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物质成分探测是深空探测领域非常重要的技术领域,激光诱导击穿光谱技术是一种可以非接触式快速获得物质元素成分信息的手段,论文针对2020年我国首次火星探测任务提出的火星表面成分探测仪,阐述了激光诱导击穿光谱技术基本原理,国内外的技术发展现状和趋势,重点围绕火星环境、有效载荷生存性进行了分析,最后论文详细探讨了激光诱导击穿光谱技术中的数据反演和定量化技术。  相似文献   
针对火星探测器器箭分离冲击过大问题,对单机开展了试验与分析研究。针对完成冲击试验考核的单机可靠性是否受到影响问题,提出采用强度/应力方法进行判断,将厂家给出的单机内部器件的冲击条件视为强度,将单机的冲击响应谱转化后的半正弦波视为应力,将二者相比,从试验和分析两方面表明正样单机的可靠性满足要求,经受过冲击考核的单机可靠性没有下降。此方法可作为判定完成冲击试验考核的单机可靠性是否受影响的依据,也可作为单机冲击试验前抗冲击能力的判断准则。  相似文献   
The Indian MST radar facility at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) has been utilised to study the propagation of gravity waves from the troposphere/lower stratosphere to the mesosphere and their interaction with the radar backscattered signal variations. The main objective is to correlate vertically propagating gravity waves derived from the tropospheric velocity fields with the dynamics of mesospheric scattering centres. The tropospheric wind velocities and signal strengths over the entire height range have been subjected to power spectral and wavelet analysis to determine the predominant wave periods/amplitudes and the coupling between the lower atmosphere and mesosphere. Results show that (a) the gravity waves are clearly detectable near tropopause heights, (b) while relatively higher period gravity waves (20–50 min) interact with mesospheric scattering centres, the lower period waves (<20 min) are absorbed in the troposphere itself, (c) the mesospheric scattering layers are affected by gravity waves of complementary periods.  相似文献   
钻取采样是未来火星探测采样任务中获取星表岩石样本的一种有效方式。压电驱动的超声波钻取采样技术以压电陶瓷作为作动元件,对火星表面复杂环境具有一定的适应性。基于高频冲击钻进的工作原理,超声波钻探装置容易刺入火星表面坚硬的岩石。作为一种轻质小巧、低功耗的钻探器,超声波钻探器非常适合火星表面岩石的原位探测采样任务。本文借助仿真和试验手段验证了超声波钻探器的岩石钻进能力和钻探效率。超声波钻探器的研制可为未来火星表面岩石的钻探采样任务提供技术参考。  相似文献   
The structure of the pulse radar signal reflected from continuously changing layered Martian crust is investigated theoretically. As a simple model of stratigraphy, we considered one layer with electrodynamics’ parameters increasing or decreasing exponentially upon a depth laying on monolith base and covered by homogeneous layer. This exponential changing of electromagnetic properties of the layer is assumed due to exponential changing of porosity (or saturation) in the bedrocks with pores filled by seawater. The conditions of subsurface features resolution are obtained. It is shown that the sign and value for gradient of the electromagnetic properties change can be resolved from the reflection peaks trend. These results are important for subsurface detection of liquid water on Mars by orbit-based radars.  相似文献   
The Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) of the ASPERA-3 experiment (Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms) on board the Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft observed an intense flux of H ENAs (energetic neutral atoms) with average energy of about 1.5 keV emitted anisotropically from the subsolar region of Mars. The NPD detected the ENA jet near the bow shock at radial distances of about 1 R M from the Martian surface as the spacecraft moved outbound, while the NPD continuously pointed towards the subsolar region. The jet intensity shows oscillative behavior. These intensity variations occur on two clearly distinguishable time scales. The majority of the identified events have an average oscillation period of about 50 sec. The second group consists of events with long-scale variations with a time scale of approximately 300 sec. The fast oscillations of the first group exhibit a periodic structure and are detected in every orbit, while the slow variations of the second group are identified in ∼40% of orbits. The intensity of the fast oscillations have a peak-to-valley ratio about 20 to 30% of the peak intensity. One of the possible mechanisms to explain fast oscillations is the formation of the low frequency ion waves at the subsolar region of Mars. Slow variations may be explained by either temporal variations in the ENA generation source or by a specific structure of the ENA generation source, in which hair-like ENA subjets can be present.  相似文献   
The Martian ionosphere has for the first time been probed by a low frequency topside radio wave sounder experiment (MARSIS) (Gurnett et al., 2005). The density profiles in the Martian ionosphere have for the first time been observed for solar zenith angles less than 48 degrees. The sounder spectrograms typically have a single trace of echoes, which are controlled by reflections from the ionosphere in the direction of nadir. With the local density at the spacecraft derived from the sounder measurements and using the lamination technique the spectrograms are inverted to electron density profiles. The measurements yield electron density profiles from the sub-solar region to past the terminator. The maximum density varies in time with the solar rotation period, indicating control of the densities by solar ionizing radiation. Electron density increases associated with solar flares were observed. The maximum electron density varies with solar zenith angle as predicted by theory. The altitude profile of electron densities between the maximum density and about 170m altitude is well approximated by a classic Chapman layer. The neutral scale height is close to 10 to 13 km. At altitudes above 180 km the densities deviate from and are larger than inferred by the Chapman layer. At altitudes above the exobase the density decrease was approximated by an exponential function with scale heights between 24 and 65 km. The densities in the top side ionosphere above the exobase tends to be larger than the densities extrapolated from the Chapman layer fitted to the measurements at lower altitudes, implying more efficient upward diffusion above the collision dominated photo equilibrium region.  相似文献   
This paper studies the response of the middle atmosphere to the 11-year solar cycle. The study is based on numerical simulations with the Hamburg Model of the Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere (HAMMONIA), a chemistry climate model that resolves the atmosphere from the Earth’s surface up to about 250 km. Results presented here are obtained in two multi-year time-slice runs for solar maximum and minimum conditions, respectively. The magnitude of the simulated annual and zonal mean stratospheric response in temperature and ozone corresponds well to observations. The dynamical model response is studied for northern hemisphere winter. Here, the zonal mean wind change differs substantially from observations. The statistical significance of the model’s dynamical response is, however, poor for most regions of the atmosphere. Finally, we discuss several issues that render the evaluation of model results with available analyses of observational data of the stratosphere and mesosphere difficult. This includes the possibility that the atmospheric response to solar variability may depend strongly on longitude.  相似文献   
本文分析了1987年6月23日至29日MAC/SINE国际联合观测期间SOUSYVHF雷达在Andφya探测中层大气风场起伏的功率谱.结果显示,垂直速度谱与重力波谱理论有较大差异.引入背景风场Doppler漂移并不能完全解释垂直运动谱与重力波谱理论的偏差,背景风场的影响明显小于理论预测的结果,说明大气运动功率谱成分中除了重力波外可能还有其它因素.  相似文献   
This paper presents a neural network modeling approach to forecast electron concentration distributions in the 150–600 km altitude range above Arecibo, Puerto Rico. The neural network was trained using incoherent scatter radar data collected at the Arecibo Observatory during the past two decades, as well as the Kp geomagnetic index provided by the National Space Science Data Center. The data set covered nearly two solar cycles, allowing the neural network to model daily, seasonal, and solar cycle variations of upper atmospheric parameter distributions. Two types of neural network architectures, feedforward and Elman recurrent, are used in this study. Topics discussed include the network design, training strategy, data analysis, as well as preliminary testing results of the networks on electron concentration distributions.  相似文献   
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