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Several automated optical telescopes have been setup at appropriate longitudes around the globe to study earthshine variations and asteroseismology. The first telescope has been setup at Teide Observatory, Tenerife, Spain in October 2004. The intensity of earthshine relates to the average of Earth’s albedo, and in turn relates to the global temperature of the Earth. A global network is necessary because each site can measure the earthshine reflected from only a part of the Earth. The network will also be used for asteroseismology study. It can measure photometric variations of pulsating stars. The long-term and continuous measurements allow the accurate determination of mode frequencies of stellar pulsations, which provides information on the properties of stellar interior.  相似文献   
Observational evidence of the 11-year solar cycle (SC) modulation of stratosphere temperatures and winds from the ERA-40 dataset is reviewed, with emphasis on the Northern winter hemisphere. A frequency modulation of sudden warming events is noted, with warmings occurring earlier in solar minimum periods than in solar maximum periods. The observed interaction between the influence of the SC and the quasi biennial oscillation (QBO) on the frequency of sudden warmings is noted as a possible clue for understanding their mechanism of influence. A possible transfer route for the 11-year solar cycle from the equatorial stratopause region to the lowest part of the stratosphere is proposed, via an influence on sudden warming events and the associated induced meridional circulation. SC and QBO composites of zonal wind anomalies show anomalous wind distributions in the subtropical upper stratosphere in early winter. Mechanistic model experiments are reviewed that demonstrate a sensitivity of sudden warmings to small wind anomalies in this region. Various diagnostics from these experiments are shown, including EP fluxes and their divergence and also the synoptic evolution of the polar vortex, in order to understand the mechanism of the influence. Some recent GCM experiments to investigate the SC/QBO interaction are also described. They simulate reasonably well the observed SC/QBO interaction of sudden warming events and appear to support the hypothesis that tropical/subtropical upper stratospheric wind anomalies are an important influence on the timing of sudden warmings.  相似文献   
针对火星飞行器探测需求,提出了一种共轴双旋翼式火星飞行器,基于计算流体力学方法优选了桨叶翼型、平面形状和扭转角等结构参数,基于叶素动量理论建立了旋翼气动力学模型,利用数值模拟方法选择了旋翼转速、旋翼间距和桨叶安装角等飞行参数,设计了原理样机"火星飞鸟-I"的结构与控制系统。构建了火星大气环境模拟器和重力补偿与运动约束装置,开展了模拟火星环境下旋翼式飞行器地面飞行试验,验证了共轴双旋翼式火星飞行器的推进性能,展望了旋翼式火星飞行器技术的发展方向。研究成果对我国开展的火星探测工程具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   
控制汽车尾气量的增加,是减少汽车废气污染改善人类生活环境的重要措施。汽车尾气分析仪主要是通过检测汽车尾气中不同气体的含量,以达到合理控制的目的。在对气体浓度的检测中,大气压力的影响不能忽视。本文围绕这个问题,详细讨论了大气压力影响的补偿方法。  相似文献   
非标准大气条件下航空发动机地面起动性能   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
为了得到非标准大气条件对航空发动机地面起动性能的影响,对非标准大气条件下空气涡轮起动机输出功率特性、标准大气条件下理想起动过程的影响因素进行了分析.研究了非标准大气条件对航空发动机地面起动性能影响,分析了大气温度对起动点火时间、起动时间、起动过程排气温度的影响.应用均匀加速原理,对某型涡扇发动机起动时间进行估算.基于地面台架起动试验条件,对试验数据统计分析:大气温度增加或降低,将增加起动点火及脱开时间.对大气温度在293.15K以上的开车次的平均起动时间与293.15K以下的平均起动时间进行对比,热天起动时间比冷天要短约3s,试验结果符合理论分析.   相似文献   
某准共面星座由两颗相位差为 180°的太阳同步卫星组成。在对其进行轨道维持时 ,需综合考虑相位差和地面轨迹范围两方面的限制。然而 ,由于这两颗卫星的轨道倾角存在差异 ,使得在轨道维持过程中不能同时满足相位差和地面轨迹的要求。为解决上述问题 ,本文提出了调整地面参考轨迹的方法 ,实践证明有效。  相似文献   
大气紊流环境下的纵向飞行参数响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了大气紊流环境下飞机纵向飞行参数的计算与匹配方法.由于紊流的随机性特征,飞行参数响应分析采用时域与频域相结合的方式,对某型飞机紊流环境下的纵向飞行参数进行了计算分析.采用所介绍的方法,可以获得比较合理的飞行情况来指导型号设计工作.  相似文献   
根据航空机载设备在装备中的局部使用环境、热带海洋环境特征和主要环境因素影响作用等,设计了印制电摘路板(Printed Circuit Board,PCB)在模拟热带海洋大气环境中的盐雾和交变湿热组合循环试验方案。通过开展 PCB的组合循环试验,采用体式显微镜和 SEM电镜等研究分析了不同试验时间下的 PCB的腐蚀行为和电气性能变化规律。结果表明:PCB的腐蚀主要在焊点、焊盘、印制导线和引线头等金属部位;电气性能受表观腐蚀的影响,其接触电阻在试验后增幅达到 50%且受是否带电试验的影响较小。同层间、异层间绝缘电阻变化规律相似,主要分为 2个阶段:前 1 000 h其绝缘电阻较为平稳;试验 1 000 h后则出现明显的下降趋势,最终降低在 1~4 GΩ之间,且整个循环试验中 PCB均能承受 500 V交流电压 60 s。  相似文献   
利用HRDI/UARS资料分析东亚区域中层大气纬向风气候特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用美国高层大气研究卫星(UARS)搭载的高分辨率多普勒测风仪(HRDI)获得的中层大气风场观测资料,对东亚区域中层大气纬向风的垂直分布与变化特征进行了分析研究.多年平均结果显示东亚区域中层大气纬向风具有显著的区域特征,与当前普遍使用的参考大气CIRA-86相比存在显著的不同.在冬季,东亚区域中间层西风急流中心位于25°-35°N之间的75 km高度,与CIRA-86相比,该中心纬度偏南5°,高度偏高10 km;在秋季,东亚区域低热层高度存在一个显著的从赤道到高纬度的东风带,而CIRA-86不存在.分析结果还表明,除了夏季中纬度地区,在东亚区域上空中高层大气各高度上均存在相当显著的区域尺度扰动结构.在热带,低热层高度纬向风无论冬夏,沿纬圈方向都表现出相当显著的不均匀性,夏季这种不均匀性进一步向下扩展到55 km高度.与上述热带扰动特征相比,中纬度地区夏季的纬向风在各个高度沿纬圈相当均匀,但是在冬季,中间层和低热层高度都存在沿纬圈方向显著的纬向风扰动结构.   相似文献   
Advances in the Studies of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in 2004 - 2006   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper summarizes the research results obtained by Chinese scientists and/or through international collaborations during 2004 to 2006. Within the context of COSPAR, the progresses in the studies of the middle and upper atmosphere in China in the past two years are introduced with focusing the developments in facilities and instruments, and the advancements in scientific issues, e.g., dynamics related processes, atmospheric constituents, and the coupling with the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   
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