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新概念机翼尾流特性实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大型飞机常采用开启襟翼以增大机翼升力系数,实现较大迎角的起飞和降落,而机翼在大迎角状态下,翼尖会产生能量集中且自由消散时间长的飞机尾涡,严重影响后续起降飞机的安全。基于Rayleigh-Ludwieg不稳定性,提出一种新概念飞机襟翼布局,通过水槽实验发现:新概念布局的襟翼对翼尖涡的消散具有明显的促进作用,不同参数组合下襟翼涡对翼尖涡的运动特性和能量变化的影响均有不同。实验结果也为飞机尾流控制的研究提供了参考,在满足飞行力学设计的基础上,合理运用增升装置构建四涡系统可以有效促进飞机尾流的消散,提高机场飞机起降效率。  相似文献   
针对压气机实验系统 Helmholtz共振频率的研究对于建设压气机试验系统及研究压气机流动不稳定现象均有重要意义。以北京航空航天大学跨声速压气机试验系统为背景,通过拆除该压气机试验系统的稳压箱、格栅等部件以及更改该试验系统的几何尺寸,分析该型压气机试验系统 Helmholtz 共振频率的影响因素;同时引入了Duct-Compressor-Plenum模型理论,对该压气机试验系统进行相应的模化,并对其系统 Helmholtz 共振频率进行相应估算。结果表明:在该类型的跨声速压气机试验系统中,压气机前端的稳压箱及稳压箱之前部分主要作用是为整个试验系统提供均匀的进气环境,而对系统 Helmholtz 共振频率不产生任何影响。因此,在跨声速压气机试验系统Duct-Compressor-Plenum模型模化过程中,不应将稳压箱及其之前部件进行模化。  相似文献   
整体壁板设计问题困难在于如何合理地选择设计参数,即筋条高度,筋条宽度,间距和蒙皮厚度等,使壁板作为一个整体,临界应力符合设计要求并尽可能地高,而重量尽可能地轻,用计算机作优化设计的程序尽可能地简单、可靠,内存占用能符合计算机的容量。 本文介绍对某型机机翼油箱等截面薄壁柱受轴压时的局稳优化设计。用有限条元法进行局稳临界应力分析,可使单元划分数较少,占用内存少,即使用矩阵特征值法求解,计算的机时也较短,其结果能符合工程要求,比有限元素法有显著的优势。采用非线性规划的直接法如随机方向法和单纯形法都有相同结果。本文着重介绍单纯形法求设计变量,结果满足设计要求,通过了全机静力试验,并将用于某型机的改型机。  相似文献   
介绍了绝对/对流不稳定性的理论框架,并应用于钝体尾流剪切层的稳定性分析研究中。钝体尾流可以认为是局部平行流,而局部平行流的稳定性分析可以归结为Orr-Sommerfeld方程的求解。O-S方程求解化为一个复广义矩阵问题AX=ωBX,并分别约化A,B为上Hessenberg阵和上三角阵,通过Chebyshev配置法可以求出特征值。最后对于Gauss尾流计算模型,给出了其在不同Reynolds下,流动  相似文献   
This study presents several observations of the Cluster spacecraft on September 24, 2003 around 15:10 UT, which show necessary prerequisites and consequences for the formation of the so-called modified-two-stream instability (MTSI). Theoretical studies suggest that the plasma is MTSI unstable if (1) a relative drift of electrons and ions is present, which exceeds the Alfvèn speed, and (2) this relative drift or current is in the cross-field direction. As consequences of the formation of a MTSI one expects to observe (1) a field-aligned electron beam, (2) heating of the plasma, and (3) an enhancement in the B-wave spectrum at frequencies in the range of the lower-hybrid-frequency (LHF). In this study we use prime parameter data of the CIS and PEACE instruments onboard the Cluster spacecraft to verify the drift velocities of ions and electrons, FGM data to calculate the expected LHF and Alfvèn velocity, and the direction of the current. The B-wave spectrum is recorded by the STAFF instrument of Cluster. Finally, a field aligned beam of electrons is observed by 3D measurements of the IES instrument of the RAPID unit. Observations are verified using a theoretical model showing the build-up of a MTSI under the given circumstances.  相似文献   
为获得同轴离心式喷嘴燃烧动力学特性,开展了喷注单元稳定性试验研究。试验中燃料流量不变,随氧化剂流量增加,热声系统依次经历了燃烧噪声状态、阵发状态和准周期振荡状态。采用递归方法对实验结果进行分析。首先,利用交互信息法和虚假最邻近法分别求解最优延迟时间和嵌入维数,获得了典型工况下的相空间轨迹图。其次,递归图分析表明系统出现了第II类阵发现象,意味着系统发生了亚临界Hopf分叉,与实验结果一致。最后,递归量化分析表明,确定率可以将阵发状态和准周期振荡状态与燃烧噪声状态区分出来,并可以对热声振荡进行预报。  相似文献   
Two orbits were selected in January–February 2006 when the separation between the Cluster spacecraft was large and mirror type magnetic field fluctuations were observed by all spacecraft in different regions of the terrestrial magnetosheath. Minimum variance analysis was applied to find the mirror type fluctuations, and the amplitude of the fluctuations was determined individually. Mirror mode structures are moving along the streamlines frozen in the plasma. A model was developed for the calculation of plasma flowtime from the bow shock to the observation point. The growth rate of the field strength perturbations was estimated by comparing the amplitudes of fluctuations observed simultaneously at distant locations (∼10,000 km) based on the assumption that δB ∼ exp(γt). The obtained growth rate values were about an order of magnitude smaller than those provided by linear models and they decreased in the inner regions of the magnetosheath, indicating some saturation in the growth of the waves when proceeding towards the magnetopause. The results of these two case studies suggest that mirror type fluctuations originate from the compression region downstream of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock, and the growth of the fluctuations cannot be described by linear approximations.  相似文献   
在相对论性框架下,研究了冷离子流产生的右旋共振模,非共振模电磁不稳定性的特征结果表明,非共振模不稳定性增长率受离子流初始参数影响较大,而右旋共振模的增长率则受离子流初始参数影响较小。此结果可应用于太阳高能离子流通过低日冕区和地球磁层辐射带俘获的高能质子情形。  相似文献   
The rim seal is used to prevent mainstream ingestion to the gap between the vane of a turbine and its blade. In this article, the dolphin lip with a hook configuration and a large seal cavity with hook structures are designed based on the high-pressure turbine datum single shark lip rim seal configuration. The sealing effect and parameters of the flow field are measured by an experiment method and a numerical simulation is used to explain the mechanism. For three configurations,the effect of the...  相似文献   
大量的实验研究表明, 在顶部极光区电离层, 利用EISCAT非相干散射雷达和Millstone Hill雷达可以观测到不对称、增强的离子声波谱线. 考虑到低能H+离子束沉降到背景电离层, 以及电离层顶部O+离子的外流事件, 采用含有场向热流项的双麦克斯韦分布描述H+离子束的分布函数, 进而基于离子-离子双流不稳定性理论来解释增强的离子声波谱线. 场向热流的引入可以减小离子声波谱线的不对称现象, 这样得到的结果更符合实际.  相似文献   
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