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FY—1C极轨气象卫星的进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
孟执中 《上海航天》2001,18(2):1-7,23
在概述美国和俄罗斯等国外极轨气象卫星发展概况的基础上,介绍了中国极轨与静止轨道两种气象卫星的业务应用卫星体系,重点介绍了“风云一号”(02星)即FY-1C极轨气象卫星的任务、总体设计、技术特点、关键技术以及所取得的进展。最后简述了新一代有轨气象卫星FY-3的发展设想。  相似文献   
根据Cluster卫星2001年9月30日在北半球极尖区观测到的一次强扰动场向电子事件数据,分析研究了这次事件期间场向电子的能量特性,讨论了场向电子对太阳风能量向磁层的传输和磁层-电离层耦合过程中能量传输的作用.分析认为,这次电子扰动事件期间电子速度和密度都具有很强的扰动变化,电子速度增加是一个主要特点.本次事件中低能段5~200eV和500~1500eV内的能谱分析结果表明,上行电子通量大于下行电子通量,上行电子主要来源于电离层,说明电离层上行电子在本次事件中具有非常活跃的作用.根据电离层中带电粒子的能量特征分析结果可知,这次事件中电离层起源的上行电子在上行过程中得到了加速.关于加速机制问题还有待深入研究.  相似文献   
The ability to observe meteorological events in the polar regions of the Earth from satellite celebrated an anniversary, with the launch of TIROS-I in a pseudo-polar orbit on 1 April 1960. Yet, after 50 years, polar orbiting satellites are still the best view of the polar regions of the Earth. The luxuries of geostationary satellite orbit including rapid scan operations, feature tracking, and atmospheric motion vectors (or cloud drift winds), are enjoyed only by the middle and tropical latitudes or perhaps only cover the deep polar regions in the case of satellite derived winds from polar orbit. The prospect of a solar sailing satellite system in an Artificial Lagrange Orbit (ALO, also known as “pole sitters”) offers the opportunity for polar environmental remote sensing, communications, forecasting and space weather monitoring. While there are other orbital possibilities to achieve this goal, an ALO satellite system offers one of the best analogs to the geostationary satellite system for routine polar latitude observations.  相似文献   
详细阐述了解析方位双轴惯导平台式重力测量的工作原理,并通过基于方位余弦积的惯导力学编排解决了极区工作问题。在常规平台式重力测量数据处理方法的基础上,针对高动态环境提出了基于Kalman滤波的运动扰动修正方法。在此基础上研制了ZL11-1A型国产惯导平台式海洋重力仪。通过与国外主流重力仪产品海上同船作业比对,结果表明,该型重力仪在高海况下测量精度依然优于1mGal,满足重力测量作业要求。  相似文献   
For obvious reasons the ionosphere of the polar cap, surrounded by the auroral zone, is only poorly investigated. Even ionosonde data are very scant from geomagnetic latitudes beyond 70°. Since 1997 the European incoherent scatter radar facility EISCAT has an additional installation on Svalbard and has been providing electron density data nearly continuously ever since. These measurements which mainly cover the E- and F-regions are supplemented by rocket data from Heiss Island at a comparable magnetic latitude; these data are more sporadic, but cover lower altitudes and densities. A provisional, steady-state, neural network-based model is presented which uses the data of both sites.  相似文献   
石文泽  陈巍巍  卢超  程进杰  陈尧 《航空学报》2020,41(12):423854-423854
针对高温铝合金在线检测条件下,温度对铝合金电磁超声检测回波特性的影响规律尚不明确、高温检测时缺陷定量/定位补偿困难这一难题,以螺旋线圈电磁超声换能器(EMAT)为例,建立了高温铝合金EMAT检测过程的场路耦合有限元模型;研究了温度对EMAT激励/接收换能效率、EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性、超声传播过程中的扩散/介质衰减特性、回波幅值和超声声速等因素的影响规律;研制了耐高温EMAT探头,对20~500℃高温铝合金试样进行了检测实验,并测定了高温铝合金的超声介质衰减系数和超声声速。在仿真和实验相结合的基础上,分析了高温检测时超声回波幅值变化特性及其影响因素。结果表明:对于铝合金这类非铁磁性金属材料,导致高温时超声回波幅值下降的主要原因是超声介质衰减系数随着温度的升高而增大,其次为高温时EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性的改变。在激励EMAT在试样表面形成的洛伦兹力不变的条件下,其所激励的超声波回波幅值具有随着温度的增加而增加的特点,可以有效减缓超声回波幅值下降的趋势。  相似文献   
We examined some 75 observations from the low-altitude Earth orbiting DMSP, Ørsted and CHAMP satellites which were taken in the region of the nominal cusp. Our objective was to determine whether the actually observed cusp locations as inferred from magnetosheath-like particle precipitation (“particle cusp”) and intense small-scale magnetic field variations (“current cusp”), respectively, were identical and were consistent with the statistically expected latitude of the cusp derived from a huge number of charged particle spectrograms (“statistical cusp”).  相似文献   
The low background values at nighttime of the mesospheric hydroxyl (OH) radical make it easier to single out the atmospheric response to the external solar forcing in Polar Regions. Because of the short lifetime of HOx, it is possible to follow the trails of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events in the terrestrial atmosphere, as shown by Storini and Damiani (2008). The sensitivity of this indicator makes discernible not only extreme particle events with a flux peak of several thousand pfu [1 pfu = 1 particle/(cm2 s sr)] at energies >10 MeV, but also those with lower flux up to about 300 pfu. Using data from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on board the EOS AURA satellite, we examined the correlation of OH abundance vs. solar proton flux for almost all the identified SEP events spanning from November 2004 to December 2006 (later on no more SEP events occurred during Solar Cycle no. 23). The channels at energies greater than 5 MeV and 10 MeV showed the best correlation values (r ∼ 0.90–0.95) at altitudes around 65–75 km whereas, as expected, the most energetic channels were most highly correlated at lower altitudes. Therefore, it is reasonably possible to estimate the solar proton flux from values of mesospheric OH (and viceversa) and it could be useful in studying periods with gaps in the records of solar particles.  相似文献   
李洪波  肖业伦 《宇航学报》2006,27(5):956-960
传统的再入飞行器质心运动方程用经度和纬度描述地理位置,在南北极极点处奇异,在南北极区病态。本文提出利用位置矢量的三个方向余弦,称为“三余弦数”或“三元数”,代替经纬度,推导出无奇异再入质心运动方程。再入飞行器临近极点和到达极点的算例显示,使用三元数的无奇异再入方程完全避免了传统方程有关极点的奇异性。同时,无奇异方程所选状态变量与传统方程可进行很简便的转换。  相似文献   
In preparation of ITRF2008, all geodetic technique services (VLBI, SLR, GPS and DORIS) are generating new solutions based on combination of individual analysis centers solutions. These data reprocessing are based on a selection of models, parameterization and estimation strategy unique to each analysis center and to each technique. While a good agreement can be found for models between groups, thanks to the existence of the IERS conventions, a great diversity still exist for parameter estimation, allowing possible future improvements in this direction. The goal of this study is to focus on the atmospheric drag estimation used to generate the new DORIS/IGN ignwd08 time series prepared for ITRF2008. We develop here a method to inter-compare different processing strategies. In a first step, by analyzing single-satellite solutions for a few weeks of data but for a large number of possible analysis strategies, we demonstrate that estimating drag coefficient more frequently (typically every 1–2 h instead of previously every 4–8 h) for the lowest DORIS satellites (SPOTs and Envisat) provides better geodetic results for station coordinates and polar motion. This new processing strategy also solved earlier problem found when processing DORIS data during intense geomagnetic events, such as geomagnetic storms. Differences between drag estimation strategies can mostly be found during these few specific periods of extreme geomagnetic activity (few days per year). In such a case, when drag coefficient is only estimated every 6 h or less often for single-satellite solution, a significant degradation in station coordinate accuracy can be observed (120 mm vs. 20 mm) and significant biases arose in polar motion estimation (5 mas vs. 0.3 mas). In a second step, we reprocessed a full year of DORIS data (2003) in a standard multi-satellite mode. We were able to provide statistics on a more reliable data set and to strengthen these conclusions. Our proposed DORIS analysis is easy to implement in all software packages and is now already used by several analysis centers of the International DORIS Service (IDS) when submitting reprocessed solutions for ITRF2008.  相似文献   
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