasized and the advantages and disadvantages that developing countries have in the framework of space technology acquisition are briefly presented. The feasibility of certain levels of space technology is discussed and the necessity of combining existing indigenous capabilities with technology obtained from foreign sources in the optimal way is stressed. We have also mentioned various general mechanisms of technology transfer and argued the importance of licensing in catching-up developed countries. After considering the necessary conditions of efficiency of technology, such as establishment of regional centers of space science and technology education by United Nations, joint development of space systems, complete technology transfer packages, cooperative space projects within regional organizations, coordinated constellations and special agreements with large space agencies, which are specific mechanisms already in use, are reviewed. Some typical examples of mechanisms are also given with special emphasize on small satellite technology that makes access to space affordable for many countries. Through sharing and analyzing the experience of developing countries in their odyssey of space capacity-building, the difficulties can be negotiated and the vicious circles can be broken. This study, in our view, is a step to incite a general discussion of obstacles and opportunities for developing countries, that could help them in using their limited resources effectively, hence, enable them to offer better conditions to their citizens and to contribute space science to a larger extend.  相似文献   
从生态美学看科学发展观与人全面发展的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生态美学是以生态美为核心范畴的美学理论,以人与自然的生态审美关系为出发点,包括人与自然、人与社会、人与自身的生态审美关系,以实现人的生态审美生存为目的。从生态美学的视野,分析了科学发展观与实现人的全面发展之间的关系。  相似文献   
In this paper we present recent additions to the visualization toolset offered by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). Two suites of visualization tools are available that can address different needs during the analysis of model simulations of the magnetosphere that are provided by the CCMC. The online, server-side visualization allows the user to quickly browse through simulation runs and now can create maps of magnetic field line topology in the magnetosphere. The second tool, SWX, can be used on the client computer after data have been downloaded. With this second tool the user can interact directly with the three-dimensional objects that are being rendered. We present results from a simulation of a Flux Transfer Event that was performed at the CCMC using a magnetohydrodynamic model of the Earth’s magnetosphere with a high resolution grid focused on the dayside magnetosheath and dayside magnetopause. The simulation shows that the FTE that results from localized magnetic reconnection is a complicated three-dimensional structure that requires modern visualization techniques. Visualization techniques that are presented here allow the researcher to fully appreciate the complexity contained in magnetospheric simulation results.  相似文献   
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