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飘降分析是民用飞机性能计算中的重要内容,目前波音飞机性能手册中只提供飞机的飘降净轨迹,本研究用计算机FORTRAN90语言编制程序实现了积分计算,以B757—200/RB211-535E4为算例对飘降总轨迹做了计算,并分析了温度、飞机重量、初始巡航高度等因素对飞机飘降总轨迹的影响。  相似文献   
基于样本路径分析的交换式以太网实时通信调度方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李峭  张晓林  熊华钢 《航空学报》2005,26(5):574-580
在离散事件动态系统(Discrete Event Dynamical System, DEDS )有限摄动分析(Finite Perturbation Analysis, FPA)的理论框架下,通过样本路径(Sample Path),分析了实时数据包在以太网交换设备中多路复用排队的行为;根据各个通信任务不同的实时性与重要性指标,提出了数据包在发送节点上的保持(holding)延迟的调节机制,避免了交换机多路复用器过度地拥塞。在新的通信任务动态加入的情况下,该机制能够即时地规划调度,适用于信息一体化环境下,航空器等运动平台电子系统中,本地与远程接入的数据高动态交互的交换式以太网环境。  相似文献   
基于改进蚁群算法的飞机低空突防航路规划   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
蚁群算法是一种新型的基于群体的仿生算法。采用蚁群算法实现了飞机低空突防的航路规划,为航路规划问题提供了新的解决思路。并对原始蚁群算法进行了改进,提出了保留最优解、自适应选择策略和自适应信息素调整准则,有效地提高了算法的收敛速度和解的性能。最后用计算机进行了仿真,取得了较好的结果。  相似文献   
多点切触加工中的局部干涉分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了消除多点切触加工刀位计算的局部干涉,通过对中凹端铣刀和工件曲面之间的几何接触状况分析,得到了多点切触加工算法的局部干涉判别条件.利用微分几何得到了多点切触加工刀位中刀具和工件的交线在第一切触点处的曲率半径和刀具曲率半径的比值,结合局部干涉判别条件,得到无干涉的多点切触加工约束的解区域.结果表明无论曲面为何种样式,必须选择第二切触点在曲率较大的主方向附近的解区域中,再使用多点切触加工算法算出的刀位,才有可能不发生过切现象.   相似文献   
针对四旋翼无人机路径跟踪问题,设计了一种基于变量集结预测控制的控制器。首先以四旋翼无人机状态空间模型为基础建立预测模型;接着设计控制器时采用分段集结的策略把控制量集结成三段优化序列以减少优化计算量,并降低优化保守性,为了进一步加强系统稳定性,控制器引入终端代价函数和终端约束;最后用四旋翼无人机的动力学模型作为被控对象进行仿真验证,结果表明:该控制器能使四旋翼无人机在三轴方向均能实现一个良好的路径跟踪效果。与传统方法相比,这种基于变量集结的预测控制策略能够减小在线优化量,更适合四旋翼无人机飞控芯片的应用。  相似文献   
为提高舰载飞机的着舰精度,基于总能量控制理论设计了着舰下滑航迹角控制器。频域分析结果表明,该控制系统使航迹角的响应带宽为1.21rad/s,满足了设计要求。基于非线性模型的仿真结果表明,该系统不但能够使航迹角快速地响应阶跃输入指令和保持飞行速度基本不变,且对于气动参数的摄动具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
为有效检测热障涂层(TBCs)表面裂纹,进行了热障涂层表面裂纹水浸超声检测技术的应用研究。以常用的大气等离子喷涂(APS)热障涂层作为试验材料,采用水浸超声检测回波声程差和C扫描图像对不同深度、宽度和长度的热障涂层表面裂纹进行了表征。结果表明:热障涂层基体材料对热障涂层表面裂纹的检测效果无明显影响;通过优化检测参数和合理选用仪器探头,利用水浸超声方法可实现对热障涂层表面深度为0.1 mm、长度为2 mm裂纹的有效检测;水浸超声检测技术可以获得裂纹的长度、深度参数,是解决热障涂层表面裂纹检测问题的有效方法。   相似文献   
人工势场法是服务机器人路径规划算法中一种简单有效的方法.针对传统人工势场法存在的目标不可达问题,通过在原来的斥力函数中加入一个调节因子的方法解决,同时采用遍历搜索法解决局部极小值问题,并引入安全距离以及改进调节因子以提高机器人路径规划过程中的安全性能.最后,利用Matlab软件将改进后的人工势场法应用于服务机器人路径规划并进行了仿真实验.仿真结果表明,基于改进人工势场法的服务机器人路径规划有效地解决了机器人不能到达目标点的问题.  相似文献   
基于预测校正方法的RLV再入制导律设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高超声速可重复运载器RLV(Reusable Launch Vehicles)的再入飞行问题,利用数值预测校正方法与准平衡滑翔条QEGC(Quasi-Equilibrium Glide Condition)相结合的方法在线设计同时满足热流、法向过载和动压等轨迹约束与末端精度要求的倾侧角制导律.建立三自由度动力学方程,确定初始条件、末端精度要求和轨迹约束要求;然后详细阐述预测校正方法和准平衡滑翔条件的原理,再利用预测校正方法设计制导律,用QEGC把约束转换为对倾侧角制导律的上界,通过限制倾侧角的幅值来限制约束.最后在计算机上进行制导仿真,并考虑初始条件不确定性,进行蒙特卡洛仿真,通过分析仿真结果,证明利用预测校正方法结合准平衡滑翔条件可以快速的设计出满足末端精度要求和轨迹约束的制导律,并对初始条件不确定性有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   
The probes landing on the surfaces of the asteroids can increase the scientific return of the exploration missions and also promote the development of deep space resources. Because of its excellent applicability to the uneven terrain and a lighter configuration than the four-legged mechanisms, the three-legged cushioning mechanisms are suitable for dissipating the impact energy and then quickly stabilizing the probe attitude when the probe lands on the micro-gravitational surfaces of the asteroids. Research on the landing dynamics of the probe facilitates to the design of the landing-cushioning mechanism and the optimization of its configuration, as well as the assessment of the landing safety. Comparing with the previous extensive related literature focusing on landing dynamics of the probes assisted by the four-legged cushioning mechanisms, this paper studies creatively the planar dynamics considering the asymmetric characteristic and the leg-leg coupling to understand the landing process of the asteroid probe with the three-legged cushioning mechanism and thereby to optimize the configuration of cushioning mechanism and assess safety margin of the landing. According to the touchdown status, the asymmetric landing modes are classified and the coupling issue in the construction of the landing models is explained. Consequently, two types of dynamics models describing the two-stages touchdown cushioning process of the probe are established. Then, five significant configuration factors of the cushioning mechanism are extracted, and their values combinations are designed according to the Taguchi orthogonal method. On this basis, the maximum safe landing attitude angles of the probe are solved by using these values combinations as the input conditions under the dangerous situations in different landing modes. The range analysis and nonlinear fitting methods are employed to discuss the influence of the configuration factors on the landing safety margin, and the favorable parameter values of the configuration factors are determined. Next, the influence of the ground obstacle on the landing safety margin and several methods to improve the margin are researched. Finally, the complete attitude changes of the probe in two representative landing cases are analyzed. The results studied in this paper can contribute to configuration optimization of the three-legged cushioning mechanisms and safety assessment of the legged probes landing on the asteroids, as well as to provide a reference for discussing the leg-leg coupling issue received less attention in landing dynamics of the probes with the four-legged cushioning mechanisms.  相似文献   
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